"." Everyone was silent for a while.

The words Liu Yifei said would be perfectly normal if placed in a modern animal breeding factory or plant planting factory.

However, judging from the weird "juicing" room on the left and the baby conveyor belt on the right, it is obvious that there is something abnormal here.

This kind of abnormality makes people's hair stand on end, and a chill runs down their backs.

Bai Yu recalled what she had said and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Dream genetic screening area?"

In Dream City, the word "dream" can be used as a noun in many places.

For example: Dream Company, Dream Hospital, Dream Supermarket, Dream Cinema, etc. are more like place names.

But Bai Yu always felt that this word might represent the pure word "dream".

As for genetic screening, it originally refers to a new technology that uses genetic technology to conduct genetic testing on unborn babies or newborn babies to achieve the best results to ensure that they will not suffer from major genetic diseases.

This technology also exists on Blue Star itself and is already very mature.

But here, the word "dream" is added in front of it, and it seems to have a special meaning.

Combined with the previous interview and screening process, the people who produced the "seeds" have actually been screened.

Then they screened their "seeds" again, and what was screened out were seeds with strong "dream" genes.

Then, after these "seeds" grow up and become babies, they are released into the new and old cities of the dream, where they grow up to adults and receive higher education before being sent back.

Then, through the interview and screening process, some of the best ones will be retained to continue producing new seeds, which will then be cultivated, released, and recycled.
This cycle repeats endlessly.

The retrieved losers will be put into the "juicing" room in the name of "interview losers".

Everyone cannot take everything they have experienced in their dream company with them.

That’s why there is the outside world’s yearning and myth for the dream company headquarters.

In addition, during this process, the "leeks" in the old city took on most of the "planting" and "post-cultivation" tasks, and also had to pay a large amount of taxes to the new city, or the new city's agent, the Dream Company.
At the same time, everyone, starting from birth, has to spend a lot of money to purchase the dream puree produced by the dream company.
Because Dream Company’s business is spread throughout the city, every aspect of their life, old age, illness, and death seems to be inseparable from Dream Company.

The settings of these links, at first glance, are very absurd and weird.

But if you think about it carefully, there is something running through it.

Bai Yu felt that he was close to the truth.

And the truth is most likely hidden in these weird metal buildings around them.

In addition, the exploration time must be accelerated, and it is best to solve it within the three-day adaptation period shown on the work card.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Since the other party can build these, their power must be extremely powerful.

However, there was one thing she failed to connect, and that was the mirror city she saw suspended in the air when she first entered the new dream city.

"Well, it's called the Dream Gene Screening Area. This name seems a bit ambiguous." Liu Yifei's words pulled Bai Yu back from his thousands of thoughts.

In plot exploration copies, some words often imply some information.

The blond baby-faced man winced and said, "Those names are scary just thinking about them, so what should we do now?"

After saying that, she stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Maggie, the Mai of Maizi, and Wang Qi combined with Qi."

"Li Zhengzheng, that Zhengzheng of iron bones." The bald ear-studded woman also waved to everyone.

Although she shaved her head and wore a single earring, her facial features were very good, and her kind eyes had a cool air.The earlobes are also very thick and look like Buddha statues.

Pantene followed closely: "Pantene, the shampoo one."

She and Yan Qingqing both have big waves.

But Yan Qingqing is more charming.

The remaining Bai Yu, Liu Yifei and Yan Qingqing were already "famous" during the previous interview session, so they did not introduce themselves.

The six female players are all orientation trainees from Dream Company.

Except for Yan Qingqing, who has a relatively special status, the others all come from the Dream Old City.

As for why they were released separately, no one knows the reason for the time being.

Bai Yu guessed it was for "species" diversity or "dream" diversity.

After all, there is an old joke in which the poor guess that the rich man's pole must be made of gold.

A person's location, environment, vision, etc., play a decisive role in personal dreams.

Since those dodder threads absorb people's dreams, dream puree, and help people create more dreams.

And once dreams dry up and there are no new ones, people will die.

Therefore, the diversity of dreams is definitely needed.

"How about we go directly to the gestation area and take a look?" Pan Ting suggested.

Li Zhengzheng glanced ahead, then looked at Liu Yifei, and said:

"The front seems to have the same silver metal wall. There is nothing there, maybe we can't see it. I wonder if the props Sister Liu used just now can be used now?"

"My prop has a CD value, and it won't be available until tomorrow at the earliest." Liu Yifei shook her head, but opened the bottle of potion that Maggie gave her, opened it and drank it.

Pantene: "That"

"Meng Zhuo wanted to take us to the breeding area just now. Now if we go by ourselves, aren't we throwing ourselves into a trap?
I suggest taking the opportunity to take a rest first. Now that Meng Zhuo has disappeared, maybe he has gone to bring in reinforcements. "Yan Qingqing didn't quite agree with her suggestion.

Bai Yu didn't think that Meng Zhuo had gone to move reinforcements.

Even if she "robbed" her job panel, in such a magical company, she always had some other means to save herself or call the police.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu raised her eyes and looked at the camera she had smashed.

Liu Yifei: "Don't you think it's strange? For such a big dream company headquarters, how do you feel that the only manager is Meng Zhuo?"

"Yes, and the feeling of this Meng Yan is very different from the employees of the Dream Company outside, especially the employees in the old city." Li Zhengzheng also said.

Except for Yan Qingqing, they all spent their first day in the Dream Old City when they entered the dungeon.

It is full of dream company industries, restaurants, hospitals, supermarkets, etc.

Almost all are dream company setups.

But ignoring the small number of management trainees, the managers and employees inside are, without exception, no different from ordinary people.

Of course, the only strange thing is the low-resolution street scene in the old city and the lack of people on the street who would suddenly self-destruct due to lack of dream pulp. (End of chapter)

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