Chapter 332 [Mist Village] A mummy!
"Qianqian, this gold?" Seeing that she was indifferent to gold, Lu Yuxi couldn't help asking.

"Forget it for now, let's see if there is any exit or clue while there is enough air."

While talking, Bai Yu walked towards a corner.

The layout of that corner was inconsistent with other corners, and there were three more ebony pillars side by side.

When the light shines on it, it is still dim, as if something is hidden.

And the rotten smell in the space is obviously coming from that direction.

Bai Yu walked cautiously, the muscles on his body were tense, and he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

Seeing this, Lu Yuxi walked up lightly, holding the sword.

The two of them had just walked around the pillar when a highly dry adult corpse, dressed in rags and leaning against the pillar, suddenly appeared in their field of vision.

The corpse had sunken facial features and a hideous face, as if an evil spirit had descended.

"Ah—" Lu Yuxi quickly covered her mouth in fright.

"Hiss!" Bai Yu jumped back reflexively.

She quickly realized that this copy was not a supernatural copy, and there should be no zombies or fake corpses.

It is very likely that this person came down to hide during the fire.

But I didn't want to, the exit failed to open, and I died here.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth, resisted the discomfort and walked forward.

Then, with a small heart hanging, the lamp was raised to illuminate the corpse from top to bottom.

It may be that the cellar is very dry, and the body is well preserved.

Like a wax figure.

It was a tall, bare-armed male corpse.

The male corpse was covered with scars. He held a hunting knife in his left hand, while his right hand was pressed to the ground. There seemed to be something under his palm.

Bai Yu took the blade of Heilong and gently pulled it forward, revealing a dark golden square sign the size of a palm.

She took out the rubber gloves from the space and put them on, then picked up the gold medal.

"This is?" Lu Yuxi leaned forward, took a look, and was stunned.

It is a square gold medal engraved with a family portrait.

The carving is very good, and it is also mixed with the hollowing process, so the picture is very lifelike.

A couple, a pair of daughters.

The two daughters are both wearing horns, and their facial features and clothing are exactly the same.

Judging by age, around seven or eight years old.

[all: Ding!Congratulations to the player for discovering the key clue of the dungeon, the plot progress has increased to 40%! 】

Bai Yu: "."

"Qianqian, this reminds me, is this gold medal related to Ah Yin?!" Lu Yuxi said in surprise.

"Maybe, could it be that Ah Yin has sisters?" Bai Yu turned over the gold medal while talking, and his eyes froze for a moment.

On the back of the gold medal, a line of words engraved in traditional Chinese came into view:

[Golden shuttle, silver shuttle, the sun and the moon are shuttled]

[all: Ding!Congratulations to the player for discovering the key clue of the dungeon, and the plot progress has increased to 50%!Also please make persistent efforts of current players, continue to work hard! 】

The two were overjoyed.

The progress of the plot has increased by 15% in an instant!

"So, we can speculate that Ah Yin has a sister??!" Lu Yuxi reacted.

"I can't rule out this possibility." Bai Yu said, with a thought, he put the gold medal into the space, and analyzed:
"Looking at this photo, Ah Yin's biological parents are very affectionate. When the fire broke out, they should have happened to be in the cellar. Ah Yinniang's body should be nearby. Perhaps there may not be a secret passage leading to the outside."

Lu Yuxi swept around as a whole:
"Qianqian, I still have a question. Assuming that this cellar belongs to Ah Yin's family, how do they get down? There are no stairs around."

(End of this chapter)

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