Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 122 Chapter 120

Chapter 122 120·Flesh and Flesh Parasite

Hearing Camille's words, Yuan Chen also fell silent.

Whether it's loyalty or determination...these cannot be quantified.

It's like Camille already knew that Yuan Chen would not choose to put sacrifice and life on the balance and weigh gains and benefits.

Yuan Chen also knew that Camille was showing his determination

Camille is ready--

and conduct their transactions.

It's just that this time the transaction is no longer an exchange of benefits as before, but something like promise, trust, loyalty... something that is difficult to quantify, or even explain.

Thinking about it, Yuan Chen raised his hand, and the flowing water sent the dark harp to Camille.

Looking at Camille, Yuan Chen said:

"Your life has been deeply bound to Hex's heart. This high-purity energy crystal has a natural inhibitory effect on the corrupting power of blood magic."

"If you can't control your consciousness, then I will immediately cut off your connection with the harp."

"Okay." Camille nodded, there was no fear between her brows:
"My body has been transformed by machinery, even if it is cut off, it can be repaired."

During the speech, Camille's palm fell on the darkin harp.

That is, the moment it touched it, the original harp began to wriggle, grow, and expand violently.

Located on the upper body of the harp, a scarlet eye suddenly opened, and along with the flying fire, Stellato let out a hearty laugh:

"Runeterra! I'm back!!!"

During the words, the rapidly growing flesh and blood quickly covered Camille's arm, and on top of it, the eyes opened one after another, scarlet with blazing heat, and flying flames gushed out of the already dry underground at this moment.

In it, Camille could clearly feel a violent force wreaking havoc within his body.But Camille wasn't nervous.

On the contrary, its own thinking nerves have been strengthened by Hex's heart, and this extraordinary sensitivity allows Camille to be sure that his consciousness has not been violated in any way.

It is certain that half of his body has lost control. Even after the mechanization has been carried out, the basic flesh and nerve structures are still parasitized in an instant under the action of blood magic.

"How does it feel?"

Yuan Chen's inquiry came from the side.

In this regard, Camille nodded and said:

"It's okay...I can feel that my consciousness has not been polluted."

It is said that Yuan Chen also released a reduced version of the detection technique——

The so-called reduced version of the reconnaissance technique is actually a reconnaissance technique that omits some of its effectiveness.

Although the reduced version cannot directly see all the attributes, characteristics, equipment effects, and professional levels of the opponent like the full version.

But it can directly understand the status of the other party.

Although it is not as comprehensive as the full version, it is superior in that it will not cause the other party to have the malice of being peeped.

Name: Camille/Stellato
Status: Heyday/Darkin parasite.

Darkborn parasitism: The darkborn are merging with it through blood magic, so as to achieve the purpose of resurrection.When the parasitic index exceeds 80.00%, the Darkin will control the body.

When it reaches 90.00%, the host's consciousness will fall into a deep sleep.When one hundred is reached, the host will become part of the darkin.

Parasitic index: 60.00%.

Seeing Camille's current state, Yuan Chen also heaved a sigh of relief.

Because after reaching 60.00%, Stellato did not continue to erode.

But even so, Camille's will and even his physical body were seriously affected in front of Stilatu's almost absolute power.

The body originally made of alloy has now grown a layer of bright red flesh.

Especially the part of the blade, the dense blood vessels drilled through the solid hybrid prosthesis, regenerated on the basis of the original nerves, entangled with the original steel part to form a twisted flesh and blood blade.

The right arm has been completely reworked by blood magic.The originally slender arms were covered with scarlet, as if the skin had been peeled off, and the bright red muscle lines were directly exposed to the air, giving people a cruel and grotesque feeling.

Along with the proliferation of flesh and blood, the eyes opened and closed between the gaps in the muscle fibers, sliding towards the surroundings, as if greedily wanting to take the whole world into the eyes.

The growing flesh and blood continued to extend along the right side of Camille's body.Camille felt her scalp tingling with the slippery and slightly itchy touch.

But being called Mrs. Gray, even though she felt the long-lost fear, Camille still did not show the slightest cowardice, she just raised her head and looked at Yuan Chen with her cold eyes.

"Don't worry, Stellato is just trying to restore the original posture."

Yuan Chen saw Stellato's intentions, and after confirming that the parasitic index did not continue to grow:
"Your current parasitic index has reached 60.00%, as long as it has not reached 80.00%, you will be fine."

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Camille's eyes showed a little relaxation.

For Camille, the reason why the darkin parasitism is terrifying is mostly because the degree of parasitism cannot be quantified with common sense.

And after confirming that his current parasitic index is 60.00%, relying on Hex's heart-enhanced thinking, Camille can completely quantify it and master the means to check and balance it.

The only problem is that the way this calculation takes a long time...

If you have a chance, you can ask the craftsmen hired by the Philos family to do the calculations for you.

Thinking of this, Camille also nodded.

Along with the mental relaxation, Stellato also let out a chuckle, and then the proliferation of flesh and blood quickly occupied the right half of Camille's face, and formed a sharp horn on the top of the head, giving people the feeling like the skin of the "witch" in the game.

It's just that it's different from the witch's skin. Camille's parasitized darkborn only completed the parasitization on the right half of the lower body and upper body, and the left upper body still maintains its original appearance.

And the part covered by flesh and blood parasites is not elegant, even a bit ugly.

The bursting blood vessels are like the roots of an old tree densely entrenched on it.And because of his degeneration into a dark descendant, Stiratu's posture was far from lofty, and the flesh and blood all over his body showed a distorted and depraved dark red.

The ability he masters is fire, and this ability is directly manifested on the surface of his body——

Like a charcoal fire that hasn't been completely burned out, shattered embers flicker on the surface of its body, adding more weirdness to this already unacceptable body.

Her original form was that of the evil deer antelope, but her current appearance fits the original Egyptian novel.

Then there is the hook lock on the outside of Camille's hip bone——

The original skin is a hex hook lock, and the witch skin is a hook lock made of magic power.

But now, it was proliferating dark red flesh, or something like blood vessels.Even the ends are not barbs or pendants, but proliferated claws.

After forming half of his face, Stellato was extremely excited after feeling the outside world——

She has been sealed for more than 3000 years. In the past period of time, even if she has been chanting the prophecy left by the "master", her spirit will inevitably be severely corroded by the long time.

And now, after finally leaving the hated sealed body, even in the foul-smelling and highly poisonous air underground in Zaun, Stylatu can still feel the refreshing sweetness!
Feeling the external world for a short time, Stellatu did not forget why he appeared here, so after feeling it, he couldn't wait to look at Yuanchen.

Then, a touch of consternation and hesitation flashed in Stiratu's scarlet eyes.


"You... are not a master."


Not only Yuan Chen, but even Camille raised his eyebrows in doubt.Looking at Yuan Chen, Stiratu said with serious and incomprehensible eyes: "You are too young... The master in my impression is older and more mature... He should be around 50 years old."

50 years old?

Hearing Stilatu's words, Yuan Chen nodded thoughtfully... So it took more than 20 years for him to return to the past by accident?

"But you are indeed a master, there is no doubt about it." Looking at Yuan Chen in front of him, Stillatu said:

"In my impression, although the master was favored by Empress Wu, he was not recognized by the Sun Sacrificial Group and performed the ascension ceremony."

"Although it's a bit strange to say that... But maybe your Excellency is the reincarnation of the master? Or is it a descendant?" Stylatu said with some hesitation:

"The master seems to have told me about the future... but I forgot too much during the time that was sealed."

"Although I can't confirm whether you are the reincarnation of the master, I can be sure that you must have an extremely close connection with the master."

"...Because you are so similar to Master."

Looking at Yuan Chen in front of him, Stiratu was a little emotional, but also a little hesitant and regretful.

It was okay when I didn't see Yuan Chen.

Seeing Yuan Chen's appearance now, Stiratu inevitably recalled some past events.

When the former master told himself like that, he hoped that he would not forget the glory of Shurima.But I didn't take it seriously, and even made a sarcasm...

That's right, who would have thought that a human being who would be killed with just one look could actually expel, kill, and seal the Darkborn...

In this regard, Yuan Chen just wrote down the time point of "about 50 years old", and then asked:
"If that's the case, did I say anything to you in the past? Let you tell me?"

"I said a lot, but I also forgot a lot." Stellato said with some self-blame: "But after seeing your appearance, I remembered a part of it."

"Which part?"

"Not many, but you at that time... maybe you in the previous life were very serious and asked me a few times."

Stellato said:

"That is, after I wake up, if someone wants to take me away, please don't stop me. Let the people of Shuangcheng make their own choices before heading home."

Hearing Stellatu's words, Yuan Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at her—to be precise, at Stillatu's other half, which belonged to Camille's face.

Realizing what Yuan Chen was thinking, after a moment of silence, Camille nodded hesitantly, and then said with some hesitation:

"I did think about taking the harp... but that was before I decided on my allegiance."

Hearing Camille's words, Yuan Chen's eyebrows also revealed a little thought.

According to Stellato, this is the words from the past self—to be precise, it is the suggestion left by the future self.

But Yuan Chen was not sure what this suggestion meant for a while.

After all, a darkin weapon, even if it retains its sanity and has not degenerated into an outright evil, its nature as an ascendant still does not rank itself with mortals.

If they really understood mortals, they would not have extended the millennium-long era of dark-born warlords and the era of dark-born wars that lasted hundreds of years.

If it was the past, Yuan Chen's choice would definitely be to keep Stiratu by his side.But now, facing the suggestions left by his future self, Yuan Chen finally chose a compromise and said:
"Until I return to Ixocan, you will be in charge... no, you will be the carrier of Stellato."

Hearing this, Camille nodded and said, "I have no objection."

Then, Yuan Chen turned his gaze to Stylatu: "I'm not sure why the "Master" in your mouth left such a suggestion, but I hope that you and Camille can get along as harmoniously as possible... Today's era is no longer the era of Darkin Wars. Unscrupulous chaos will only attract unnecessary attention."

"I know." Stellato patted his plump chest and assured:

"Master, don't forget to inform me in advance when you go to Shurima, I remember that the master said that Young Emperor Azir is planning to start a business again...

Although the young emperor Azir ruined the great empire because he trusted that lowly slave, the ability of the young emperor is indeed obvious to all, and he is the best descendant of Seta Kawu. "

"If the golden bloodline still exists, then revitalizing Shurima is also my duty!"

Hearing Stellatu's words, Yuan Chen's eyes also showed a touch of complexity.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Chen asked:
"Dark... Ascendants who have the same idea as you, how many do you think there are?"

Hearing this, after a moment of silence, Stiratu also shook the head of the antelope and said:
"I know what you mean, master...Although I'm not sure, Verus should be considered one."

Stellato said:

"Verus was swallowed by the hatred of the void before the Darkin War era, lost his mind, and became a killing weapon that only knew revenge...

We who hate the depravity have forgotten the glory of being an ascendant, and just put him into the battlefield as a weapon. "

Stylatu said with some self-reproach:
"Sense and consciousness are ignored, leaving only instinct to continue killing. He doesn't know that Shurima has already fallen..."

 I've been a little busy the past few days, so there's been a bit of an update.Now the busy work is over, starting tomorrow to resume 6k a day
(End of this chapter)

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