LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 120 Winner Group Finals! EDG!

Chapter 120 Winner Group Finals! EDG!

After all, TES did not let the second chase the third.

When the two sides bumped fists after the game, Jiang Zhou stood in front of Ah Shui. This was not the first time the two sides met. From now on, there is still some bearing.

Brother Shuizi stared at Jiang Zhou, "I will come back from the loser group."

Jiang Zhou thought for a while, according to TES's current record, it is difficult.

And TES may be dismantled, but Shuizi brother is naturally impossible to be let go.

It is impossible to kill from the loser group.

RNG in the spring split is an insurmountable mountain.

According to the current state of TES, if you want to win RNG in the loser's bracket... If Xiaohu takes Gnar, can you still use a barrel to deal with it?

IG's strong promotion to the winner's group finals can be said to have exceeded many people's expectations.

In everyone's eyes, the ultimate strength of this team is the top four. According to the script in everyone's mind, this team will lose to TES, and then lose to RNG.

Back to the top?That's what happens in stories.

After all, the current version does not belong to TheShy and Baolan. Although Rookie has always played well, it is too difficult to play the role of CARRY.

But now the overall strength of IG has faintly had the ability to win the championship.

Tsar Rookie and Xia cooperated with each other to push four.

TheShy Tathagata palm.

Baolan's Bron has already represented their return to form, and now there is another outrageous AD, and the champion has appeared.

After tonight, who will be the champion of the LPL seems a bit confusing.

IG3: The matter of 1TES is also a hot topic.

The popularity of IG is there.

No one counts the first year fans, but there are definitely a lot of them. In the past two years, IG's performance has been poor, and the first year fans have lost a lot, but now with the return of IG status, the popularity has risen again. Everyone is Ten years old fan.

Seeing IG rushing to the winner's group finals, fans also ushered in a carnival. Of course, it also aroused heated discussions among players.

"Congratulations to the Fanshan team for their strong return!"

"This year's IG looks like it has a chance to win the championship."

"The return of the king! This time IG really picked up the treasure again."

"JzZ is my god!"

"Rookie, TheShy, and Baolan are all back. JzZ played too brightly, which caused XUN to be a bit dim."

"It's still the same sentence, you never know where the lower limit of IG is, but the upper limit is the same..."

This is a carnival for players.

After IG won TES that night, it went to order food.

Manager Su treats guests to hot pot.

After all, the team has perfectly completed the goal at the beginning of the spring competition, and has successfully locked in the top three. Of course, after ordering the dishes, President Su also said that the next step is not the finals, but winning the championship.

After all, they have come so far. If they just won the runner-up, what is the difference between this and not entering the semi-finals?
After a meal, e-sports players naturally shouldn't drink too much to damage their nerves, but Mr. Su obviously got a little tongue-tied from drinking, and on the way back to the club, he hugged Jiang Zhou's shoulder and talked while breathing alcohol.

"Jiang Zhou, you have a bright future now, but you can't forget the brothers, no matter what, you have to win the championship with IG... hiccup~"

Jiang Zhou moved his body back calmly.

"The championship is also good for you... the peak of debut, the net worth is tens of millions, this is another Ah Shui! But Ah Shui is the world champion~ Hiccup, even though Ah Shui lost today, your achievements still haven't caught up with him ,so……"

Before he finished speaking, he opened the window and vomited.

Jiang Zhou knew it too.

The spring split is not my ultimate dream.

A player who doesn't want to win is not a good ADC.

After one night.

According to the usual practice, it is a day off for everyone to have a good rest.

The next day after waking up, Jiang Zhou was the only one in the double room, and Rookie didn't come back last night.

After getting up early and running for a lap, he began to train alone, but this time it was surprising that TheShy also came early.

When this guy came back last night, it seemed that he hadn't had enough time to shoot three times, so he directly started the chaos mode in the training room.

Even Jiang Zhou admired this.

After fighting fiercely for nearly three hours, his spirit was already a little sluggish, and he just wanted to lie down when he returned to the club.

And TheShy chose to stay alive in the 'Howling Abyss' until midnight before resting, and now he wakes up so early, which is outrageous.

He really likes to fight in the game.

This guy went to see a doctor two days ago because of a hand injury, and was told by the doctor to put less pressure on his hand.

It is estimated that it was ignored by TheShy.

However, as a professional player, it is still difficult to completely rest.

And now, in the morning, TheShy got up again to go to Hanbok to play ranked. Jiang Zhou took a look, and the top laner Akali... was killed eight times, and she was still playing happily there.

TheShy said: "What? You want to learn?"

Jiang Zhou shook his head, like Akali, or die eight times in one round?
Forget it.

And that afternoon, other players also came back for training. Even King Ning, who knew he had no chance to appear on the stage, also appeared in the training room.

This surprised Nofe very much.

This was half a year ago, as long as IG had a holiday after the game, it would take a day for players to come back.

The club has no penalty for this.

After all, it's useless for you to fine a hundred and eighty cents.

If you are punished too much, it will not look good, and the honor will be contradictory.

The grades were not good in the first place, but if we continue to implement these regulations with the team members, it will really affect the unity.

Nofe is very wide on this point.

But now, seeing these players take the initiative to come back for training, he is really a little excited. It seems that these e-sports players have not forgotten to pursue higher honors.

All these changes were brought about by Jiang Zhou.

There seems to be a magic power in this young man.

But the most important thing is that this AD is very reliable. If you encounter some unreliable AD, it may directly lead the team astray.

Needless to say, TheShy is a Smash Fighter madman, and from time to time he will open a custom room to practice operations, and now he is pulling Jiang Zhou to Smash Fight.

Rookie wants to double row with Jiangzhou Hanbok.

Same goes for Baolan.

But Jiang Zhou refused.

He himself chose to score points in the Korean server, solo queue.

In the afternoon, I also set aside an hour to study Korean and English.

That's right, the club asked Jiang Zhou to learn one more English at Jiang Zhou's request. Fortunately, the female tutor who taught TheShy is proficient in Korean and English, but now she has to get an extra salary.

If it weren't for Jiang Zhou's serious attitude, Nofe would have reason to suspect that Jiang Zhou has taken a fancy to his 30-year-old tutor.

Jiang Zhou has a very clear plan for his future, which is far beyond that of teenagers of the same age. Sure enough, children who have seen suffering are more mature.

This is what Nofe admires most about Jiang Zhou.

Such players can work very hard without their own supervision.

The winner's bracket final is four days away.

But after that, the first round of the loser group begins.

RNG played against TES.

This time it was a life and death battle between the two sides.

The double-elimination knockout match is good-looking, but it is good-looking for the audience.

But it's really tiring for the players.

If you want to win the championship all the way, you have to beat the other three teams in a row.

If you fall into the loser's bracket, then I'm sorry, not only the schedule time is intensive, but also one more round of games than the winner's bracket.

RNG and TES are like this now.

If you want to enter the finals, you not only have to face your opponents, but you also have to face the losers of IG and EDG.

Therefore, RNG and TES do not have any rest time, and they are training and studying their opponents crazily.

into the night.

Xiaohu couldn't sleep, so he watched the stars on the balcony of the training room.

Ming came over to enjoy the cool breeze, and was surprised to see Xiaohu here, and said, "What? It's so stressful to play TES? This is not our Tiger Emperor of Spring!"

Xiaohu has always been the spiritual leader in RNG, Xiaohu has been so melancholy, Ming can't remember how many times.

Xiaohu drank a bottle of orange-flavored sparkling water and said, "It's not TES, it's EDG and IG."

The data they got has been seen, the data of IG, EDG, and TES.

TES doesn't need to care anymore, but the key is that the two teams, EDG and IG, especially IG, can really win.

Ming laughed and said, "JzZ is indeed a genius, but we are not weak either."

Xiaohu said: "On the surface we are not weak, but JzZ's stats are too exaggerated, the output is the highest, and the death is the least. This kind of AD, even GALA can't compare, it is simply a hexagonal AD."

Ming looked at the training room through the glass: "Don't let GALA hear this."

Xiaohu said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about tomorrow's game."

Ming nodded: "OK."

Compared with RNG who is actively looking for countermeasures, TES has no such atmosphere. After losing to IG, the internal atmosphere of TES has dropped to freezing point, which is a bit like looking for war criminals.

Such an atmosphere is obviously unhealthy.

Foreshadowing the results of the next day's game.


the next day.

Facing TES, RNG played very easily and calmly.

After all, the pressure on RNG is not so great now, Xiaohu turned to the road, and his expectations were not so high, so the game became more and more relaxed, and he displayed his true strength.

[3:0] Take down TES!

That's right, really 3:0!
The state of this TES is very poor. It cannot be played with coordination and operation, and there is no suspense.

The audience who watched the game didn't have any fun watching it.

"What kind of game, my God, TES really can't support it now."

"Without any cooperation, the Galactic Battleship collapsed."

"Haha, do you still believe in the Galaxy Battleship? The engine can't even start, how can he fly?"

"Gnar can't even play, and was blown up by Xiaohu's Gnar on the road, what's going on with 369?"

"Gossip, 369 Casa is leaving!"

The voices outside the arena are disturbing, even Jiang Zhou knows it, but this is the fate of the TES team, but it has been changed because of his appearance, but the overall direction will not be wrong, because there are some things that even if Jiang Zhou does not appear The seeds have also been planted.

With the defeat of TES, the transfer situation is becoming more and more turbulent.

It's just that none of these affects the three teams of IG, RNG, and EDG.

RNG takes a breath of relief for now.

But EDG is more cautious here.

Because their winner's bracket final is coming soon.

There are only two days.

EDG originally thought that it would not be a big problem to continue to win IG after winning RNG, but the team battle ability shown by IG playing TES is really too exaggerated.

It is no exaggeration to say that IG's team battle ability now says that it is the second, and it does not dare to say that it is the first.

There are two cores, the Rookie status has returned, and there is an extra AD that is difficult to kill.

Very simple is not it.

But each one is not something ordinary teams can do.

Rookie has always been in top form, no matter how the team is drawn, but Rookie's operations will always be in place, and he will always be the one in jail, the eternal dean, YYDS!

His condition is even better now, and he should be the first IG player to return to the S8 period.

No one would have thought that with an extra AD in the team, Rookie would have a second spring!

Of course, the most important thing is to be able to AD.

The unkillable AD is actually very easy to do, as long as the teammates fight and you are the first to run away.

But it is very difficult to achieve high damage while being unkillable, and to kill the opponent's key figures in seconds.

Not to mention that this guy can also cheat skills, the ability that these data can't show.

In summary, it is this guy's overall awareness.

Such a genius is the first one!
EDG is really a headache.

The middle and top lanes are back, and TheShy is needless to say now, at least Gnar's role has been played out.

Except for a little stretch in operation, there seems to be no shortcomings in other aspects.

If the operation was better, then it would be SKT back then.

Of course, this IG is still different from SKT back then.

Why doesn't EDG take such an opponent seriously.

It is said that EDG has contacted several teams for a crazy training match, specially training their bot lane duo...

Under such circumstances, the battle between IG and EDG is coming.

Today's scene is full of seats.

Many well-known players, even UZI also appeared in front of the audience seats.

According to preliminary estimates, today's popularity is comparable to that of IG playing RNG that day, or even a little more.

Even Teng Jing was very excited about this.

IG is really a strange team. With the rising popularity of this team, many old players have returned to the game. Although most of these old players play Smash Bros. every day, they have really improved the online level of some games. number of people.

It just means creating another glories.

Tengjing wants to give the championship directly to IG.

As long as IG can win the championship, it is guaranteed that the number of LOL players will return to the peak again.

Of course this is just talk.

on site.

Fans on both sides have already set their posture.

Players from both sides appear!

The moment Jiang Zhou appeared on the stage, there were cheers from the audience, and even some cheers appeared in the fan seats of EDG, there is an insider!
This shows Jiang Zhou's influence among players.

Huge cheers and shouts, Jiang Zhou, who almost shouted, couldn't walk anymore, and almost turned!

Even as a reborn person, Jiang Zhou still couldn't control his excitement in the face of so many fanatical fans.

But if you do this on the familiar gaming chair and put on sound-proof headphones, the world will be quiet.

He just needs to focus on the 24-inch screen.

Rookie put on the earphones and joked, "Come on, Jiang Zhou! We are waiting for you to carry."

TheShy also said: "That's right!"

Jiang Zhou smiled, "I just want to hide behind Brother Bao and output."

XUN, Baolan: "Come on!"

The same EDG side is also boosting their morale.

The factory manager took the tactical book and put on the headset to start preparing for BP.

Soon, both parties signaled that they were ready to go, Jiang Zhou took a sip of water, let's go IG!

(End of this chapter)

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