LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 218 The No. 2 Seed in Two Divisions

On October [-]th, four days had passed since the group stage.

During these four days, the three teams representing the LPL are actively preparing for the next quarter-finals.

Every team wants to take a step forward, go to Shanghai to play the semi-finals, and even more hope to go to the Bird's Nest to play the finals.

Players hope to stand on the highest podium, and the capital behind the club is also eager to attract more endorsements through the championship.

Before EDG won the championship, no one knew how big the cake brought by the first LPL championship would be.

When the capital really saw the cake, they were indeed moved.

Guangzhou is still very hot in October, and it seems that autumn has not arrived in this city.

No matter how hot the temperature is, LPL spectators still traveled all the way to the stadium.

Countless starches came to this city with the team flag celebrating the championship for EDG last year.

Before the game even started, EDG's team flags had filled the streets of Guangzhou.

Many fans spontaneously cheered for the parade. When the EDG bus passed by, Cui Zijian was really dumbfounded.

"Are the fans so enthusiastic? I feel like the crowd can't see the end at a glance."

Tian Ye said frankly: "Last year we competed in the United States, brother Jian, have you forgotten how crazy North American cult fans are?"

I can't help but recall the scene in San Francisco last year. The sound of TSM's cheering can be said to resound throughout the hall.

If you think about it this way, Cui Zijian understands why there is the term home field advantage.

Playing games in front of your own door, having a large number of fans come to cheer and cheer, can really inspire the players.

Needless to say, every team member seemed to feel a sense of mission when walking through the fan group.

Abramovich deliberately asked the driver of the bus to slow down, and the players opened the windows to greet the fans.

"Brother Jian, come on, kill Dragon Ball."

"Brother Jian, don't be afraid that we won't be able to earn back the ticket price if they have zero seals. We can watch three games."

"Shoot into Shanghai, and join forces with IG in the Bird's Nest!"

"Let us watch an LPL civil war in our lifetime."

"Brother Jian, you are a fucking legend in my heart!"

Since EDG was assigned to the upper half and IG was assigned to the lower half, a seemingly unrealistic but ideal idea emerged spontaneously in the hearts of LPL audiences.

The two teams marched northward from their respective halfs together, all the way to the finals.

Then let EDG capture IG three times, and finally won the championship.

It looks nice.

The bus was parked at the entrance of the venue. If there were no security guards maintaining the scene, the fans would have smashed through the fence.

Even though the team members have been in the stadium for a long time, there are still spectators cheering at the door.

"I used to feel that I was a bit famous, but now I suddenly feel that I am a big star." Tian Ye said with a smile.

Xiaotian was still immersed in the feeling of being supported by everyone just now, and muttered to himself: "When will I be like Brother Jian, surrounded by a group of people calling my name."

"When you win a championship in the Bird's Nest, then you will prove that you are the sky."

"Yes, yes, this game is different from other games. People will only remember the champion, and no one will ever know who the champion is."

"It's like other people only know that the highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, but they don't know the second highest mountain in the world."

Just as EDG walked into the lounge, Dragon Ball's bus also arrived at the venue.

Although the LPL audience hoped for the team from their own division that won the championship this year, they still gave their cheers for Dragon Ball.

The commentary for the first round of the quarterfinals invited the two Haier brothers and Sao Zhu as guest commentators.

This time Saozhu stood in front of the camera in a suit and leather shoes, and his glasses were not as aggressive as the ones he wore in the live broadcast room.

"Welcome everyone to the quarterfinals of the League of Legends Global Finals. This is the Guangzhou Gymnasium. I am the commentator."

"Hi everyone, I'm commentator Miller."

"Hi everyone, I am a guest commentator on PDD."

After introducing herself, Doll started to get down to business.

"Mr. Liu Mou also said just now that the reason why he is wearing a suit is because he will take off a piece of clothing on his body every time the LPL team moves forward in the next game."

Miller let out a wow to stir up the atmosphere, and then said: "Then this idea is very creative. I wonder if the clothes on Teacher Liu Mou are enough to take off?"

Saozhu lightened his clothes, besides the suit jacket, there was also a jacket inside.

As expected, if the LPL team reaches the Bird's Nest, he can still have a short sleeve to hide his shame.

"Then I have something to say. Is it a step closer to winning the LPL championship? In this case, Teacher Liu will have to take off three pieces of clothes."

Saozhu, who thought he was in control just now, looked at his clothes, the smile on his face froze, and he said tentatively.

"Winning the championship doesn't count?"

"Hahaha, Teacher Wa, don't scare the guests to explain, I think Mr. Liu Mou's forehead is sweating from fright."

"Okay, no kidding, Mr. Liu's flag is a way to cheer up our LPL team. I hope you don't go to Mr. Liu Mou's live broadcast room to bring the rhythm."

Sao Zhu frowned, what do you mean don't let them take the rhythm, what you said is purely to let them take my rhythm, okay?

The commentary seats are hung in the mid-air of the venue, and the commentary seats of the five competition areas stand in several directions in turn.

In the commentary booth of LPL, the voices of Lck commentators can still be faintly heard.

The two stick commentators were particularly enthusiastic, dancing and shouting.

"Unexpectedly, we met EDG in the first game of Dragon Ball. I think this championship team's road may come to an end."

"Hahaha, I can only hope that EDG can play a full Bo5. After all, SKT in the summer split couldn't last four rounds in the hands of Dragon Ball."

"Of course, I don't deny EDG's strength. After all, they double-killed SKT in the group stage."

"But we have seen the strength of Dragon Ball Five in the summer split. All five of them are world-leading existences. Even Riot ranked three of them in the top ten, and two of them entered the top five. This is not the strength that EDG possesses."

"Here I want to defend SKT a few words, and it can also be considered as a boost to the confidence of SKT fans."

"I think SKT was able to lose to EDG twice. There are two most important reasons. One is that EDG has studied SKT thoroughly. They may regard SKT as an old opponent, thus ignoring the research on Dragon Ball."

"There is another reason we need to find out from ourselves, that is, SKT has been psychologically shadowed by EDG in recent years. Even if their strength is stronger than EDG, they still can't play their due strength."

The two commentators expressed their opinions confidently, thinking they had seen everything through.

But it’s no wonder they are overconfident. The strength of the five Dragon Ball players is obvious to all. Even the peak SKT was defeated, and they even failed to complete the Bo5 in the final.

The quarter-finals of Dragon Ball and EDG stood together. For the audience of the two divisions, it should be said that they had seen the intensity of the finals in advance.

If these two teams collide in the group stage, there may be a chance to meet again later.

It's a pity that the quarter-final match means that whoever loses will have to leave the arena.

After the hosts on both sides introduced the lineup, the battle song of the venue suddenly sounded.

The audience seemed to be brought into the tense BP stage in an instant.

The battle flag waved and the audience shouted.

At this time, the local LPL audience no longer cheers for Dragon Ball. The game has come to the final stage of cheering, and now is not the time to reflect the quality of the competition.

"Both sides started the first round of Bp, now EDG is on the blue side, and Dragon Ball is on the red side."

"Coach Abu has the right to choose the first Ban position. Should the excavator be banned? This version of the excavator is not very strong." Waowa couldn't help questioning.

Miller scratched his hair: "It's true that this version of the excavator is not very strong, but it can't hold up to the fact that there is a unique excavator on the opposite side."

"The reason why Dragon Ball hasn't taken off in the spring competition is because Cuzz is still a unique player. As long as the excavator is released, it is destined to be a teaching bureau."

"Since Mvp released an excavator and was slaughtered by Cuzz, Lck has already killed this jungler by default."

"The ban position came to the red side, and Dragon Ball did not release Kalista. At present, Kalista's ban rate in the World Championship is still [-]%."

"Ban Lulu again, the first round of bans on both sides is over."

Abramovich's selection was quick, and he banned BDD's cards and rock sparrows. This is a system that their team has often used recently.

Apparently, the red dragon ball has the pressure of the version. After they suppressed the incense burner monster Lulu, they still gave the last ban position to another incense burner monster, Fengnv.

The three Ban positions were determined, and EDG on the blue side selected Malzaha in seconds.

This aroused the vigilance of the Dragon Ball coach. Before that, he had studied the hero pool of every member of EDG. It seemed that the mid laner did not have the option of Malzaha.

Even if you look through Li Ruican's game records, I'm afraid you won't be able to find Malzaha once.

The first-hand choice disrupted the BP rhythm of Dragon Ball.

They shouldn't have chosen Malzahar, at least not this way.

There is no way to deal with it, Dragon Ball simply chooses according to their BP.

After all, if BP cannot restrict the opponent, they simply choose to head-to-head and it's over.

He chose Malzaha as the mid laner, and Dragon Ball chose Clockwork to fight him.

Another option is to put Dragon Ball in the jungler position and grab the barrel jungler in your hands. Even if you can't limit Malzaha, it is also a good choice to attack the AD in the back row.

The next round of selection came to EDG, and Abramovich also had his own preselection in the jungle.

"Xiaotian, I still let you play the prince, you have to remember that your task is to get the group together, don't think too much about the operation, it's not that I don't trust you, as a member of the team, do what you have to do enough."

"Okay, I can start a team battle."

After choosing the jungler, Abramovich did not choose to reveal the AD position, but grabbed the nanny first.

Without Lulu and Fengnv, we still have to support the incense burner system.

A Bu is forced to carry out the censer monster.

There are not many supports left for Dragon Ball, and there are even fewer supports who can be incense burners.

Of course, if the support is not an option, the jungler Emerald God can also play the incense burner.

However, the jungle wine barrel has been determined, and Dragon Ball has no idea of ​​​​shaking strong jungle heroes to the top.

Nami became the last player in the first round of Dragon Ball.

In the second round of ban, both sides continued to block the bottom lane.

However, compared to EDG's two AD positions, Dragon Ball only banned Verus, and left a hand for the top lane, making Khan's lineup more comfortable.

"Big Mouth and Mouse, choose one, we may need you to do all the output for the whole game."

It is already a system of four guarantees and one, so Abramovich simply carried it out to the end.

The upper unit gave Smeb a hand of Sion to resist the pressure, and wanted to cooperate with the prince to enter the field, which could better solve the pressure of Xiaotian to start a group alone.

Dragon Ball has no other ideas. Their bottom lane is the key, and their top lane is also the key.

On this point, the ideas of the two teams coincided with each other.

In the end, Cui Zijian chose to take out the mouse, which can better deal with the back row of Dragon Ball.

In terms of Dragon Ball, Khan got the Gnar he wanted, and he wanted to fight head-on against the former top laner of Lck.

Since Smeb left, Khan's Lck top laner has never been recognized by the audience.

For a proud genius, it is difficult for him to accept the audience's disapproval of him.

Missed the opportunity to go to Brazil in the spring split, and Khan failed to complete the lineup with Smeb.

Finally, having broken through the mountain of the summer split, he met the former No. [-] top laner on the stage of the World Championship.

He wants to prove himself in this arena, and even more wants to show his true strength.

The lineups of both sides are determined.

Blue side EDG: top laner Sion, jungler Prince, mid laner Malzaha, bottom laner Mouse + nanny.

Red Fang Dragon Ball: top laner Gnar, wild wine barrel, middle lane clockwork, bottom lane female policewoman + Nami.

The game entered Summoner's Canyon amidst cheers from the audience.

The first level on both sides gathered in the lower half of the field, which made the commentators excited.

"Is this going to be a first-level team? The offensive style of the start on both sides is very strong."

"To be honest, it's really hard to say that the two first-level teams are fighting, but EDG is a bit lacking in damage. They should have guessed the invasion of Dragon Ball and want to stop them and help Xiaotian defend the lower half of the jungle."

"The wine barrel has learned the E skill, and it seems that the first-level regiment is about to fight."

Under the leadership of the wine barrel, the red party went deep into the river directly.

However, the river has the vision left by Tianye, a meteorite slipped down, and Tianye ran away after finishing his skills.

"Did it go."

A treacherous cry sounded in Dragon Ball's earphones.

The invisible mouse opened the distance at the same time, and only then did Dragon Ball know that the mouse just now was by their side, observing their every move.

"Let's go, the other side has seen our intentions, and we may not be able to get a bargain if we force our way in." Khan said regretfully.

If the team battle can start, Dragon Ball's winning rate is still very high, which is why they assembled directly.

After pulling away, the two Haier brothers took a breath.

As long as it doesn't open, it means that Xiaotian's wild area is preserved. (end of this chapter)

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