LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 212 The coming chapter swings

October [-]th, Wuhan Sports Center.

Under the scorching sun, a long queue still formed outside the gate of the stadium.

Fans from all over the world used hats or paper fans to enjoy the cool breeze, trying to drive away the heat in Wuhan.

During the time when the audience entered the venue one by one, vehicles came and went at the back door of the venue.

Many fans are waiting there, and when they see a bus with a familiar team logo, they will call out the names of the players in the corresponding team.

Many fans were impatient to wait, but they had no intention of leaving.

"Isn't EDG here yet? RNG is here at ten o'clock in the morning."

"Today's opening game is started by RNG and FB. Of course they have to come earlier. EDG's game will be postponed until [-] pm. I think they should come after waiting."

"Then the World Championship must not hold an opening ceremony, so that all the teams participating in the World Championship can show their faces."

"Hey, it's only twelve o'clock anyway, so wait and see."

Not long after, SKT's bus passed through the crowd and stopped at the gate.

The popularity of the Big Devil in the LPL division is still very high, or the popularity in the world.

If the theme of this year's World Championship revolves around legends, then it is impossible to avoid the name Faker.

Lee Sang Hyuk passed through the crowd expressionlessly, and followed the security guard all the way to the gate.

As soon as the door was opened, more enthusiastic cheers sounded behind him.

Lee Sang Hyuk turned his head slowly and saw the bus with black and white EDG team flags stopped.

As the coach, Abramovich walked out of the bus first, followed by Cui Zijian, who was wearing sunglasses and warmly gave a high-five to the hands extended by the fans.

The fans on the right are obviously not convinced, Brother Jian only high-fives the people on the left, what does that mean.

The social terrorist Cui Zijian ran back after high-fiving his head, and this time he greeted the fans on the right.

"Brother Jian, come on."

"Can you still win the world championship, Brother Jian?"

"When you win the world championship, you have to laugh and you have to be happy."

"Brother Jian, you must win the world championship, and leave the Summoner Trophy in the LPL."

"Come on EDG, Abramovich will do a good job in BP."

The cheers brought by the fans really boosted the morale of the players, presumably this is the advantage brought by the home court.

Sixteen teams from all over the world gathered in the background, and the huge venue was full at the moment, with various team flags waving in the auditorium.

Everyone knows that this is the beginning of the World Championship and the beginning of the story.

The game is brutal, and now the spectators can see sixteen different team flags. After ten days of fighting in the group stage, there are only eight team flags left in the Guangzhou Stadium.

Of course, this is not the cruelest thing. The cruelest thing is the bird's nest at the end of the World Championship, where more spectators can be accommodated, but there can only be two flags there.

No one is 100% sure who can lead the flags of various teams to the Bird's Nest.

At least in their view, if they want to go to the Bird's Nest, they must break out of the siege in Wuhan.

"Welcome everyone to the scene of the S7 Global Finals. This is the sports venue in Wuhan, China. I am the host Ren Dong."

"Summoners at the scene, let me feel your most intense applause?"

After the voice fell, the whole venue seemed to be set on fire.

Many fans stood up excitedly, shaking the team flag in their hands.

The cameraman swept across the venue and recorded the enthusiastic summoners one by one.

"After a year of fierce competition, we have selected [-] teams from various competition areas around the world to gather in Wuhan, and they will present us with a month-long visual feast."

"Sixteen teams have traveled a long distance to come here. When they stand on the stage of the World Championship, they shoulder the glory of a division. I believe that every team here will give all their strength to attack the championship."

"Friends in the audience, let's invite sixteen teams to come on stage!"

"Let's invite the first team. They were the champions of the last Global Finals. On the stage in Los Angeles, they won the first Summoner Trophy for LPL."

"They are the EDG team from the LPL!"

Ren Dong deliberately raised the volume of his voice, causing the fans off the field to scream.

In an instant, the entire venue became a sea of ​​black and white flags.

EDG's team flags are everywhere, and they are waved wantonly in the hands of fans.

"Next, please ask the EDG team to return the summoner trophy."

In order to increase the confrontation of the game, before the start of the World Championship every year, the previous champion will return the Summoner Trophy, and then the corresponding club will get a copy.

In other words, there is only one summoner trophy. If you want to keep the trophy in your hands, you must constantly defeat your opponents every year and win the final world championship.

Obviously, since the global finals, no team has achieved consecutive championships.

Even a team as strong as SKT, they also experienced the frustration of S4. It was not until the rebuilding of S5 that they ushered in the dynasty belonging to SKT again.

The Summoner trophy returned, and the other [-] teams appeared on the world stage one by one.

The teams from the four major regions are all gathered together, which makes the big wild card brothers seem a bit lonely.

The lights swept from the stage to the auditorium, the venue was dimmed and brightened, and the shots of some contestants were constantly emerging on the big screen.

The shots of well-known players can often lead to cheers from the scene, and even unknown wild card players can also welcome a burst of applause from the scene.

It can be said that the LPL audience has given enough face to friends from all over the world.

It's not easy to say that a friend comes from afar.

After the opening ceremony, none of the sixteen teams left the venue.

There will be six games in the group stage on the first day, that is to say, most of the sixteen teams will appear one by one in the group stage on the first day.

The first to appear is the RNG team, and their opponent is the FB team from Latin America.

The five FB brothers who have been struggling all the way from the finalists have not yet adapted to the rhythm of the World Championship, so they just appeared in front of the world.

RNG did not underestimate the enemy in the first game. They chose the safest four guarantees and one play.

This is also RNG's most unique style of play at present, and it is also a system that many teams want to learn, but cannot learn all of it.

Xiangguo's hunger strike style showed its sharpness, and the second red buff was given to the puppy's big mouth.

The puppy lived up to expectations. After mastering the three-piece suit, he cooperated with his teammates to have a perfect team battle in the middle.

The five FB brothers listened to the cheers at the scene, which was particularly harsh. Their first game in the group stage ended so hastily, and before they even had time to feel the game, they were sprayed with five mouths by the opponent to end the game.

The first game of Group D of the death group was started by Samsung and the North American Cult. This game was not as tight as the audience expected before the game.

Bilson tried his best to select Lucian, but unfortunately the cowardice of his teammates made them lose a chance to fight the situation back.

In the final pursuit, Bilson chose to slide forward, sending his dispensable head.

Immediately afterwards, Dragon Ball unilaterally slaughtered the big Vietnamese brothers. The strength of the teams on both sides was not at the same level at all.

From the beginning to the end of the game, GAM did not see any waves that could come back.

Not to mention the waves of comeback, they don't even have room to resist.

The first game of the Dragon Ball World Championship was perfectly won, but their coaching staff did not let up.

The teams in Group B can be said to be the weakest, and they don't have to worry about the possibility of being eliminated in the group stage.

And in this case, the coaching staff will have to study other teams even more.

Among them, Samsung's last game made the Dragon Ball coaching staff feel scared.

They have seen the strength of Samsung before. The game just now was not like Samsung in the playoffs at all. Their evolution was too fast.

From the bubbling match to the finalist match, Samsung seems to have gone through the long steps of ascending to the gods, climbing up step by step.

The pace of the game was fast, and the EDG players in the lounge began to pack up their equipment. They were about to face off against their first opponent in the World Championship.

AHQ from across the sea.

AHQ can be said to be EDG's old opponent. The two teams have always collided in world-class competitions over the years.

In the World Championship last year, EDG even double-killed AHQ. For today's game, the starches also want to get a good start.

Even though it was nine o'clock in the middle of the night, there were not many spectators in the stadium. The schedule of this round of Riot Games was extremely reasonable, so that office workers could also see EDG's first show.

Cui Zijian appeared on the field with a keyboard, and the long-quiet venue became lively again.

"Brother Jian, come on!"

"EDG come on!"

Cui Zijian waved his hand in response, and quickly followed his teammates and sat on the battle bench.


"Thank you for continuing to pay attention to our group stage. Next up is the match between the No. [-] seed EDG in our division and the No. [-] seed AHQ in the LMS division."

"Hello everyone, I'm the commentator to remember."

"I'm explaining Su Xiaoyan."

"The coaches on both sides chose the Ban position very quickly. AHQ on the blue side blocked the female police first, and Coach Abu killed the little murloc in the middle lane of AHQ, Ximen, and then sent the card to the Ban position."

Su Xiaoyan brushed her hair, and continued: "The coaches on both sides seem to have come prepared. The heroes they banned in the first round are all the opponents are good at, and they can even be called unique heroes."

"Xiaotian's blind monk is still outside, and Scout's enchantress, AHQ's ban position is obviously not enough."

"For the enchantress, don't choose randomly. Now that Galio is still outside, if AHQ gives Galio, who is behind Ximen, it will be quite uncomfortable for the lane."

"AHQ took the lead in targeting Fengnv, which is not a problem. Now that the Censer Monster's version has been fine-tuned, Fengnv's priority is still very high."

"Since the opponent chose the incense burner, I think EDG can take Lulu."

"Take the prince first, and lock Lulu in the second hand. It depends on what AD AHQ will use to match Fengnv."

Lulu said it was settled, AHQ obviously did not intend to give the big mouth to EDG.

They have studied Cui Zijian's hero pool, and Dazui's winning rate is as high as [-]%. In the LPL regular season and playoffs, he used Dazui in [-] games and won as many as [-] games.

With such a strong bottom lane combination, coupled with the opponent's terrifying winning rate, AHQ can only take down Dazui with a ban.

The selection came to AHQ, and they chose Zhumei without hesitation.

Abramovich's first-hand prince's jungler is limited by limitations. After the gargoyle plate armor is weakened, the current version of the jungler is not as frank as the pig girl.

At this stage, the bottom lane priority is extremely high, especially after the fine-tuning of the World Championship version, the dragons in the early stage represent the rhythm of the follow-up game.

"I can take the order with the prince." When Abu was struggling, Smeb spoke again.

Smeb has made such sacrifices in the regular season and playoffs countless times, but when the team needs someone to sacrifice now, he stood up again.

If the prince is placed in the top lane, then the jungle position will be the best choice.

"Wine Barrel can play wild. Swing the prince to the upper unit. Wine Barrel has both skill damage and control in the early stage. The most important thing is that he is not inferior to Zhumei when he stands upright."

Smeb made sacrifices, so AHQ will target the top laner prince more in the subsequent selections, and Abramovich's next two bans will target Gnar and Crocodile, in order to make the top laner more comfortable.

After AHQ blocked the mouse and Syndra, the two sides came to a new round of heart choices.

I remember hesitating for a long time and saying: "Verus, fight for the advantage of the barrel in the early stage."

"In this case, the mid laner has to follow suit, otherwise EDG's early rhythm will be controlled by the barrel, and Xiaotian will be under a lot of pressure."

"EDG has locked down Verus. They want to give the middle lane an ultimate counter position. After all, when Syndra is dropped by AHQban, there are really not many left in the middle lane."

"AHQ chose Shen as the top laner. No matter from the perspective of the lane, or the single belt in the mid-to-late stage, or even the early-stage bottom lane battle, Shen can play a certain key role."

"Wow, the top laner Shen's move is really amazing. If you want to gain an early advantage in the top lane, it depends on how talented Smeb is. Otherwise, when Shen makes Tiamat, the prince's laning pressure will be great."

"AHQ chose another mid-lane male sword. They are BP for EDG's bottom lane. Now that the damage of the male sword has been increased, Tiamat can instantly deal with the line of troops."

"Combined with the skill of overcoming the wall and quick support in the early stage, this male sword is really a great threat to EDG's bottom lane."

"Take Galio? There is a lot of pressure in the middle lane. In the mid-term, Galio dare not lead the sideline with the male sword, so give the male sword more wandering rhythm."

Abramovich paced back and forth, and he was discussing the last choice with the players.

No matter how Abu guessed, he never guessed that the opponent would use a male sword to restrict their development in the bottom lane.

The most irritating thing is that Ximen's assassins are all signatures. He is not only a little murloc who can kill a big devil, but also a male sword who has disturbed Hanbok.

In front of the camera, Abu suddenly stopped, and now there are still ten seconds before the end of the selection.

"Change! Lulu mid laner, use Karma as support!"

In the commentary seat, I remember thinking that Abu had fallen into the trap of AHQ. When Karma was locked down, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

(End of this chapter)

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