Bai Yu took a deep breath.

His eyes glanced at the word "dream" that appeared repeatedly on his resume. He was stunned for a moment, and his mind couldn't help but think of the copy of "Unintentional City".

However, the name of this copy is "Dream City", and the names of the scenes that appear in it are all "dreams".

It's a game, is it intentional?

In Bai Yu's opinion, this dog game, playing word games, is not just a once or twice.

Delusions and dreams are the same word, but their meanings are vastly different.

Dreams are good expectations for the future and a positive, positive belief.

A delusion is a false belief that is inconsistent with reality and cannot be realized.

To put it simply, if you don’t work hard and can’t achieve it at all, it is just a delusion.

That's why words like "wishful thinking" appear.
"Buzz!" The phone in the bag vibrated at this moment.

She took it out, swiped her thumbprint as usual, and unlocked it easily.


The phone vibrated again, and a text message jumped out from the bangs of the phone:

[Ms. Bai Xiaoxiao:

Congratulations on passing the preliminary resume screening by the company's Human Resources Department. We sincerely invite you to come to the company for an interview at 9:30 am on September 9 (tomorrow).

Interview location: Dream City. Dream New City. No. 1, Dream Road. 3F, Dream Building. Human Resources Department of Dream Company.

Contact person: Ms. Jiang, phone number: xxxxxxxxxx]

After Bai Yu read the message, he looked at the words "Dream Company" thoughtfully.

After pondering for a moment, she opened the search software on her phone and entered the words "Dream City" and "Dream Company" respectively.

A lot of search results popped up.

It probably means a few things:
1. The name of Dream City comes from Dream Company, because it is the chief funder and chief sponsor of the entire country and city operations;
2. Dream Company is a cosmic-level group company with a wide range of businesses, distributed around the world, and related to the national economy and people's livelihood;
3. The founder of Dream Company is very mysterious and has always been reclusive. However, he has his own chief spokesperson.This chief spokesperson is equally mysterious, and no information can be found online.

4. Dreaming about the new city and dreaming about the old city are two different worlds.

5. The dream company is the "dream company" that all graduates dream of. It is famous for its strict standards, high threshold, good reputation, high salary, good benefits, strong overtime, etc.

The rest is all common business information.

Without exception, they are all good news and good comments, as if all the trolls have been bought by Dream Company, and there is no more practical or objective information.

Bai Yu took a quick glance and then closed the search.

It seems that this company has a great connection with copy clearance.

But what exactly it is, it seems, we won’t know until we get in for the interview.I looked at the app on my phone again.

Bai Xiaoxiao has several bank apps installed on her phone.

Fortunately, you can log in with your fingerprint.

After checking them one by one, Bai Yu fell into deep thought.

In one sentence:

Bai Xiaoxiao has many bank cards and credit cards.

But I don’t have much money in my bank card, and my credit card limit is also very low, ranging from two to three thousand each.

There is even a high-interest online loan of 9 yuan.

If it weren't for the vicious text message threatening debt collection, she wouldn't have discovered it.

The online loan is still accruing interest at a rapid rate and has reached the point of repayment.

No wonder, Bai Xiaoxiao has to carry pepper spray with him.

It seems that the role she plays this time is a more difficult role than she did on Blue Star.

At least she's on Blue Star, has scholarships and grants, and doesn't have any messy online loans.

And now.
Looking at the remaining 308.00 Dream Coins in his bank account, and then at the 6288.00 hospital bill, Bai Yu frowned.

Can she choose to avoid it?
While thinking about it, a loud female voice sounded in my ears:

"Excuse me, are Guo Meiling's family members here?"

No one answered.

The other party raised his voice and asked again.

Bai Yu raised his eyes and saw a tall lady in a white coat.

She thought for a second, she needed to follow the plot after all, but finally she raised her hand:
"Doctor, I'm here."

The man in a white coat strode up to her and asked angrily in an anxious tone:

"Oh, little girl, your mother is waiting for surgery! Have you paid the fee?! Why haven't you said anything for a long time!"

Bai Yu lowered his eyes and said calmly: "Not yet."

The white coat's face fell: "Oh, little girl, go and hand it in quickly! If you miss the time, you will be hopeless! Don't you want to live?!"

Bai Yu: "." Why is this still related to his own survival?
She took a deep breath and was about to stand up with her bag when a harsh sound came from her left wrist.

Bai Yu glanced over subconsciously, and his breath suddenly stopped:
On the skin of the wrist, an icon similar to a switch button appeared with a red light shining (End of this chapter)

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