Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 115 113 Camille's Attitude

115 Chapter 113 Camille's Attitude
Uzur.Full name: San Uzur.A warlord in 500 BC in the Noxus calendar, who ruled the entire continent of Valoran. He is known as the king of the world. He believes that as long as he kills enough people, he can be equal to the gods in the hall of bones after death.

After death, he entered the underworld of the spiritual realm, but did not find a grand hall, only endless whispers and dead souls waiting for death here, disappearing into time.

The angry Uzur refused to dissipate, and the spirit tempered by anger and brutality made Uzul gradually understand the ubiquitous whispers of the underworld.

In 400 BC, Uzul infiltrated the veil between different realms through whispers, and successfully bewitched the wizards of the material world, and was summoned to the material world in the classical era.

Urzul has since slain the wizards who summoned him and forged their bones into his warhammer, Nightfall.Then he launched a war against the material world, slaughtering almost an entire generation.

Then, he built an immortal fortress in the center of the empire, and began to study, eager to master the mysteries of all domains... During the three centuries of brutal rule and massacre, Uzul finally died of betrayal.

And compared to the name of Uzur, he has another name that is more well-known-Modekaiser.

Whether it is brutality, strength, or so-called power, Uzul surpasses Qiyana by a lot.Even Azir, the last emperor of Shurima, pales in comparison to Uzul.

After all, at least the empire under his command was intact when the last emperor Azir succeeded to the throne.But Uzul, this is a step by step from a tribal warrior to the king of the world.

Listening to Yuan Chen's words, Qiyana couldn't help pursing her lips.

Regarding Uzul...or the existence of Mordekaiser, not to mention Ixtar, even the outside world still has very detailed records about it.

Because the reason is also very simple. The largest empire in Valoran, Noxus, was established after betraying Mordekaiser.Including the Immortal Fortress of the capital of Noxus, even now, it still maintains the basic structure of the ancient times.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance." Yuan Chen looked at Qiyana and said peacefully: "Power and violence cannot produce true peace."

"...It's just that I'm not strong enough!" She knew she was wrong, but Qiyana's face was still full of unwillingness.

In response, Yuan Chen smiled and patted Qiyana on the shoulder:

"If only being strong can solve all problems, then the current technology and prosperity of Piltover should have appeared in the classical era."

Hearing this, Qiyana also fell silent, and even leaned against the side of the car seat with some dissatisfaction, she didn't know what she was thinking.

In this regard, Yuan Chen also sighed silently - there are some things that he can't explain clearly to Qiyana.

For example, I have never been a member of Ixtar... Yuan Chen can feel that although the masters of Yuntal respect him, most of them do not recognize themselves as a member of Ixtar.

Because in the cognition that Ixtal has closed the country for the past 3000 years, this world is only Ixtar and Ixtar.The identity of Ionia gave Yuan Chen a greater sense of identity in Ixtar than the people of Valoran.

But just relying on these sense of identity, let them throw away the traditions of the past... It is true that there is no force in their hearts.

In the next few days, Yuanchen, Qiyana and the group did not encounter too many disturbances—mainly because the scholars from Ixocan began to realize the excellence of the Hex technology. academic exchanges.

This kind of communication is beneficial, and many scholars who are not so optimistic about the outside world have gradually realized the importance of communication in the process.

Compared to this, after completing the preparatory work, Yuan Chen came to Zu'an again.

This time, Qiyana did not go with her, but held talks with people from the four major families as the crown prince... Yuan Chen himself was a little worried about Qiyana's communication with them.But Zu'an is related to Yuanchen's next actions, and it is also very important.

In desperation, Yuan Chen could only arrange for Master Tina to follow him - although this graceful lady with blond hair and glasses looks a little immature compared to other masters, she is actually from a traditional aristocratic background.

Although I don't like it myself, I understand the part about political etiquette.Not to say that everything can be arranged properly, but there will definitely be no major disturbances.

And after being told, Qiyana has obviously matured a lot, at least she didn't say anything about the whole army suppressing the country.

But as a distinguished guest, this time Yuan Chen did not enter Zaan alone, but it was not Ezreal and Jael Mirdar... In fact, since the last time they returned home, several people have lost contact.

And according to the existing clues, it is not difficult for Yuan Chen to guess that the person who broke the connection between them was none other than the lady standing beside him.

"I am really honored that the famous Gray Lady will accompany me into the dirty Zaun and stand in the hex pressurizer."

Hearing Yuan Chen's disrespectful teasing, Camille's face didn't show much emotion.

Or, as far as Camille is concerned, she has seen too many similar people... Not to mention she is used to it, at least this kind of verbal ridicule is unlikely to shake her spirit.

"Zuan is very important to Piltover... Ezreal and Jael Mirdar have been punished and grounded. I will personally accompany the rest of the trip to Zaun."

Hearing this, Yuan Chen nodded thoughtfully, and was not surprised by what Camille said.

Although Jael Mirdar is the eldest son of the Mirdar family, in the final analysis, it is impossible for such a big family to put all the treasures on one person.

Except for some special circumstances, such as there is only one single seedling in this generation, otherwise there will always be multiple inheritance rights.

compared to this...

"Punishment?" Yuan Chen raised his brows, and asked with little interest: "What punishment? What punishment were Ezreal and Jarr Mirdal?"

Glancing at Yuan Chen, Camille nodded: "Izreal and illegal archaeology, tomb robbery and short-term imprisonment, and Jael Mirdal is grounded."

"It's really a simple and clear punishment." Hearing Camille's words, Yuan Chen shook his head with some emotion and said:
"As far as I know, Ezreal has gone deep and destroyed the tomb of the tyrant Na'Zuk, the ancient tomb of the Parosa demon king Uroa, and the cemetery in the Eastern Tombs of Shurima. There are countless treasures that have been destroyed just because of triggering the mechanism..."

"Just short-term imprisonment?"

"Yes." Camille said simply: "And the release on bail has been completed under the operation of the Mirdal family."

"You are straightforward." Hearing Camille's words, Yuan Chen was also amused: "As Mrs. Piltover, aren't you going to try to help cover it up?"

"It doesn't make sense." Camille said: "You are a smart person, we can communicate more concisely."

Then, after a pause, Camille said calmly:
"The Mirdar family has always been the biggest benefactor of Ezreal. Most of the bronze statues of beast-headed warriors displayed on both sides of the corridor by their family come from these tomb robbers. Including Noxus' ordnance, Ioni Asia's armor, Demacia's armor..."

"The Gate of the Sun has brought unimaginable benefits to the Mirdar family." For some unknown purpose, Camille began to say some information that Yuanchen didn't understand.

"In the original distribution of benefits, at least three-fifths of the total income from the Sun Gate Sea Gate will flow to families in the Zaan region."

"But with the erosion of the sea current, Piltover rose and Zaun fell. All the income that originally belonged to Zaun flowed into the pockets of the Myrdal family."

"And the Myrdal family itself is a derivative of one of the branch families of the great nobles of Noxus, although the Myrdal family has always claimed to be independent and belongs to Piltover."

"But the entire Blue Smoke Garden knows that they also represent the interests of Noxus in Piltover."

Hearing Camille's words, Yuan Chen nodded thoughtfully.Then he said bluntly, "Why did you tell me these things?"

"The Philos family is too young." Camille didn't give Yuan Chen the answer directly, but said:

"My aunt got the original crystal, the original hex crystal, during an exploration activity in Shurima. And this also became an opportunity for the rise of the Philos family."

"In order to protect the interests of the family, the first generation of secret agents of the Philos family was born."

"Espionage, intimidation, and murder...we've managed to maintain our dominance over this priceless commodity through all sorts of nasty means."

"But even so, no one wants an extra intruder to take away their own cake... The technology about the Hex crystal has become the property of the entire Piltover."

"In other words, the Philos family has to distribute the benefits to other families to get their permission."

Hearing this, Yuan Chen narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you representing yourself, or your family?"

"... Both." Camille said: "Neither. You should also understand that when the Philos family reaches its current scale, neither the patriarch nor the spies can guarantee that everyone in the family will thinking as before.”

"Bringing back the first crystal for the family, my great-aunt lost an arm during the exploration, so she uttered the motto that influenced a generation of the Philos family... For the sake of the family, I am willing to dedicate."

"But now... too many people in the Philos family have forgotten."

(End of this chapter)

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