In the crisis survival game, relying on space to win numbness

Chapter 221 [Heartless City] It hurts to think about it

Chapter 221 [Heartless City] It hurts to think about it

The entire classroom area of ​​Class [-] ([-]) was isolated and protected by an invisible force.

Bai Yu: I'll go, is this a natural skill?

From the looks of it, he is a big boss!
The others were also envious for a second.

Soon, the three people who were sitting loosely gathered around with their workbooks and pens pretending to be in their hands.

As veteran players, everyone more or less has some acting skills on them.

"Zhao Xiaojuan." The girl with shofar braids raised her hand first and introduced herself.

Luo Ye glanced at her, nodded and said:
"Tell me what you found."

Zhao Xiaojuan: "I feel that the most important point of this dungeon is to play the role of a good son and daughter in front of their parents and not to cheat. They are all experienced players. I believe everyone can understand this point, so I won't go into details.

What I want to say is, have you noticed that there are so many and strange windmills in this city?"

She swallowed, and continued:

"After I entered the game yesterday, I was dragged by my parents to my aunt's house. Obviously we are in different communities, but I found that there is a windmill at the door of every house.

Moreover, the number of windmills is obviously different, and the colors on the wind blades are also very strange.Some colors are complete, while others are missing a lot. "

Zhang Mingye: "Yes! Our community is full of them! I thought it was a decoration feature of the community!"

Liu Lili: "The key point is that the windmill has no power device and no wind, so it turns by itself. It's so strange!"

Luo Ye: "Have you tried asking your parents?"

Zhang Mingye: "No, I dare not. Parents will be punished if they are unhappy. The key is that we have various props, which seem to be ineffective for them."

When he said this, he pointed to the part of his scalp where the hair was missing.

It seems that that lock of hair was pulled out abruptly.

it hurts to think about it
Bai Yu: Fortunately, she behaved very well in front of Mama Bai.

As for chopping off Xiong Biao's dog's paw, it had no effect.

Maybe it's because it's not the biological parents.

Liu Lili: "Yes. I also asked, and I was educated by my father with sticks. He said that he will continue to treat me to fried meat with sticks if he asks next time."

Luo Ye raised his eyelids and corrected:

"Okay, let's not talk too far, Zhao Xiaojuan will continue."

Zhao Xiaojuan paused and continued:
"In addition, I also found a doubtful point, that is, the number of windmills is positively related to the number of permanent residents in each family. Of course, the number of samples is too small to draw conclusions like this.

So, I don't know if people have noticed this.That's all for now what I found wrong. "

The others recalled the number of windmills in front of their house and the number of family members, and nodded.

From the looks of it, windmills and families are very closely related.

But what is the reason for such an association setting?
Luo Ye frowned for a moment, and said:
"Have you noticed the color of the leaves on the windmill, has it changed today?"

The crowd shook their heads.

It seems that everyone has paid special attention.

Bai Yu interjected: "Didn't you find anything unusual when you were sleeping at night?"

Zhao Xiaojuan narrowed her eyes and recalled:
"No, the character I played has a bunch of snakes and lizards in the room. I dare not sleep at all, and there are also in the living room. I don't know, how can such a little girl like these things?!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaojuan felt powerless to complain.

But she was afraid of cheating, and she didn't dare to make excuses for her parents to move these strange animals away.

(End of this chapter)

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