Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 173 Chapter 170

173 Chapter 170
Walking in the giant tower, Jess' eyes were full of shock.

As soon as I saw them, scholars in brocade clothes and costumes crowded shoulder to shoulder. They were in groups of three or four, walking or talking.

Or walk in the corridor in a hurry, holding books, and head to your classroom.

This scene is actually very familiar to Jess, because Piltover University is also like this.

What really made Jess unable to understand was the content of their lectures.

"The compatibility between the axiom of fire and the theory of the Ionian spirit is extremely high, because it has a great connection with the nature of the fire element itself."

Among the teachers, Master Aode with a big beard is like the king here, with a solemn and correct face, he said:

"The flame is hot and passionate, and it is the most destructive genre among many elements. And this nature also causes almost all scholars of the Axiom of Fire to be more prone to emotional fluctuations compared to other factions."

"Excuse me."

While Master Aode was still talking, on the other side, a scholar who was about the same age as Master Aode but whose clothes were obviously inferior to Master Aode said:
"Master, why do you teach the axiom of the spirit of fire that is more inclined to attack and destroy, rather than the warmth and healing like the forerunner Mirio?"

Hearing the scholar's words, Master Aode also nodded, and then explained:
"The basis of spirit theory is the resonance of one's own soul and elemental energy in the spiritual field. The structure of the axiom of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty predestined his precision and rigor. Milio's character is different from the scholars of the axiom of fire we are familiar with. You can refer to, But you can't learn..."

Scholars and masters are constantly discussing. Even in the face of Fan Dui's opinions, Master Odd just calmly waited for him to finish speaking. When encountering valuable information, he would not hesitate to ask for advice and began to record it.

It doesn't feel like a teacher, but more like a group of scholars communicating with each other.

"Master Odd is Yun Tal, right? And this classroom should also belong to him."

On the way back, Jess also had a general understanding of the composition of Ixtal's rights, and how honorable Yuntal's status was.

And, about what the classrooms in the tower of Ixocan represent, Jace also knows something.

But it was precisely because of this that Jess also became more and more puzzled.

Looking at the road guard accompanying him, Jess said:

"But why..."

"Why is it so peaceful?"

The young road guard looked at Jess without much hostility, but explained:
"Master Aode is the master of this classroom, but this does not mean that Master Aode is the master of the truth. Or, even the master of the classroom, Barbarian, has no right to prevent others from elaborating and interpreting the truth... As for What they call spirit theory."

After a pause, the road guard also shook his head with emotion:

"This is the most cutting-edge knowledge theory of Ixtar, and I have only scratched the surface. If it is such a discussion, I am not even qualified to attend."

Hearing the words of the road guard, Jess was taken aback for a moment, and then Jess said in disbelief:
"Wait a minute! You mean, you're learning something about it, too?"

"...Is there any problem?" The young guard soldier was also puzzled.

"Aren't you a...uh, I don't mean to be embarrassed. But aren't you a soldier? Why do you learn this kind of magic-related..."

"What happened to the soldier?" The road guard looked at Jess suspiciously:

"Knowledge has real value only when it is applied, and anyone has the right to learn with an open mind.

Besides, it's not like you haven't seen it outside, and the peddlers are also discussing similar things. "

Hearing this, Jess belatedly looked at the door behind him.And after a moment of silence, Jess shook his head a little out of strength:

"Okay... Maybe, I should re-examine some of my old stereotypes."

By the time he returned to the room, Jess was still reminiscing about everything he had seen and heard in Ixtar today.

Although he didn't have the habit of keeping a diary, but seeing the strange and mysterious country here, Jess really wanted to let his friends in Piltover know.

But unfortunately, in the early morning of the next day, when Jess picked up a pen and prepared to record while visiting, the road guards who greeted him changed.

In fact, the person is still the same person, but the state of the whole person has become extraordinarily serious.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jess, who came from afar, we may have to temporarily stop our tour of Ixtar."

"Did something happen?"

Jess also noticed that the atmosphere was not right.Because in his line of sight, the steel man in the room next to him had already packed his things and followed the road guard out of the place where he was staying.

And from the things that the steel reformer took away, Jess can be sure that he is going to perform some special mechanical work.

And after a brief explanation, the road guard could only take Jess along and explain as he walked.

But before Jess could understand what happened here, immediately after, the road guard had brought Jess into the teleportation formula that Ixtar started to operate.

On the other side, at the southwestern border of Ixtar, Yuan Chen and others also quickly arrived at the border through the super-large magic formula maintained by the Vidalian loom.

Facing the pressure of the void and the Golden Legion, almost all the elite forces of Ixtar have been transferred to Ixtar's southwest defense line.For a time, the top of the mountain range that was originally soaring into the clouds quickly established a magical spectacle that people could not imagine.

The thick vines are mixed with hard earth and rocks, and the steel grows upwards, calling each other, forming a stable mechanical structure.

What is here is only the first batch, and more scholars are concentrating in the giant tower of Ixoken for pre-war mobilization——

It is said to be mobilization, but in fact it is to make scholars aware of the impending crisis and let them make choices.

Those who are capable enough and have a strong heart often come directly to the front line.Scholars who are better at logical derivation and academic research simply stayed behind to speed up the analysis of Uroa potions and darkborn crystals.

Standing at the head of the city that is constantly being strengthened, Yuan Chen silently counted the time in his heart.

After a while, there was a flash of fire in the distant sky——

Holding a staff of flames, his burly body is moving like lightning, freely moving freely in the complex woodland.

Stepping on the city wall to the top of the city in two or three steps, and glanced at Yuan Chen, Jax nodded and said:

"I used the flame staff to estimate the distance, at most one and a half months, the void will arrive here."

(End of this chapter)

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