LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 153 Is this an ADC?

Chapter 153 Is this an ADC?

After the interview, Xiaotian carried the trophy on the far left, and the other teammates left the photographer with a back view.

The plastic ribbons on the stage were scattered all over the place, symbolizing that the blue rain covered the place where the EDG teenagers left.

With a click, this scene was frozen forever.

The photo was posted on the official Weibo of the League of Legends event, with a mountain as the background color, and the ID on the youth team uniform turned into a shadow.

The shadow stretches infinitely, which seems to indicate that they still have a long way to go.

The era of EDG has come
After winning the third championship, Cui Zijian started the broadcast as usual, with his own rhythm, and killed the king of Ionia by the way.

It is worth mentioning that Tencent also created a dedicated Rank server for professional players in order to focus on the high-play players of the national server. They have specially opened a server called the top of the canyon.

In addition to the internal number, the hard condition of this server is that the minimum single and double ranks of other servers must reach Brick [-] before applying.

Under such hard conditions, the top of the canyon should represent a very high level as expected.

At least compared to the highest level of Ionia at this stage, it is much higher.

Denichi's position seems to be beginning to be disintegrated.

The major professional players are not interested in the appearance of the top of the canyon.

Tencent didn't seem to understand that the club asked players to play the Korean server not only because of the high quality of the players there, but also because the environment of the national server was really bad. The national server is the kind where a director can dominate the entire server.

Although professional players can't come back, the anchors of the major platforms are already gearing up.

Among them, Cui, a well-known anchor of Huya, has already waited for the server to open on the top of the canyon.


That's the status of sitting on the field.

These days, who doesn't get more part-time jobs to support their families.

As a booster, occasionally helping EDG win a few championships, the anchor is Cui's main business.

"The broadcast is starting. The top of the canyon will start broadcasting today. Brothers set a small goal, first win the ten qualifying matches, and then play the first king of the server by the way."

As the popularity continued to rise, the barrage became more and more dense.

[It's really a professional anchor, a part-time game, right? 】

[The title of the host's live broadcast of preparations for Msi started after winning the spring championship, and they are about to go to Brazil, are you still preparing for the battle? 】

[Live broadcast for eight hours a day, are you sure you are preparing for Msi? 】

[Other players are live broadcasting, but my brother Jian is happier than playing the game. 】

[My brother Jian really likes live broadcasting. Yesterday when he met the Northeast Big Quail in the ranking, his face was really full. 】

[Professional players playing passerby anchors are really a blow to dimensionality reduction, let alone my brother Jian. 】

[During the live broadcast, I punched hard, Msi met Bang and said nothing. 】

"The one who said I was submissive in the game just now, I'll give you a room management song directly, I don't think you are confused!"

A room manager went up, and the live broadcast effect was full on the spot.

Cui Zijian quickly became familiar with the interface of the top of the canyon.

Except that there are only single and double rows in the ranking, the others are similar to Ionia.

Due to the fact that the server was just opened, the ranking of the first game was quickly entered.

In the game of five people, most of them are acquaintances.

In the mid laner lineup, there was Brother Stick, whom I hadn't contacted for a long time, and I had no way of knowing whether it was Brother Stick, at least the ID used was that of Brother Stick.

The reason why the server just started, no one recognized Cui Zijian.

Cui Zijian's ID is also very casual, kicking Yu Wenbo.

Soon, Ah Shui's message came.

"??? Bastard, I'm in line opposite you."

"Wipe your face clean, I'm going to start pretending."

"You wait for me."

After the harsh words, Ah Shui carefully adjusted the equipment.

As soon as Ah Shui met Cui Zijian, other teammates also came over.

Song Yijin was the one who fought Cui Zijian the most, and he was looking forward to what kind of sparks could be created between his little AD player and the man on the opposite side.

King Ning dismissed it. In his eyes, he was invincible, and his teammates were the second most invincible.

Cui Zijian?
That's because I didn't meet you, Brother Ning Wang!
Cui Zijian was also polite and gave Ah Shui enough respect.

As for whether this respect for Ah Shui can be understood, it is not known, at least the bullet screens did not understand it very well.

[Yasuo? ? ? 】

[This thing is also an ADC? ? ? 】

[Don't tell me, Yasuo is really hanging in the bottom lane, it depends on whether the opponent can be suppressed in the early stage. 】

[Brother Jian said that the opposite is Ah Shui. 】

【Are you really going to kick Ah Shui? 】

[Brother Jian started tidying up his sleeves, this is about to start getting serious. 】

The unique buddies on the top of the canyon all got the heroes they wanted, and the game began soon.

Cui Zijian is on the red side, and the top laner is the recently reworked werewolf top laner.

After the werewolf was reworked, after being positioned as a jungler, he was finally lifted to the top order by a group of unique skills.

Playing the wild poodle is also a unique brother, and the stick brother has a mid laner Lulu.

In a sense, Brother Stick's hand Lulu is also a unique skill.

So there is a very serious problem in the lineup of the red side, lack of AP!

Even so, the support has to come to cooperate with Yasuo.

After careful consideration, the assistant chose the female tank.

Compared with the lineup of the red side, the lineup of the blue side is very normal.

Rewen on the top lane, Mantis the jungler, Enchantress in the mid lane, Xiaopao in the bottom lane, and Thresh as the support.

In any case, the blue team's lineup is very solid, and the red team highlights a variety of strange things.

The strangest thing is that in the bottom lane, he even used Yasuo to beat other people's cannons.

Helping the poodle get off the road and open the field normally, Ah Shui's small cannon was directly stuck at the mouth of the river.

Yasuo sacrificed passively and changed the economy of three front row troops.

As for the three long-range soldiers in the back row, they can only eat if they can eat, and experience if they can't eat.

Obviously, the female tank has the idea of ​​grabbing the second place, pressing forward to give Yasuo a chance to take the front and rear.

With the AOE effect of Steel Flash, Yasuo's line control in the early stage is not much slower than the small cannon.

Cui Zijian manipulated Yasuo, and a steel slasher scraped Thresh while harvesting the blood line of the minions.

And Cui Zijian began to pin the signal of Xiaopao.

As the strength of at least one in other districts, the female tank will advance to the position knowingly.

Ah Shui never expected that his long-handed cannon was first snatched to the second level by a short-handed Yasuo.

With the female tank pushing forward, he had to pull back.

And Yasuo has already saved a whirlwind in his hand at this time, and directly predicts the retreat position of the small cannon.

The hurricane harvested the health of the two minions in the second wave of soldiers, and two upgraded golden lights shone on Yasuo and the female tank.

The successive forward cuts made Yasuo quickly come to Xiaopao's feet.

The details twisted to avoid Thresh's hook, and Zhan Gang flashed his hand, further lowering Xiaopao's bloodline.

Ah Shui was taken aback by the sudden attack.

It's not that he hasn't played training games with EDG before.

Compared with himself who just walked with Baolan, EDG's bot lane suppression is indeed very strong.

But Ah Shui didn't think that it could be played by a top laner who became a monk halfway, he would think it was the pressure from Tianye more.

It's different now, everyone's support is passers-by, so it's a test of personal skills.

At least after this wave of blood exchange, Ah Shui started to be serious.

After Yasuo grabbed the second level, the Japanese girl stood in front of the pawn line, so that Xiaopao not only missed the economy of the two front row pawns, but even missed two experience points.

And Yasuo's forward pressure on the line wore down the HP of the small cannon, but it didn't make the situation of the pawn line unbalanced.

The direction of the next two waves of soldiers will be controlled in the river.

Xiaopao can't just wait for the line to come over under the tower, otherwise it is not much different from waiting to die.

The experience of the two front row soldiers was missed, but Thresh ate the experience into his stomach through ambiguous moves.

Relying on Thresh's advance to the second, it also gave Xiaopao the confidence to dare to step forward to take the line.

"Who made you eat the thread?"

After Cui Zijian in the live broadcast room finished speaking, he manipulated Yasuo and swiped up.

Not only Ah Shui was taken aback, but even passers-by Thresh players were also shocked.

Does this Yasuo play games like this?

Isn't it too unreasonable to be a king?
The last time I saw someone playing a game like this was EDG's top laner, which is the current ADC.

The Thresh player couldn't help but feel suspicious. Looking at the operation, he probably won't meet Allah.

There was no time to think too much, what he had to do now was to save Xiaopao's life.

Judging by Yasuo's posture, he came here desperately.

The most frightening thing is that their small cannons don't look like fuel-efficient lamps either.

The opponent is pressing forward like this, so you should back down a bit, and wait until the second level to go up, and you still want to play a wave.

In an instant, the pressure on Thresh players increased sharply.

Thresh wanted the pendulum to knock Yasuo back.

However, with a wind in his hand, Yasuo stepped forward and chose Thresh.

And when the wind in his hand was about to make a move, Yasuo in front of him suddenly disappeared.

EQ flash!
Yasuo flashed and landed next to Xiaopao.

The Japanese girl behind her quickly followed Yiyang Zhi and connected to the control behind her.

Under continuous control, Ah Shui seemed to hear the sound of being hung up and ignited.

The Thresh player was startled, he suddenly opened the Tab key.

I rely on!Are the people on the top of the canyon so perverted?
Yasuo is not finished playing the next road, and he has to ignite Yasuo with one hand.

Who can stand this thing in the early stage!

Looking at Ah Shui who was quickly turned into a gray screen, I regretted it.

He seemed to be able to guess what that dog Cui Zijian looked like.

So what if you guessed it, but messed with your own mentality.

He was sent home before level two, which was really embarrassing.

What's more, behind him was already surrounded by a group of melon eaters.

"Mistakes, mistakes."

King Ning shouted at the side: "What the hell, was killed so quickly?"

"Shut up, I will definitely be able to call back in the next wave, so let him be killed first."

Giving Yasuo a head is somewhat too much.

Cui Zijian went home and updated a wave of equipment, and directly put Huang Cha in his pocket.

Movement Speed, Critical Strike, and Attack Speed ​​are three attribute bonuses, and Yasuo's attribute panel has been generally improved.

When he appeared in the bottom lane again, Yasuo finished the damage with a slashing steel flash, and directly used the minions behind him to pull away.

Xiaopao's fragile body couldn't bear the damage, and the basic attack of the counterattack was on Yasuo, but he just knocked out his white shield.

But that's it, it's not good if you don't fight back, you can't take the damage for nothing.

Even if Yasuo is not passive, he will not lose money in the exchange with Xiaopao.

Yasuo's AQ damage hits, even if he doesn't crit, it is still a quarter of his health.

This torture continued until the sixth level.

It's not that the small cannons of level six can fight back, but that the small cannons don't need to fight back.

The female tank opened the big position, stepped forward and added dizziness, as long as the small cannon caught the wind, it would be a dead word.

A dead little cannon, he didn't need to fight back.

This kind of brainless style of play doesn't even need to control the line.

Although the output of minions in the early stage is very high, they can't catch up with Yasuo's set of damage explosions.

"Damn it, Thresh's hook is too stretched!"

"Brother Lan, if you operate this wave, I will really kill Yasuo."

Ah Shui is still trying to find Thresh's problem.

But Thresh players are also wronged.

Passersby don't pay much attention to coordination when they play ranked, they just play whatever they want.

Ah Shui's style of play is that when he can play output, he will naturally not retreat. What he pays attention to is recklessness.

This is very similar to Cui Zijian.

But Ah Shui's recklessness is more like the recklessness above, the kind that is desperate for output.

Cui Zijian's recklessness depends more on whether his teammates follow.

Obviously, Cui Zijian can be reckless in this game by relying on the Japanese woman.

Thresh wanted to hit a backhand, but couldn't find a chance to do so.

The most fundamental problem was that Xiao Pao didn't give him a chance to hit a backhand.

"Yasuo's damage is too high. If you confront him head-on like this, you are not seeking your own death."

Song Yi entered the old middle road Yasuo, and saw the problem of the previous wave at a glance.

However, in Ah Shui's view, he could fight in the last wave, and it was even the only chance to fight back.

As long as Thresh dares to go up and follow the skills, he uses his ultimate move to push Yasuo into the defense tower, and the damage from the defense tower can definitely form a counter-kill.

But the problem is that Thresh didn't give the pendulum of doom the first time, or even the hook.

His sister's, what he gave was a lantern!
Run, what are you running, let's kill that disgusting thing on the opposite side first.

The two people have different ideas, one wants to fight, and the other wants to run away, so Yasuo can only reluctantly take the head.

Yasuo killed the small cannon again, and the equipment gap was completely formed.

This is a passerby game, not a game.

Even if it is a game, there is a high probability that the jungler will not come to the bot lane.

I was killed twice by the line, and I had to send one back to the spring when the jungler came.

In the following games, Yasuo also chased Xiaopao all the way.

Under the crushing of equipment and levels, Xiaopao couldn't bear the damage at all, and could only be sent back to the spring water again and again.

The record became horrible step by step, Ah Shui even had the urge to cover the number in the upper right corner with a piece of paper.

Shy, who was wearing slippers, also came to the training room at this time.

"Hey, Jie Kuo, why are you giving away the head like this?"

Ah Shui blushed and said, "Shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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