Chapter 2 2. Entering Ixtar for the first time
After finishing the dance, feeling the power of the water element flowing around his body, Yuan Chen felt the joy from the element so clearly for the first time...

'Your dance has a closer connection with the element of water, and the level of water axiom and elemental mage has been upgraded to LV2! '

'You have deepened the resonance with the spirit of all things, the dancer level is up, and it has been raised to LV6! '

'Your happiness has been replenished,' Ochlesh casts an appreciative glance, but it's fleeting.Your sense of emptiness is dissolved and your mood is lifted. '

'You have unlocked Ixtar's regional prestige, level UP!Upgrade to lv1!'

Hearing the reminder sound in his mind, Yuan Chen let out a deep breath, then looked at the distant coast, narrowed his eyes, and somewhat realized something was wrong.

One of the reasons why Yuan Chen was able to survive tenaciously in this world is the golden finger that was awakened at the age of three... It is similar to the system, but it is different from the ordinary system. This system was made by him in his previous life A piece of game software that can visualize some hidden data.

And along with the time travel, this gold finger has also changed so that Yuan Chen can actually grasp the progress of his practice, and judge whether he has gone the wrong way through the progress.Saved the time of detours, Yuan Chen's growth rate is extremely fast compared to his peers.

However, Yuan Chen also knows that this is only a temporary advantage, because in the ghostly place of Runeterra, it is only a few words in some background stories to think of obtaining the real power of the highest level, such as the star-casting dragon king Thor, the astral wandering god Bud, and even some background stories. of……

If you want such power, you can no longer get it by taking fewer detours.

Comprehension, luck, and will are indispensable... and luck accounts for more than [-]%.

Judging from the system prompts, I should have drifted to Ixtar in the Xiaodai region... Damn, compared to Ionia, Ixtar is on the other side of the world of Runeterra, far away Another continent!
The reason why it is called the Xiaodai area is because the heroes in the Ixtal area are the favorites of many game power leveling, such as Leopard Girl, such as supermodels.Counting Ike of Zaun and the spider of Shadow Island, they are collectively called the Four Heavenly Kings of Xiaodai.

More importantly, the improvement of the prestige of the region means that he must have been discovered.

Because the regional prestige of Level [-] represents the unknown, only a few sporadic people have seen or heard of it.But even so, Yuan Chen was still a little surprised... because level one at least means that he has a good impression.

You must know that, unlike the city-states on the continents of Ionia and Valoran, Ixtar located on the continent of Shurima is pedantic and conservative. For these tribal empires living in primitive forests, all outsiders are just Can bring disease and war.

This kind of extreme xenophobic sentiment is extremely common from the king to the common people.Under such circumstances, for an outsider like myself, it is reasonable to say that the regional prestige should be repelled by level -1, but now, what he got is actually a positive recognition?
Thinking about it, Yuan Chen's brows were a little more thoughtful.But instead of thinking about this, Yuan Chen thinks it's better to make sure of his state first.

Thinking, Yuan Chen quickly opened the personal data of the system, and then the various attributes and skill levels of his body came into view.

Name: Yuan Chen.

Status: Slightly exhausted, cursed by the devil.

Occupation: dancer lv6/elemental mage lv2/devil agent lv1.

Equipment: Worn Ionian Short Shirt (No Grade) / Worn Ionian Pants (No Grade) / Spiritwood Armlets (Excellent).

Skill: Ethereal Resonance (Superior):

The equipment skill comes from the spirit wood armband. After wearing it, the dancer will emit a harmonious rhythm according to the rhythm when dancing, increasing the resonance with the spirit of all things. It is the symbol of the great dancer of Prestidian.

Trait: Blessing of Joy (Epic):
Demonic curse/blessing from Oshresh, Lord of Joy, your spirits will always be high and joyful.Make the level of the axiom of the water element +1, and after reaching LV7, the level blessing will be transformed into the experience and knowledge of the axiom of water in Ochlesh.

After confirming his state, Yuan Chen also heaved a sigh of relief——

Thanks to the blessing of the demon of Ochlesh, his understanding of the axiom of water has been greatly strengthened, and he can directly manipulate the water source beyond the limitation of the axiom of elements.

Otherwise, with just the dilapidated boat under him, negative states such as "dehydration", "hunger" and "strength" will be added to his status bar.

Just thinking about it, through the perception of the current, Yuan Chen clearly noticed a small boat sailing out of the bay in the distance.

Above it was the flag of Ixtar, and a group of young people were standing on the boat, holding harpoons, looking at the boat where Yuan Chen was in vigilantly.Although it is only a small fishing boat, the undercurrents on the bottom of the seabed within the range of the fishing boat pass by have different fluctuations and changes at the same time.

These changes are not strong, but they are all beneficial to the navigation of fishing boats.

At the same time, around the small boat where Yuan Chen was, one after another young people poked their heads out from the bottom of the water, their eyes were full of curiosity, vigilance, and vigilance, looking at this strangely dressed foreign visitor in surprise.

These young men wore clothes with a distinct Ixtar style.Their upper body was naked, and their collarbone and neck were covered by leather armor. The lower body was also covered with leather skirts and waist protectors of the same style, and their chests were completely exposed to the air.

The material source of these leather armors should be some kind of large deep-sea fish.The reason why Yuan Chen dared to be so sure was because he had eaten fresh food from the deep sea in the past period...

Ixauer doesn't have an army, so they should be just ordinary fishermen.This can also be seen from the harpoons in their hands-not steel, but bone handles and sharp shells.

A man who looked like a leader stood on the bow of the fishing boat and looked at Yuan Chen.

He is neither tall nor old, he should only be around 23 or [-] years old, similar to Yuan Chen's age.His strong body may be due to the tropical rain forest climate of Ixtal, or it may be due to his long-term fishing and hunting life by the sea, which makes the young man's skin look a little dark under the sun.

"Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you come to us!"

The leader of the young men standing on the fishing boat looked at Yuan Chen vigilantly.Although it was said to be vigilant, there was surprisingly no fear in his eyes, on the contrary, there was a little curiosity in his eyes... This also made Yuan Chen realize something quickly.

That is, Ixtar may be xenophobic as a whole, but it does not mean that everyone is xenophobic.It is human nature to seek knowledge.

At least, Yuan Chen didn't feel any hostility towards these young people... But if the target was replaced by the old and high-ranking people in this country, it would be hard to say.

As people get older, they tend to be more or less conservative and resistant to change.

"I was shipwrecked! From Ionia, I hope to get your help!"

Yuan Chen said helplessly, "I'm a...uh, a scholar from Ionia. I was going to Sudaruo Island to study, but I was accidentally attacked by a sea beast, and I had to work hard to escape. In the end, he encountered a damn shipwreck again.

The dark fog skimmed over the sea, filled with hungry and thirsty undead!Fortunately, I am on the edge of the thick fog, and I will grasp the axiom of water, otherwise I may be torn apart by those undead! "

"Ha, then you're out of luck."

At the very beginning, the young fisherman leader had a little wariness in his eyes, but after hearing that Yuan Chen had also mastered the axiom of water, most of the wariness in his eyes quickly dissipated, and he turned to be full of curiosity, and said with a mocking face :

"This period of time is Blessed Island... No, it should be said to be Soul Eater Night of Shadow Island now. Soul Eater Night will attack the human settlements around Shadow Island and devour souls.

We were attacked here too, but the elders of the Yun Tal protected us!Your luck is not very good, you should have drifted to Bilgewater Bay in a shipwreck, and now Soul Eater will attack Bilgewater every year! "

As he spoke, the young fisherman leader coughed a few times and said:
"My name is Audane! Although I am willing to accept you, the elders in the village may not agree. After all, you know, people always look very pedantic when they are old. So you really want to stay on land , you must get their approval. Otherwise, I can only drive you away, or throw you into the shady jungle."

While talking, Ao Dan also showed a touch of distress on his face.Obviously, as the leader of the fisherman, he was not less angry from the elders.However, there is no way to do this. On Ixtar, which is isolated from the world, the social system still maintains its original appearance thousands of years ago.

Perhaps the reason why Aldahn was able to maintain such an open-mindedness was because of his status as an elemental mage - this can be seen from the decoration on Aldayn's shoulders woven with magic threads.

This magical entity is a unique creation of Ixtar, a material entity woven by magic.Students and apprentices get a piece of decoration at most to show their identity. Only the elementalists of Yun Tal can get a full set of clothes completely woven by magic looms.

In this regard, Yuan Chen shrugged his shoulders: "No problem, I am happy to accept the test."

"Ha! That's good!" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Ao Daen showed a smile and said: "But I advise you not to have too much hope, because even if you pass the test of the elders, they may I won't let you stay here either."

As he said that, Ao Daen invited Yuan Chen to board the fishing boat, and after Yuan Chen left the original boat, not long after, the boat sank silently to the bottom of the sea.

It was at this time that Aldaen saw that the bottom of this small boat was still full of damage, gaps, and even the keel was broken.In the past, it should have been controlled by the water element of the Axiom of Water to make it drive on the water normally...

Aware of this, Audane also showed a look of surprise on his face.

You know, according to what Yuan Chen said, he may have drifted on the sea for one, or even more than two months.Under such circumstances, maintaining the operation of the axiom of water for a long time, and carrying such a damaged boat to sail normally... This level is completely enough to be an elemental teacher in Ixocan, right?
Thinking of this, Ao Daen couldn't help but look at Yuan Chen who was resting beside him with his eyes closed...

Although this elementalist from Ionia seemed to be very strong, Aldane was not too worried.Because Aldan knew very well that Grandma Lupe in the village was the real one, a former elder of the Yun Tal elders.

Although she became an ordinary villager after being exiled due to some crimes that she didn't know well, Grandma Lupe is a real elementalist, able to fight head-on even in the face of the attack of elemental dragons.

Rather, it is precisely because of the trust and trust in Grandma Lupe that Odane took Yuan Chen into the village without the slightest psychological burden.

When he came to the shore, even though it was the shore, but not far from the sea, Yuan Chen saw a dense forest.And located in this dense forest is to maintain a trail.

The shrubs and weeds are separated on both sides, and the ground is smooth and clean, without a single gravel.It has just rained here, and there are still raindrops on the leaves, but there are not even too many water stains on the ground. Even the branches of the trees grow towards the outside of the road, so as to prevent their branches from disturbing the people walking on the path. pedestrian……

"Come with me, the village is a bit far away, if you don't follow well, you may get lost."

As he said that, as if thinking of something, Aldane added: "You'd better follow me closely, and don't try to slip away alone. Because the dense forest here is rich in maned beasts and elemental dragons that live there, even if it is We can only walk in areas covered by elemental axioms, otherwise we will be attacked!"

Hearing Ao Dan's words, Yuan Chen simply nodded.

The so-called beetle is a large carnivorous beast unique to Ixtar.Even so, Yuan Chen didn't have a detailed understanding, and he didn't even see the original painting.The reason why they are known is because they often appear in the background stories of the heroes in the Ixtar region as cannon fodder for the heroes.

However, the ability of the beasts to become the cannon fodder in the hero's background story proves their extraordinaryness. A tough hunter like a poodle needs to go through a bloody battle to subdue them.And this is the first time for me to come to Ixtar, I am not familiar with the place, and I was attacked in an away game, so it is hard to say who will win...

What's more, how long can you hide?Sooner or later, it is necessary to communicate with the village here, so it is better to take the initiative and take a rest earlier.

After thinking about it, Yuan Chen soon came to a village in the dense forest following Ao Daen's footsteps.

Yuan Chen didn't know whether it should be called primitive or advanced.Because although the people in the village do not have sophisticated machines, they are all proficient in using the relatively simple axioms of elements in their daily lives.

as well as……

'Affected by the traditional conservative and xenophobic atmosphere in the Ixtar region, your regional prestige level has been reduced to -1. '

(End of this chapter)

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