Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 110 108 Past Disagreements

Chapter 110 108 · Past Disagreement

Hearing that Jess thought that Milio could become a certified master at the age of 12, Yuan Chen also had a smile on his face—but there was a little bit of disdain in this smile.

"If you said it was Qiyana, I might not bother you too much. Because Qiyana is the crown prince herself."

Yuan Chen looked at Jess and said:
"But you probably don't know where I actually come from."

Looking at Jess, Yuan Chen said calmly:

"I'm from Ionia, and I accidentally entered Ixtar because of a shipwreck. And Milio, this is the first young man in the village I met in Ixtar."

Hearing that Yuan Chen came from Ionia, Jess's expression was slightly startled, his eyes showed some surprise, but before Jess could ask, Yuan Chen said:
"Do you think Milio didn't experience academic plagiarism because of me or because of Qiyana? Then I can tell you very clearly that Milio's family has been exiled."


Hearing this, Jess's eyes showed a hint of surprise——

He knows Milio.This simple boy from the deep mountains has won the hot discussion of many Piltover women with his clear smile.

But he didn't know that Milio's background was actually a descendant of the exile family...

"Miliou's family used to be a prominent Yun Tal class, you can understand it as an intellectual aristocracy.

But because his grandma's sister participated in the rebellion, the whole family was exiled to the mountains, and it was forbidden to go to any city in Ixtar. "

"Of course you can say that Qiyana was able to become a master because of her status as the crown prince so that others dare not make decisions about her achievements. But you say that Milio became a master because of me and Qiyana, that only shows that you don't know enough about the future. Sutar."

Yuan Chen said seriously:
"I'm not denying the genius of you and Victor. In fact, I think it's lucky for Runeterra to have scholars like you who are pioneering the future."

"But if you want to talk about the academic environment... Whether it's Zaun or Piltover, it's far less clear and transparent than Ixtar."

Yuan Chen is not just aimlessly...

Jess' ability and talent are worthy of recognition, and he also worked very hard.But what about more often?What about people who aren't as talented as Jace?

In Zaun, the students of the Alchemy Technology Academy will be hired by the Alchemy Baron after graduation.

Because in many cases, the reason why the poor among them can enter the Alchemy Technology Academy is due to the investment of the alchemy barons.

As a price, all their future achievements will also become the patent of the Alchemy Baron.

Piltover is relatively better, and some scholars with relatively wealthy families can use their own methods to get ahead——

To become a successful person through intelligent innovation and invention, Jess can be said to be the most typical representative of the Piltover dream.

But what about the rest?They are no better than the people of Zaun.

According to the description in "Evolution Day", whenever Piltover comes to Evolution Day, the skilled craftsmen from Zaun and Piltover will bring their favorite inventions to the Mirdar family hoping to pass the interview. This famous family Sign a labor contract.

Although this labor contract is much better than Zaun's, the terms are relatively relaxed, giving each craftsman sufficient authority, reputation and status.

But it is undeniable that the entire ascending channel of Piltover has been firmly controlled by the family.

Basically, talents from all walks of life are controlled by it-your talents can make you famous, but they must serve the family.

Such is the Piltover tradition.

Jess's independence cannot be replicated.exactly……

"The big families don't want Heimerdinger to interfere too much in their territory."

Yuan Chen said silently:
"They want Pittsburgh University to be their nursery, to cultivate enough future and wealth for them."

Jess didn't speak.

In fact, he also felt all this more or less.


What to say?

Heimerdinger is too conservative academically. This stubborn little Yodel old man is even conservative to the point of rejection, especially when it comes to some cutting-edge or unstable technologies.

If you say more, he will tell you how terrifying and cruel Rune Wars is...

Come on, Rune Wars happened 1000 years ago, who knows what you said?
Jess didn't like it anyway.

But after all, this is related to the honor of the entire Piltover, so Jess still said:
"Professor Heimerdinger is respected by Mrs. Piltover. He is the lifelong president of Piltover University and a lifelong member of Parliament. If you want to talk nonsense about this matter, you will be legally responsible .”

In this regard, Yuan Chen just shook his head and said:

"You're mistaken. In fact, I'm just curious about Professor Heimerdinger's attitude when Victor failed to appeal for academic plagiarism and even went to Zaun."

Hearing this, Jess's eyes also showed a hint of bewilderment, then he shook his head and said:
"No attitude... After all, the academic plagiarism you mentioned happened several years ago. You are not in Piltover, so it is just hearsay. How can you be sure it is true?"

Is it possible, dude, read the script?

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen didn't say anything.

Because Jess's attitude is obvious, he doesn't want to get entangled in this matter anymore——

For this reason, he even overturned the fact that he had just acquiesced that Professor Stanwyck had committed academic plagiarism, and turned to the final ruling as the benchmark.

But obviously, Jess didn't think so in his heart.

It's like now, although Yuan Chen doesn't know it, but Jess has already recalled that night...

He wanted to apologize to Victor, but standing in front of the door of Victor's laboratory, he didn't have the courage to open the door.

When he worked up his courage, he found that Victor had locked himself in the laboratory in despair.

Turn a deaf ear to everything outside.

I finally wanted to apologize, but in the end I got rejected.

When Jess reluctantly embarked on his way back to his room, he also accidentally saw Heimerdinger, the lifelong president of Piltover University, the great inventor.

He sat lonely on the bench in front of the landmark building of Pittsburgh University, which was Heimerdinger's own bronze statue.

The moonlight shone on the brass cast statue, refracting a dull light.

And Heimerdinger, who was sitting on the bench in front of his statue with only a Poro by his side, was so lonely...

Jace knew why Heimerdinger was feeling sad...he hadn't protected Viktor.

Or...he was the only one, and he couldn't handle Stanwyck with the support of the four major families behind him.

Even after exhausting all his contacts, Heimerdinger can only save Victor from being accused of being academically jealous and framing his teacher.

That's when Jace understood Heimerdinger...

This conservative yordle old man is almost stubborn.

He never wants anyone to be coerced by capital, rich people, ambitious people, and power holders.

Thinking about it, Jess couldn't help clenching his fists.But in the end, it just loosened weakly.

Piltover is so big, how can he play a role alone...

"Then let's go back to the original topic."

Yuan Chen didn't get entangled in this matter, but turned around and said:

"Why did you become the guardian of the future, and why did Victor become a notorious criminal with ambitions?"

"After the appeal failed, after a short period of sadness, Victor returned to his studies again. Although I sympathize with Victor, it is undeniable that Victor's design philosophy is very special...even paranoid."

The reason why Victor is recognized by people is that when he was young, Victor discovered that many alchemy workshops in Zaun would cause casualties due to improper operation of workers.

To this end, Victor used his ingenuity to simplify a large number of parts that required manual operations, or use machines to replace them.

This not only improves efficiency, but also greatly reduces manual casualties and creates a good and safe working environment.

It was precisely because of this achievement that Victor was favored by the Institute of Alchemy Technology and Piltover University at the same time, and he received invitation letters from both parties.


Yuan Chen said:

"Victor's philosophy is to constantly eliminate human error and flaws.

His research ideas also dominate his way of thinking.He believes that in any development process, the emotional fluctuations of people, or human nature, are negative factors that affect efficiency.

"This view made him disgusted by many scholars, including you, and many professors."

"Because Victor is obliterating the source of human creativity and wisdom!" Jess said seriously:

"The so-called flashes of inspiration come from the mysteries deep in human nature!"

"I agree with this point. But do you still remember the last time you cooperated?"


Jess said, "Special diving suit? What's the problem?"

Jace remembered this time, it was the last time they worked together, and they swore to each other not to work together after that.

The goal of their cooperation at the time was to improve a diving overalls, specially used to clean up the underwater debris and alchemical waste residues near the pier of Piltover.

It started off fine, and after Viktor and Jace enhanced it, the new wetsuit allowed the wearer to dive deeper, stay below the surface longer, and lift heavier objects.

But along the way, many divers report seeing glowing phantoms of dead bodies underwater, or suffering from the hallucinogenic effects of alchemical poisons in the process.

Whenever a dive crew has this symptom, they panic and kill themselves or even other divers.

And their differences arose on this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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