Runeterra is so much fun!

Chapter 250 Chapter 249 The Current Situation of Demacia, Arrival

Chapter 250 Chapter 249·The current situation of Demacia, arrival
The adventurers following Kassadin came from Demacia, led by a young man named Oran Crownguard.This surname is enough to prove how extraordinary Olan's origins are.

During the march, after learning about Oran's family, Yuan Chen also said unconsciously: "I heard that Galen is a very talented warrior in the Crownguard family of Demacia. How do you compare with him?"

Hearing this, Olan was not angry, but just laughed and said: "Although I have some talent, I am still far behind... Galenby."

Both Galen and Lux ​​are members of the Crownguard family.It's just that the first two are the eldest son and daughter, and although Oran can't be said to be mediocre, he is indeed not as outstanding as Galen and Lux.

The former Galen has shown extremely high talent as a warrior since he was a child, and has high hopes from the royal family and his family.And the latter, Lux, is even more charming, and has many suitors...

But even if he is not as good as Galen and Lux, Oran, who comes from a Crown Guard family, still received a good elite education.

At least, according to Yuan Chen's perception, Olan's level should be around level three to level four, with proficient and solid basic skills.In comparison, his two friends from the Laurent family were much weaker.

However, this is not absolute, because the Laurent family is a very well-known duelist family in Valoran.On the battlefield, they may not be able to confront legions of the same level, but in one-on-one battles, they can often defeat the weak through their specialized one-on-one skills.

Just like the spies led by Camille, they are all a group of single-lead dogs.

Looking at the rocks floating under his feet through magic, Oran's face did not show the common distaste for magic among Demacians - and this may be the reason why he became an adventurer.

Demacia is a very closed country.

Whether it is political system, civilization, or ideas, it is decades behind other areas of Runeterra...excluding Freljord.

Under such circumstances, the vast majority of Demacians will never leave their homeland even one step in their lives.Because in the eyes of Demacians, magic is the dirtiest thing in the world.Only Demacia, blessed by the gods, can remain independent from the world through the Forbidden Demon Stone and enjoy eternal peace and prosperity.

In a sense, this philosophy is similar to that of Ixtal, who both feel that the outside is a bad land.

But unlike Ixtar, Demacia's extreme hatred of magic is purely due to national policy and historical issues.But knowledgeable people all know that magic is one of the most powerful forces in the world and one that cannot be ignored.

Even if the warrior profession develops to the end, he will still master extraordinary power... Jax's "qi" is the most powerful evidence.

Thinking about it, Yuan Chen also asked: "Is Demacia's attitude towards magic still as strict as ever?"

"It's okay~" Oran smiled, not as rigid and exclusive as Demacia made people think.On the contrary, very cheerful.More like a college from Piltover than from Demacia.

"Although demons are still banned, there are still some mages working for Demacia! And I heard from my father that His Majesty Jarvan III has always been dissatisfied with the demon-seekers, but His Majesty III is already old and doesn't know that Jarvan What is the attitude of His Highness the Fourth~"

Oran was talking eloquently, and when he heard that he had actually mastered the "royal secrets" that only the Crown Guard family knew, he was flanked by the two brothers from the Laurent family, Vince Laurent and Cass. Laurent's expression also changed, and then he quickly tugged on Olan's lapel to remind him not to reveal too much.

After receiving the reminder, Olan was startled for a moment, and then he scratched his head and said nothing.

In fact, Olan was also a little confused, because for members of the Crown Guard family, training on confidentiality has been carried out since they can remember.

Especially when facing strangers outside, he couldn't reveal any good information. But for some reason, Olan could feel the joy in his heart when he heard Yuan Chen talking to him.It's not magic, Olan can still be sure of this.Because before Oran left Demacia, he brought tools for sensing magic - from the Demon Seeker organization.

This is difficult for ordinary people to have.But for Olan, who comes from a Crown Guard family, it is not difficult to get it.

And realizing that it wasn't because of magic, Oran Crownguard's complexion couldn't help but turn a little pale - Damn it, just hearing him talk to me makes me feel inexplicably happy? !

Recalling the plot in a third-rate knight novel, Oran lowered his head suddenly, and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that his German flag was not raised.

Well, it should just be the worship of the strong... After all, I saw with my own eyes that the man in front of me, without using magic, was evenly matched with the giant beast named Eksha Lei, even slightly, just by exchanging fists. Gain the upper hand!

Thinking about it this way, it’s normal to feel excited!

With this thought in his mind, Olan himself silently distanced himself from Yuan Chen.

Although he doesn't know Pumice, he has played skateboarding and other things... Except for the fact that magic items cannot be entered, Demacia is not lacking in other things.

Well, only for upper-level nobles... Top-level nobles also have a lot of magic items.

Seeing Olan's vigilance, Yuan Chen didn't pay attention and just silently put away the pheromone interference of the happy factor.

Ability derived from the Seal of Oshilish.

In the past, Yuan Chen had always exerted influence through bodily fluids or physical contact.But this kind of influence is too obvious, and if the other party is a male, it is even more difficult to accept——

Yuan Chen's sexual orientation is normal.

For this reason, Yuan Chen developed the ability to interfere with others through pheromones... through the secretion of pheromone, others can sense through the accessory olfactory bulb and vomeronasal organ, thus producing relatively mild joy and pleasure.

Colorless and odorless, it is not easy to detect. It is not even magic, but a biological ability produced by the demonization of the body.But again, the effect is not as quick and obvious as body fluid exchange.

It's not that Yuan Chen has any bad intentions, but since the timeline of Shurima has been determined to be extremely confusing, Yuan Chen must seize every opportunity to determine the status and progress of other regions.

And as of now... Demacia's timeline is relatively stable.

Following Kassadin, the group passed through the steep valley. About a day later, Yuan Chen and others saw a prosperous town in the distance, between the mountains and the sea, composed of countless tents and wooden houses, large and small——


(End of this chapter)

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