LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 173 If you don't hand in the flash, you will die!

Chapter 173 If you don't hand in the flash, you will die!

"With no vision, will EDG still compete for this canyon pioneer?" Smiling and serious questioning face.

"There's no need for that. Male Spear can put pressure on the lower half of the field, allowing Ezreal and Karma to consume the tower's HP."

"Judging from Bang's style of play, he must have received education in the waiting room after the last game. What stands out in this game is his stability."

"If you want to play Canyon Herald, EDG has to do too many wards, otherwise it's easy to give Zac a chance to jump blindly."

"Also, whether it's the murloc top laner or Zac the jungler, they can bring a wind-up magic ball into the field."

Two commentators and a retired player, they came to the judgment that this wave of teams cannot be played.

But in the game screen, EDG has gathered five people and rushed towards the canyon pioneer camp.

The vision left by SKT in EDG's Raptor camp, happened to see Karma's figure.

Now that the support is here, even if Izreal is not seen, it has already sent a signal to SKT that EDG will compete for the vanguard of the canyon.

"They're going to take the vanguard, we're going to fight."

Little Peanut: "I'll find a position to open their back row, clockwork and pay attention to dribbling the ball for me."

"Cheat out Morgana's black shield first."

The deployment before the battle was completed, and SKT personnel gathered on the other side of the river.

From the perspective of God, all ten people on both sides appeared in the river in the upper half of the field.

The audience at the scene were no longer restless. They were staring at the big screen in front of them, and they seemed to be unable to feel their own breathing.

The most critical team battle that will determine this game is about to start.

Zac came to the upper half of EDG with a scan. After making sure that no one had spotted his position, he stuck to the wall, ready to jump over the wall and start a team battle.

SKT met four people from EDG head-on, but did not see the appearance of the fifth person.

And the fifth person is Cui Zijian's Ezreal.

Where is Cui Zijian?

If EDG is going to push down the lane, then he will never appear on the minimap for a long time.

But if he's coming to the Rift Herald teamfight, where's Ezreal?
Soon, Cui Zijian gave them the answer.

"Assi! Ezreal is in their wild area!"

Little Peanut was numb. He thought of many places where Ezreal would appear, but he never thought that he would appear behind him.

I'm a Zac, you Ezreal beat me in the back?
Secret Shot and Essence Jump hit Zach one after another, and Peanut didn't know whether to fight back or go head-on.

"Kill Ezreal first, the little murlocs will be around." Wolf confessed.

Huni said excitedly: "Want enough to see my position, let's kill this nasty guy!"

The green Zac jumped high in the air, and the next moment Ezreal's perfect barrage was accumulating in his hands.

"Hey, ha!"

The yellow precise barrage passed through Zac's body in mid-air, and at the position of his stone man, the little murloc threw out the bait in his hand.

The red circle that Zac landed on the ground under his feet, and the big move of the little murloc coming from the side.

Without the slightest hesitation, Cui Zijian handed over both Arcane Leap and Flash.

Turning around, he sent a basic attack and hit Zach who had landed.

"Don't let their people go back to defense, use your mouth to restrict them!"

By the way, the teams on both sides were cut into two battlefields.

The protagonists of these two battlefields are the ADCs of their respective teams.

The little murlocs and Zac were chasing after Ezreal, while on SKT's side, Dazui frantically sent out the four EDG players who wanted to rush to support.

Both sides are in a life-and-death race, even the director.

In order to show the battle on both sides, the director specially zoomed out the camera.

The character model was shrunk in God's vision, and it was vaguely visible that Ezreal was frantically pulling the little murloc and Zack's pursuit.

Ezreal and the little murloc always kept a subtle distance, and he couldn't release the Q skill to get close to Ezreal.

And Ezreal's normal attack range cannot hit the little murloc, but the secret shot in his hand keeps shooting.

Every time the white light hits the little murloc, he will lose more than one block of HP.

The most important thing is that in order to rush over to the Golem camp, the little murloc used the E skill to rush through the wall.

The situation has reached the present, no matter for Zac or the little murloc, they have no room to turn back.

Either kill Ezreal in the front, or be beaten by the EDG crowd who rushed over from behind.

"Ezreal hit the little murloc with another shot of the secret technique, and Huni finally waited for the ghost to get closer."

"But Ezreal's Arcane Leap cooldown has expired under the mystical shots that hit one after another."

"The jumping little murloc landed on the ground. Before he could release the mischievous blow, Ezreal's arcane leap had already reached the other side of the wall."

"The little murloc hit the wall! His mischievous strike is so strong that he passed such a thick wall, and Ezreal on the other side is still outputting!"

"Two seconds to shoot a secret technique, and in Cui Zijian's hands, his skills seem to be equipped with navigation."

"The little murloc finally came to his senses. He and Zach must flee to the stone man."

Will Cui Zijian let go of the little murloc who wants to escape?
the answer is negative!

It was another shot of a secret technique, and the precise angle made Zach have to use his body to help his teammates resist this wave of damage.

At this time, the little murloc had already suffered the damage of three arcane shots, not including the interspersed essence leap.

As long as the little murloc eats another skill, it will be a corpse in the EDG wild area.

"The little murloc and Zack came to the grass next to the red buff. Here is a real eye of SKT. Ezreal has no vision in the grass."

"My God! Ezreal's secret shot passed through Zac and hit the little murloc!"

Ezreal is one of the signs of smiling, of course he knows what is behind this skill.

Is it a prediction, or confidence in your own skills?

In short, after this secret shot, Ezreal turned around and twisted Zac's skills again.

The pursuit belonging to Ezreal is still going on.

In the frontal team battle, EDG saw that Ezreal kite killed the opposite top laner, turned around and started a battle with the three of SKT.

Morgana enters the arena, driving the black shield to directly activate the ultimate move.

Without the slightest hesitation, the SKT players handed over Flash in unison.

If this flash is not handed over, they will die!

"The team battle on both sides of EDG has reached a fever pitch. Zac was disabled, and he is still twisting, trying to avoid Ezreal's next secret shot by moving."

"But Cui Zijian proved with his strength that his Ezreal's skills will not be empty!"

Miller said in disbelief: "I really can't imagine how many skills Ezreal has hit in this wave of team battles."

"It's not scary how many skills he hits, what's scary is that his secret shooting is almost never empty."

Smiling, he added: "This is a person who made fun of Ueno, who was opposite him, and even escaped unscathed."

"After this wave of team fights, EDG's victory has basically been established."

"The economic gap of [-], and the canyon pioneer in hand, the next game rhythm will be completely controlled by EDG."

After getting the canyon pioneer, EDG gathered the players and came to the middle without saying a word.

The canyon pioneer bumped into a tower in the middle, and the half-blooded defense tower collapsed directly.

EDG's perfect operating rhythm further widened the economic gap, and even SKT, which has always been known for its operations, was powerless to fight back.

Especially after the first tower in the middle lane was pushed down, SKT had no rhythm in the next game.

Xiaolong became EDG's pocket, and SKT couldn't even lay out the vision.

In addition, Zack of Little Peanut saw the male gun in the wild area like a mouse seeing a cat, and he had no choice but to turn his head and run for his life.

The audience couldn't imagine that EDG had an economic lead of 10 at 25 minutes, and this gap lasted until [-] minutes.

In the past 5 minutes, EDG abruptly failed to find the rhythm to break through the high ground of SKT.

Under the defense of Dazui and Lulu, SKT's mid-lane highland seems to have become an impenetrable city.

And the little murloc, relying on his flexible skills, constantly helps his teammates make up for their economic disadvantages through single belts.

For EDG, there seems to be only one choice for them to go to the high ground of SKT.

That is to open the dragon!

"SKT knew they couldn't catch Ezreal in the back row of EDG, so they chose to play the front row first."

"But Sion, who has developed for nearly 10 minutes, can stand in the front row of the team only with the HP value brought by the W passive."

"Da Zui's output is not slow, but he just can't deal with Sion's front row."

"EDG repelled SKT's defense, they are going to turn around and take Baron!"

"No! It's not just about taking Baron, they're going to win the game, they're going to win three match points!"

Dalong was firmly won by EDG, so their last hurdle to break through SKT has become within reach.

Even if Dazui can deal with the line of soldiers being pushed over, it doesn't mean he can get rid of the strengthened sports car.

The cannon carts in the middle lane wiped away the high ground of SKT's middle lane one after another.

From the perspective of the audience at this time, EDG is ahead of SKT by 1.

Even if SKT starts a team, can they really withstand EDG's frontal team battle?

Furthermore, is EDG really the leading economy of more than 1 on paper?

Maybe there are more, such as the blood volume brought by Thain's passive, how many red crystals can add up to the blood volume?
EDG could win the game in a single wave, but they chose the safest plan.

Break three ways!
This tortured game not only tortured the five players of SKT, but even the starches couldn't bear it.

Brother, the economy of more than 1 yuan is poor, are you sure you don't let Thain drive up to try it?
don't try!It is to break the three roads, and then take the second big dragon.

Facing the pressure of the three-way pawn line, SKT gave up the fight for the second dragon, and at the same time gave up the possibility of winning this game.

"Let's congratulate EDG for beating SKT. They have a [-]-[-] lead."

"Steady, must be steady, playing against a tough team like SKT, you can't relax until the moment you receive the award."

"Yes, I believe that EDG is SKT's old opponent, and their coaching staff knows SKT best."

He smiled and said, "It's the third game, I just don't know if that figure will appear."

"Yeah, EDG fans probably miss that figure very much. Now, I don't know if EDG will make personnel adjustments."

Soon, news of the race ahead came.

Miller said regretfully: "In the third game, EDG retained the original lineup, and they still chose Xiaotian as the starting jungler."

"It's okay. Now the players are holding a sigh of relief, saying that they can't relax that breath before winning the championship."

At the beginning of the third game, Peanut seemed to have regained his form in the spring split, especially after getting Olaf.

With frequent attacks, Xiaotian's jungle pressure was unbearable.

And in the BP, Abramovich paid special attention to the bottom lane, and wanted to show Cui Zijian a late-stage big-core ADC.

When EDG's bottom lane cut off the sharp edge, then Bang finally ushered in the development rhythm he wanted.

Xiaotian's excavator frequently helped him get off the road, but the skills he got out were really limited.

On the way back to the wild area in a wave, he just ran into Olaf crouching in the grass.

Olaf's Ragnarok is on, exempt from all controls.

In this case, the excavator did not choose to escape, but chose to fight back.

The result of the counterattack was that the excavator turned into a corpse, and Olaf got the head he wanted.

After getting the first head, Olaf took off rhythmically.

For Olaf, Lulu's protection of Big Mouth can be described as useless.

Changing sheep can avoid control, and the big move can also be knocked into the air, but under Olaf's axe, Dazui's body is too fragile.

In the commentary booth of Lck, two commentators and an invited guest who had been dull for two rounds finally ushered in their carnival moment.

"Olaf rushed into the crowd of EDG. Poor EDG, none of them can stop Peanut's attack from killing their back row." The commentator with the big back shouted.

"Hahaha, Peanut just killed EDG's big mouth like a pig. This really reminds me of a jungler in EDG. That person is called the factory manager."

"Huh? I still have a little impression of this jungler. He was the champion jungler last year." The commentator couldn't help laughing and said, "Unfortunately, I heard that the jungler retired after winning the championship."

Lck invited the guests to say: "It's time to retire bravely. After all, the players in the LPL are not like the players in our competition area. They will transform into idols after they perform well. As for the profession, our Lck players have professionalism."

The two commentators were afraid of being drowned by the saliva of the LPL audience, so they didn't comment on Qijiang.

But seeing the guests talking to Qijiang, they were still bursting with excitement.

The guests kept teasing Qijiang, who was with the water dispenser all day long.

However, Qijiang didn't watch Lck's commentary either. He just watched EDG's unbalanced game on the game screen and fell into deep thought.

Qijiang looked at Abu who was frowning beside her, and hesitated to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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