Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 136 Chapter 134

136 Chapter 134
Yuan Chen was very helpless, because this time the journey was at least incomparably smooth in the front. Although there were some conflicts, there was no conflict.Most of the time, it is the hex craftsmen and Yun Tal scholars who prove their excellence to each other.

Yuan Chen raised his hands and feet in favor of this kind of behavior of defeating the opponent through comparison.But now, the period that was supposed to be complete had to end in a cruel way.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Yuan Chen realistically looked at Caitlin and Wei.

Feeling Yuan Chen's gaze, Caitlin only felt her scalp go numb.Because she knew that not only herself, but the life and death of all the people present depended on the thought of the man in front of her.

To be honest, Yuan Chen didn't leave a bad impression on Kaitlyn—well, without considering Yuan Chen's words "mediocrity" in the venue.

This statement was met with the hostility of almost all Mrs. Piltover.

When it reached Zaun, it won a lot of cheers.

But other than that, in Kaitlyn's opinion, Yuan Chen is a gentle person most of the time.And from a famous family, Caitlin could more or less guess that the "mediocrity" at the beginning was Xtal's aggressive method to arouse the fighting spirit of all the scholars in Piltover.

After realizing this, Caitlin also understood what Yuan Chen was doing.But now, Caitlin can clearly feel that her understanding of Yuan Chen is too one-sided.

His gentleness is definitely not due to incompetence and temperament, but because of a special... pity?

Caitlin didn't know how to evaluate it, because it was too one-sided for anyone to sum it up in one word.

While Caitlin was still thinking nervously, she suddenly felt the warmth of her palm alone.Looking back, it was Wei who was standing beside her holding her hand——

This time, Wei did not choose to wear Atlas gloves.This may also be a way for her to express her dissatisfaction... But being born in Zaun, she is not qualified to make irresponsible remarks to her boss, so she can only use this self-deceiving way to resist.

Although he didn't say much, even Wei didn't look at him, but left himself with a side face and a warm palm.

But for some reason, it was this simple action that made Caitlin feel extremely at ease.

Feeling relaxed, Caitlin just stood there, quietly waiting for her own trial.

In this regard, Yuan Chen waved his hand: "Take it aside."

Hearing this, Caitlin was taken aback for a moment, then nodded hesitantly.But the gate bridge is only so big, and the passage below has been severely damaged, so after a moment of hesitation, Caitlin could only retreat a few meters away with the law enforcement officer of Piltover.

"Not enough, continue."

Hearing this, Caitlin nodded and continued to lead the law enforcement officers back.

"Not enough, continue."

Although a little helpless, neither Caitlyn nor Wei, nor the other law enforcement officers had any complaints - if just humiliating themselves a few times in this way could appease the other party's anger, they would not have any objections.

After withdrawing from a distance of about 100 meters, Yuan Chen nodded.Then he turned his attention to the backbones of the four major families.

Mainly looking at Stevan Fellowos.Staring at this old man standing on the gate bridge, Yuan Chen narrowed his eyes.

If I remember correctly, this guy should be paralyzed.Now standing here safe and sound... Well, is it because of Noxus?

Yuan Chen glanced at Stewan's lower limbs. As a master of spiritual theory, Yuan Chen could clearly feel the subtle disharmony between Stephen's body and soul...

The dissonance reached its peak—even jarring—when Pharis awakened Stilatu.

It's just that the timeline I'm in is a timeline that has been modified, and Stilatu directly cut off the means by which Faris maintains her self-awareness from the root.The final result is that Stevan lives in a subtle manner.

Ordinary people naturally can't feel it, but once they meet a blood mage or someone like Yuan Chen who understands the theory of spirits, they can feel the problems in their body.

Thinking about it, Yuan Chen asked: "Is this your decision, or Philos's decision."

Hearing that Yuan Chen was asking himself, Stevan only felt himself trembling, and then said in a panic and fear: "'s me! I was wrong! I'm guilty! I shouldn't have imprisoned my sister! "

"My sister told me it was wrong, but I didn't listen... I hope you can understand me, a poor person who is born with a weak body."

Stevan Fellowos said tearfully: "My legs are disabled, and I don't even dare to leave the house because of low self-esteem... These bastards from Noxus blackmailed me with their family and tempted me with healing. Guilty, but I beg you, for my sister's sake, let me go..."

Hearing Stevan's words, Yuan Chen was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the old man, and said with a little weirdness between his brows:
"You... imprisoned you Camille?"

"Yes... I'm guilty! I admit it! I'm willing to atone, but please give me a chance, please..."

Stevan was lying on the ground in pain, sobbing, this desolate feeling seemed to die the next moment.

In this regard, Yuan Chen looked at Stevan with strange eyes - this guy is not a good person.

In the original plot, in order to be able to stand up again, in order to be able to overcome the fear brought about by aging, he personally set up a plan to kill Camille, so as to take out Camille's Hex heart, so that he can obtain eternal life and get stronger.

And now... a guy who knows nothing about the outside world, lacks foresight, and is plagued by inferiority complex and fear all the year round.

What did you say that the chief spy of the family, one of the few urban legends in Piltover, the gray lady who had seen the head and never tail, suppressed the secret agents of the other three major families by herself, was imprisoned...

Why, you think of yourself as the main character behind the scenes, right?

Thinking about it, Yuan Chen shook his head, and after thinking for a moment, he said:
"Take your people and leave, and when you return to Lanxun Manor, don't forget to say a few words to Camille for me."

"Okay! Okay! I will definitely bring it!"

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Stephen was as if he had been pardoned, blushing with excitement, and walked towards Piltover with his cronies behind him——

Of course he was excited, because he survived, while the other three families suffered heavy losses!

If he can go back safely, then the Philos family can take advantage of the weakness of the other three major families to rise in one fell swoop!Thinking about it, Stevan blushed, as if he had already seen the boundless glory of himself as the chief councilor of Piltover.

Seeing that Yuan Chen actually pardoned Stevan, the people from the three major families at the side also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking——at least the other party was not overshadowed by the killing intent.

as well as……

Sure enough, no matter how powerful it is, it is only a political animal~
That's right, Ixtar also came here to seek the greatest benefit.In this case, even if they destroy the Sun Gate, the power of the three major families will always be deeply rooted.

How to deal with the relationship with other city-states, how to conduct transactions, how to transit, the different regions between the two continents, the customs and unspoken rules of the city-states... these are what they are good at.

It's nothing more than that, it's nothing more than a part of the interests of the weaker side.

But as long as Piltover is still there, he can still live!

Thinking of this, Jagu's face also showed a touch of rejoicing—yes, his son, Jal Mirdal, seems to have some friendship with this Ionian master!
If all members of Stevan's Ferros family can rely on the friendship between Yuan Chen and Camille to get extra forgiveness, then I can also try to contact their friendship!

While Jia Gu was still thinking, Yuan Chen didn't have any thoughts to speak.

Even on the contrary, Yuan Chen looked at the group of people in front of him with some sadness.

Then he raised his palm and lowered it gently.

Seeing Yuan Chen's actions, Jia Gu and the others were a little puzzled.But then they understood what it meant—

The next moment, the sky darkened.To be precise, it was Malphite who raised his arm to cover the rising sun, and landed on them without hesitation.

puff! ! !

Flesh and flesh exploded one after another, and without waiting for the other survivors to scream in horror, Malphite swiped his arm across the gate bridge like wiping a blackboard.

Chi Chi Chi! !

There was no trace of any corpses. Almost eighty key members from the three major families, including many level [-] mages and fighters, all died on the spot during Malphite's playful behavior.

On the other side, with a distance of hundreds of meters, Caitlin's feet softened and she sat on the bridge.

The rough scene caused a large number of law enforcement officers to break their defenses on the spot.The sound of vomiting and falling to the ground continued for a while, and even Wei, who was naturally strong, couldn't help trembling slightly, his face was pale, and his eyes were full of horror.

Because in the end, Malphite's palm was only less than ten meters away from them - with a little more force, they would become one of them.

And Stevan felt strong fear and suffocation.

When Malphite withdrew his arm, the originally slightly crowded gate bridge had become extremely wide.

There are no traces of corpses or severed limbs, and the whole body of the brass-colored alloy gate bridge is simply dyed a thorough scarlet, just like a master splashing ink. Apart from the dazzling color and spiritual shock, there is no trace of it. Extra spots and color blocks...

"I know,"

Yuan Chen said sadly, just like a priest praying to the deceased at a funeral——

"It's too hard to change your minds..."

"As a last resort, I can only do this."

(End of this chapter)

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