Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 134 The confidence of the 1324 big family

134 Chapter 132

Although Yuan Chen didn't speak, his meaning was obvious.

To put it simply, the process that should go has already gone, and it is time for liquidation.

After hearing Yuan Chen's words, Caitlin couldn't help but fell silent.

As a noble lady, Kaitlyn was more or less aware of what kind of bullshit the so-called "crime" by Yuan Chen and others was.

Because in the past half month, Caitlin has been guarding around the hotel.The whereabouts of the masters, except for a few people such as Yuan Chen, will be followed by special personnel to prevent unnecessary conflicts due to differences in customs.

Everyone in Piltover attaches great importance to this academic exchange.Under such circumstances, Caitlin, who is nervous, can be sure that, at least in Piltover, Ixtal and his party have not overstepped in any way.

The only one who caused people's displeasure was Yuan Chen—he came up and called the scholars in the whole city "mediocre". It's no wonder Yuan Chen's reputation is good.

But even so, Yuan Chen was deliberately provocative at most, and in Piltover's law, at most it was a small issue of fines and nothing.

Now that he was about to leave, someone suddenly came out and told him that Yuan Chen had committed a serious crime...

Her own mother, as the family's former auditor, was taught by her mother, Caitlin was very clear about the games and dirty things among these "big men".She naturally knew that there must be some annoying activities behind this.

It's just that they didn't expect that their means had reached the point where they didn't even intend to cover it up.

I never thought that they would die so quickly...

Back and forth, less than half an hour in total, and then it was time for liquidation.

And just as Caitlin was still thinking about how to answer with a headache, a generous man's voice came from the side.

"Perhaps, there are many misunderstandings between us. But here, please allow me to express my sincere apologies to you."

From the lower level of the sluice bridge to the upper level along one side of the stairs, the leader is a middle-aged man dressed in expensive clothes and wearing round-rimmed glasses.

The figure is tall and straight, and the clothes and hair on the body are meticulously arranged.The shoulders, chest, and back are covered with Hextech hybrids—even though they are hybrids, they are not prosthetics, but auxiliary devices such as protective gear and boosters.

"My name is Jagu Mirdar, the head of the Mirdar family."

Looking at the slight gesture of goodwill in his expression, Jia Gu looked at Yuan Chen and said:

"I hope you can understand that in the face of such a powerful empire as Noxus, even if all the families in the city of Piltover are combined, they are just a man in the arm. Facing their coercion, even if we don't want to , and in the end can only be forced to agree.”

Hearing Jagu Mirdal's words, Yuan Chen also touched his chin thoughtfully——Jagu Mirdal.The head of the Mirdar family and the father of Jarr Mirdar, a good friend of the little yellow fur.

As the ruler of the Mirdar family, it is also a wedge for Noxus in Piltover to ensure that the overall interests of Piltover are beneficial to the rule of Noxus.

In this case, what he said about "being forced to help" is just bullshit.what it really means...

"Are you giving me a step down?"

Yuan Chen looked at Jagu Mirdal with some puzzlement: "Did you make a mistake about the current situation?"

"..." Hearing that Yuan Chen didn't mean to show face, Jagu Mirdal also fell silent.

After a while, Jagu Myrdal shook his head and said: "It's not that I forcefully argue, but because Piltover really can't refuse the threat from Noxus. Let this matter end here, for all of us all good."

Jagu said seriously: "Although the Mirdar family is from Noxus, to be honest, the reason why we can have such a status in Piltover, and the reason why Piltover can develop to what it is today, is because our own efforts."

"After noticing the value of Piltover, the Noxians want to take our fruit. Even if we are dissatisfied, we can only resist in secret."

"The four great families are united, we hope that Piltover can maintain its current independent attitude. After all, Ixtar is just beginning to found a country, we can definitely unite and let Piltover maintain its neutrality status."

"It's good for everyone."

Jagu's words aroused the approval of many people in Piltover.

Although the current Piltover class is close to solidification, as long as they have enough abilities, they can make a leap.

Jess is the best proof of this - he was born in a craftsman family, but relying on his own talent, not only Jess proved himself, but his family also has a place in the council.

Including the reason why Piltover can be as prosperous and rich as it is today, the trade, art, culture, power, and technology of the four major families have all played a vital role.

But these words are tantamount to farting to Yuan Chen.

"Do you think I don't know anything about Piltover? Your ancestors did play a role in the prosperity of Piltover at the beginning. But after completing the initial role, Piltover The reason why it will become a world port is entirely due to its own geographical advantages."

Yuan Chen said calmly: "Follow the ocean currents, but all goods from the Shurima and Valoran continents must pass through the Sun Gate Strait in order to complete the transportation. In order to seek greater benefits, your ancestors used alchemy and explosives to widen the sea. channel and build sea gates."

"This allowed Piltover to further accelerate the accumulation of wealth. As a price, Zaun was ruthlessly abandoned. And today, it is not so much an integral part of Piltover..."

"Except for the particularity of the Philos family with Hex technology, the remaining three families have become cancerous tumors in the entire city, lying on the sky above the entire city-state to suck blood, and spare no effort to transfer the conflict between the upper and lower cities. To avoid being known for being dirty."

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Jagu didn't speak, but narrowed his eyes solemnly—he didn't expect that a guy who just came to Piltover to see for half a month would actually be interested in Shuangcheng's Understanding can go so deep.

And, obviously a smart person, why not choose a choice that is good for both of us?
In contrast, the silent Victor clenched his fists subconsciously at the rear.And after he discovered his unconscious behavior, he also looked at his palm with some hesitation——

This should be a fact that I have known for a long time, why do I feel unwilling and angry when I hear it?
Is it because it comes from someone else's mouth?

Thinking about it, Victor didn't make any moves.No matter how much he admired reason, he didn't know whether he should suppress this illusion that was not just anger but happiness.

Similarly, Jagu was also silent for a long time.In the end, Jiagu shook his head helplessly, and didn't care about the people around him, and said simply:
"Without us, the Sun Gate cannot function."


Hearing Jia Gu's words, Yuan Chen also raised his brows - obviously, this is where Jia Gu and others' confidence lies.What made Yuan Chen curious was why Jia Gu and the others had such confidence.

And Jia Gu didn't sell it, but said: "When the Sun Gate was established, the "keys" to activate and close the Sun Gate were managed by our three major families."

"Although the later Philos family was young, we gave up some of the "keys" due to the particularity of the Hex technology. I can assure you that without the coordination of the four major families, the entire Piltover would be destroyed. Then paralyzed."

"You are an intelligent scholar, so you should also know that what constitutes the Sun Gate Gate Bridge is by no means just a sea gate made of special alloys on the surface. After generations of strengthening and processing by us, whether it is technology or magical ideas There is a huge price to pay for destroying the Sun Gate."

"And after paying these prices, there will be no gains. Because the coasts on both sides of the Sun Gate Sea Gate have seriously affected the internal structure of the coastal peninsula due to the last blast, and the gate bridge is connected to it through the leylines. "

"And without the key, even if the legendary Ascendant descends in person, he cannot forcibly open the sea gate."

Hearing this, Yuan Chen also nodded thoughtfully.

Just like what Jagu said, when the Sun Gate was first established, it could still be opened and dismantled by violence.

But it has been continuously strengthened and strengthened for hundreds of years.All kinds of spells and magic have made the Sun Gate form a special "magic spectacle".

Its essence is connected to the underlying structures of the two continents. Unless the structures of the two continents can be shaken at the same time, even if the people of Runeterra are extinct, the Gate of the Sun will still exist completely in the next century.

Thinking about it, Yuan Chen also came to the side of the gate bridge, looked at the ocean current below, and said with some emotion:
"So, anyone who wants to get Piltover can only cooperate with you... Although they will be in a weak position, they will never die."

"That's your confidence, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Jagu just smiled politely. Although he didn't speak, his reaction has already proved everything.

In response, Yuan Chen also sighed, then jumped onto the railing, and opened his arms helplessly.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, he fell to the sea with his back.


The people on the side exclaimed, and then one after another walked towards the direction where Yuan Chen fell.

And just when they came to the edge of the railing and were about to look down, a rough arm made of rocks like a mountain broke through the sea, holding Yuanchen in its palm.

(End of this chapter)

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