LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 125 Smeb Lifts the Curtain

Chapter 125 Smeb Lifts the Curtain

At nine o'clock in the morning, this is the time for college students to go out for school trips on weekends. At this time, there are very few people at the school gate.

In addition, some office workers also turned on the TV early in bed.

On the TV screen, Miller and Doll were still chatting, smiling and giving some professional opinions from time to time.

"During these three rounds, Ming Kai has never exerted his strength. I don't know if Abu is hiding something, but after the fight, there is really no need to hide."

Smiling, he continued: "The team that gets two points first in Bo5 will take the initiative, but if they are pulled back by two rounds, not only will they lose the initiative, but they will even fall into a passive situation."

Wa Wa nodded approvingly: "That's right, being chased for two rounds in a row will indeed affect the player's mentality. Bo5 sometimes tests the mentality, especially when the game is full."

Miller went on to say: "The next round of Abramovich should be the factory manager's efforts. I don't know if our guess is right."

In the lounge, Abu played with a spring pen.

"We've been ripped off by the Tigers and SKT."

Abu unfolded his notebook, and there were graffiti-like sketches on it, but it was vaguely visible that it was the BP of a game.

Turn the notebook back a page, it is already blank.

"This is our last hole card. If we lose, we will go head-to-head in the next game. If we win, we can only compete with you in the final."

"There is no way. We have to play three Lck teams along the way. Even if we lose, I will take the blame. It's because our coaching staff didn't prepare enough, and it has nothing to do with the players."

Cui Zijian took a sip of Coke and said, "Then let Samsung wait for us in Los Angeles with the system they prepared."

"Today, EDG must get a ticket to Los Angeles."

Cui Zijian stretched out his hand, and Qijiang's hand was folded on it, followed by countless arms.

"EDG, come on!"

Samsung coach Kim closed the notebook he had sketched for a long time, and watched his two rival teams with folded arms.

They are the weakest of the Lck troika.

However, from the draw of the group stage to the draw of the quarterfinals, it seems that the hand of God is paving the way for them in this world championship.

From the duel between EDG and ROX to today's game, Kim is confident that he has analyzed EDG and SKT very thoroughly.

Coach Kim's expression at this time is like the smiling face after the villain's plan succeeds.

Standing in a dark corner, he has already seen through every move of his opponent.

Then he no longer needs to analyze the opponent's moves.

You only need to fold your arms behind the screen to enjoy the mutual killing of two rivals, and then challenge the Samsung with serious injuries.

EDG got the red side, and gave the final counter position to the mid laner fat general.

When it came to the crucial battle, EDG carried up the seriously injured general as before.

"Yuan Shuo, can you?"

"Come on, let me break the rumor that Lee Sang Hyuk will never be petrified." The fat general said calmly.

The Serpent's Embrace, Cassiopeia, locked!

"Cooperate well with Snake Girl."

Before leaving, Abu patted Qijiang on the shoulder.

On the hero selection interface behind the player, Qijiang is his famous hero, Widowmaker.

A year and a half ago in Tallahassee, the SKT dynasty cracked for the first time, and the myth of Faker's undefeated enchantress was broken.

And what made all of this, in addition to Morgana's Counter in the middle, there is also a widow maker.

This time, Abramovich chose to hand over the stage to Nakano.

The fourth game of EDG VS SKT started completely.

Blue side SKT: top laner Bobby, jungler Blind Monk, mid laner Victor, bottom laner Bing Jiajiela.

Red side EDG: top laner Titan, jungler Widowmaker, middle lane Snake, bottom lane Lucian + Bron.

When EDG confirmed that the Titans were on the road, it really poured a basin of cold water on the audience.

They advocate individual heroism, and Cui Zijian just fits the feeling of a man in the wild.

The ultimate personal operation saves the team from fire and water.

Unsolvable counterpoint suppression, no top laner can handle it.

But now, you gave our hero a Titan top laner.

Is our brother Jian weaker than the opponent? You choose a Titan for him.

After a burst of cheering, the two sides entered Summoner's Canyon.

Miller said, "Did EDG want to show off with this move?"

"You can play a first-level team, as long as the titan hits the hook, and Braum's passive is enough."

Smiling and agreeing: "To be honest, EDG's first-tier team is invincible. It depends on whether SKT can evade it."

The five of EDG came to the bottom lane in unison, and then got into the grass in front of the tower of SKT's bottom lane.

Zyra cautiously placed an eye position on the triangle grass in the bottom lane to prevent EDG's first-level invasion.

And Tian Ye left the team first, and inserted a ward at the river mouth of his own blue buff.

There is no movement from the other side, obviously SKT is more nervous.

At 30 minute and [-] seconds, Zyra and Han Bing did not help the blind monk become popular. They wanted to use the first level to grab the line and help Zyra lose the seed.

But they didn't know that the commentator in their own division had already blushed.

The five of EDG have been crouching for 1 minute, not even letting the widow open the field, just for this hook.

Among the bushes, the anchor flickered out, hooking Zyra directly.

The passive confinement of the Titan was given to Zyra, and Braum's ice biting passed over Zyra's body, and hit the ice directly.

EDG didn't just want to kill one in this wave, they wanted to kill both.

The first to fall was Zyra. After he was imprisoned by the Titan, he was passively hung up by Braum who was close to him.

But Han Bing's situation was even worse. He handed over the flash immediately, but was stunned by Lucian's two basic attacks.

After the snake girl and the widow killed Zyra, their prey's fangs turned towards the ice.

"One head for the snake girl and one head for the widow. This is the perfect start."

"Titan teleports back to the top lane, and the experience of a melee soldier is not lost. Although Snake Girl loses the experience of a melee soldier, compared with the first blood, it is innocuous."

After landing, Titan exchanged a wave of blood with Bobby.

Generally speaking, Poppy still makes more money, but Duke is not happy either.

He never imagined that EDG would do such a trick at the first level.

The blind monk saw that the widow wasted time in the bottom lane, so he wanted to start with three buffs.

After brushing his own red, Suo San came to the wild area of ​​the widow.

But the stupid chicken didn't find out that although the widow was at the second level, he went home and updated a round of equipment.

This is Qijiang's brain, knowing that the level cannot catch up, he will not hesitate to go home and break the rhythm to keep his own red.

Tai Tan stuck his troops at the mouth of the river and chose to return to defense.

The blind monk brushed the widow's red buff, unaware that the invisible widow had already watched her every move.

And the Titans are still on their way.

"The widow's punishment fell, and the factory manager snatched it!"

"Titan made a hook shot and hit the blind monk again. The blind monk Tianyinbo stone man pulled off. This wave of EDG is enough to get red."

"Just give the stone man to the blind monk. The widow can control the river crab. After the third level, the blind monk can't beat him."

"The widow successfully retrieved the rhythm that was broken at the first level. Even if the blind monk eats a group of stone men, it will not be of much use."

Poppy tried to wallow in the Titan, and the blind monk who finished the stone man also came back to help.

However, the widow quickly returned to defense after the third level. The [-] points of magic power brought by a little yellow book made Bobby extremely painful, not to mention the burning of the red buff.

Ueno on both sides did not play skills on the road, but the rhythm of the blind monk's attack was slowed down.

The game lasted 6 minutes and 45 seconds, and the single players of both sides reached level six.

Snake Girl's suppression of Victor is still there, but the fat general waits for the Titan in the river with his big move in his hand.

After the Titan circled around, he flashed directly to catch up with the big move, and waited for Victor to take off before catching up with the hook.

In the end, coupled with the passive confinement, a series of controls made Victor unable to move, let alone turn around and twist Snake Girl's petrification.

In the end, Snake gave the land to bind, and did not give Victor a chance to escape.

The snake woman got two heads, and the situation is very good.

The rhythm of EDG raising the middle lane is more than that. The widow's ultimate move has a super high-range deceleration effect. Coupled with the snake girl's ground binding, it is another wave of catches from the jungler.

Even though the blind monk came to support him at the first time, EDG's Nakano only had Victor in his eyes, venting a lot of output.

Snake has more and more heads, and there is also an invisible widow maker.

Faker killed people invisibly in the last game, and Qijiang in this game did the same.

When he appeared, it announced that a place was about to explode.

And people have also seen that Clearlove will really appear where he should appear at every time, and do what he wants to do.

If Victor hadn't forced his way to catch a wave of Titans, I am afraid that under the pressure of EDG's Ueno to catch people, Victor's laning would have ended ahead of schedule.
Victor's arrests on the road also attracted Cui Zijian's revenge.

"Yuan Shuo, another head." Cui Zijian said as if asking for credit.

"Hahaha, I had a great time watching the sword master kill you in the second round. I never thought it would be me so soon."

The rapid prototyping of equipment has allowed Snake Girl to develop beyond the timeline.

Even if Lee Sang Hyuk can never petrify, the deceleration of Snake Girl's ult will force him to suffer terrible damage.

Not to mention why Snake Girl can't produce shoes, that is to say, he is passively triggered by movement speed, and at that moment he is really like a murderous snake.

The snake raising plan gradually took shape, and the widow became the main force of the plan.

Faker was bearing the pressure brought by the Snake Girl head-on, and sweat stains oozed out of his forehead uncontrollably.

"Yuan Shuo, your back injury hasn't limited your strength."

Only at this moment did Faker understand why EDG wanted to lift the fat general up.

Li Ruican's operation can be said to be comparable to the world's top mid laners, but in such a competition, it is too risky for him to take on the heavy responsibility of leading the game.

As a player who has been fighting for many years, General Fat, even if his strength will be affected by a back injury, he still has the ability to drive the game.

At least in the confrontation with the Great Demon King, his strength will not be inferior in the slightest.

Watching the scene where the fat general Snake Girl fights against SKT's Nakano alone, Abu fell into deep thought.

Judging from the current waist injury of the fat general, he has already made enough plans to return to China next season.

If this is the case, then the mid laner can only be delivered to Li Ruican's hands.

But is it really necessary to entrust this important task to a young man who is debuting in the arena?
Abu sighed because of the player's outage, now is not the time to think about it.

The competition between EDG and SKT is still going on, but the economic gap has reached the [-] level.

This is an extremely delicate economic gap, and whether it can be expanded depends on the rhythm behind it.

If EDG uses to maintain this economic gap, that is what SKT wants to see the most. They can delay Victor's development until the later stage.

EDG naturally did not give Victor room to develop, and the vision of the field occupied SKT's lower half of the field.

This not only prepares for the dragons behind, but also makes Victor dare not lead the line too deep when he has no vision in the bottom half of the field.

And Snake Girl has a safe enough vision to fully utilize her advantages.

The stone man has become the possession of the snake girl, and the blind monk can only try to open up the rhythm in the middle.

But no matter how long Stupid waited in the middle, he couldn't wait for the kick he wanted.

The field of vision has already observed the blind monk's movements. Even if the blind monk's crouching position has no eye position, it is enough for people to judge his position.

The pace of the game seemed to be slowed down.

Since Han Bing tried to shoot an arrow into the air, SKT did not dare to attack rashly.

EDG has too many ways to start the game. On the other hand, on SKT's side, only Hanbing and Zyra draw a lottery to start the team.

If you want the blind monk to start a group, it is simply a tiger's mouth pulling teeth. It is best to kick back and change one, and it may even waste the life of the jungler in vain.

A stalemate is good for SKT, at least EDG can't snowball.

But when Xiaolong refreshed on the third day, this stalemate was broken.

Tai Tan, who was lying in ambush in the grass, took the lead, passing through the blind monk and directly hitting the ice hook.

SKT was forced to take over the team. At the beginning, the two sides fought back and forth, but after the Snake Girl teleported to the ground, the scene instantly became one-sided.

The snake girl turned into a magic machine gun, and Bobby couldn't take the damage head-on.

Braum, who was pounding away, also rushed over, and the Titan double tanks protected the output of Snake Girl.

After the widow killed the ice, she quickly pulled away, and after entering the invisible state, she sneaked back.

Even if the widow doesn't show up, the positive pressure on SKT is enough.

A hunter who comes out from behind at any time is more terrifying than a beast in front.

SKT retreated while fighting, and finally returned to the embrace of the second tower in the bottom lane.

Three for one, this is a wave of tragic team battles.

Good news, Victor got the head.

Bad news, Snake Girl took two heads.

With an impressive record of seven bars and zero, Snake Girl is only one step away from being a super god.

After all, it was the curse of seven kills, and the snake girl was still terminated.

There was a wave of chaotic battles in the middle, Titan went up and took the initiative to start a team, and Snake played explosive output, but SKT was bound to cut Snake.

The price for cutting off the Snake Girl was three heads taken by Lucian.

When Cui Zijian became a part of EDG's resistance to pressure, EDG's long-hidden double C stood out.

Deft's Lucian is the real Red Dead Redemption, hunting and chasing, and then hunting again, jumping repeatedly.

At the South Korean commentary station, the three commentators no longer knew what to say.

"SKT may still have the possibility of a comeback. I hope to give it to Lee Sang Hyuk again, the man who created the legend of SKT."

On the other side of the ocean, Busan, South Korea, a remote apartment.

In the room on the second floor, the curtains blocked the sunlight for a long time.

With a bang, the curtains were pulled open, and the chirping of sparrows and sunlight came together.

Smeb shaded the sun with his hands; his eyes weren't quite used to the bright light yet.

Helpless shouts came from the phone.

"Our troika has lost the strongest two..."

Perhaps, joining them can really beat SKT once.

(End of this chapter)

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