LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 170 Double Kill DK Nakano!

Chapter 170 Double Kill DK Nakano!

"TheShy's blind monk started a group! Started kicking, kicked two! TheShy blind monk was second!"

After TheShy's blind monk Q came up, Flash R kicked two people, Gnar and Thresh. It was finally a wave of wonderful operations.

However, the blind monk was too brittle. When the team started, he was killed instantly.

But for IG, as long as the group starts, there will be opportunities to play.

Gnar, who was kicked back, was directly caught by Silas, and Udyr was also quickly killed.

Because the remaining three players are all short-handed, Canyon's Rambo ult gave an extremely good angle, and the blood volume of the three players on IG's side dropped drastically.

"Do you still want to fight?"

ShowMaker, Canyon, and Beryl were dumbfounded.

The remaining three people from IG are carrying Rambo's ultimate move and will fight to kill DK's blood!
"These people are really not afraid of death?"

The DK team has not officially played against IG, so seeing such a desperate momentum really makes them unable to understand, isn't this just giving away?

Rambo's high damage quickly burned the three of them to blood.

The three of them insisted on replacing Thresh.

This wave of IG was replaced by two for four.

But Rambo and the crocodile are not in good shape either.

After all, Silas's big move, Udyr, and Braum also caused them a lot of trouble, and now both of them have no skills and no status.

The blood volume is only half.

Xia appeared.

DK now knows why IG has to keep them even if they send it away.

Xia is in good condition!
There was no way out for the two of them.

After Xia quickly rushed up and killed the crocodile, she gave herself a mouthful of healing and chased Rambo to death from the river to the red BUFF!
Double kill DK Nakano!

JzZ became famous in this battle!
Colonel Guan: "He did it! He single-killed AD and double-killed Nakano! JzZ! I would call it a god!"

PDD: "..."

All he has in mind is his worth, 30? 3000 million……

Hitomi: "That's amazing! After JzZ single-killed Verus, he quickly came to the frontal battlefield, stopped the well-developed crocodile Rambo, and double-killed the opponent. The other IG players also performed very well. Desperately trying to keep people, DK should have never fought in such a situation."

Colonel Guan nodded and said: "That's right, only LPL and IG can fight such a team battle without fear of death! Brother Shy kicked it well, successfully opened up the team, and then handed over the output to his teammates , and the teammates are also trustworthy, especially Xia who rushed over, all the disadvantages in this round have been beaten back, and the blind monk and resurrection also cooperated with Xia to win the second pioneer, and the situation has begun to reverse!"

At this moment, not to mention the LPL audience, audiences all over the world are completely crazy.

This is IG?

Is this the IG that won the first LPL S game?

They seem to be back!

"It feels so familiar. It seems that I can see the IG of S8 again?"

"If it wasn't for the low temperature here, I would have thought I was in Incheon."

"No wonder this year's IG can defeat RNG to enter MSI, so their AD is so strong!"

"This Xia? Are you sure this is a newcomer? The consciousness that runs through the whole situation is too exaggerated!"

Although today's game is a small round of the competition, the audience is definitely from all over the world, and the influence is naturally much greater than that of the LPL. Such an ADC is unprecedented.

In everyone's eyes, this Xia is very strange.

Why didn't you leave all of a sudden?

Why did the killing intent suddenly sense that Verus was beating the dragon?
Is this person's consciousness too perverted?
But that's the truth.

The situation that DK managed to manage with great difficulty, all previous efforts were wasted directly with Xia's rise!

Raising a big daddy from the bottom lane, Xia took three kills in this wave, and also snatched Xiaolong to win the second pioneer, earning!Too profitable!

LCK, the audience is silent.

After finally operating for such a long time, this wave of team battles directly shattered DK's godhead.


"I haven't seen you for half a year, yet another genius AD has come to LPL?"

"Why does LPL always produce talented ADs?"

"This Xia is too important. If it weren't for him, this wave of IG would be dead! What is the origin of this JzZ??"

"It is said to be a newcomer?"

Some of them can't accept it.

What's the matter, a rookie AD can beat the LCK champion?

If he is the top ADC in the LPL, they will recognize him, but he is a rookie, and he is IG who took away the trophy in Incheon.

The angry BUFF is full and belongs to it.

But this wave of IG is cool.

Just Rookie said: "Strong, Zhou!" He is very relieved now, even if IG is facing DK now, he doesn't have to worry about how to get the bottom line!
But when he thought of this, he was still a little lost. Does this mean that he is old?

Want to hug Jiang Zhou's thigh?

TheShy: "Jiang Zhou, amazing."

Baolan: "Cowhide! Brother, I knew you could harvest it."

Jiang Zhou: "Don't panic, if I die suddenly, I still have to rely on you."

Everyone: "..."

But what Jiang Zhou said is also true. On the other side, if Gnar, Rambo, and Crocodile are in a group to find Shangxia, it will be very difficult for Jiang Zhou to escape alone.

You have to rely on the protection of your brothers.

That's what Jiang Zhou said. He believed that if he was in danger, several people would protect him without hesitation.

The game continues.

DK finally felt the pressure.

Xia already has five kills, and it's only been 17 minutes. She still ate a lot of tapies, and she is far ahead of Verus. In team battles, Xia's output is terrible. It doesn't need to say more about DK to know.

So Rambo gave up the upper and middle lines and started to find trouble in the bottom lane.

Seeing that Rambo frequently goes to the bottom lane, the LPL team is happy.

Without exception, all teams now know how difficult it is for IG's bot lane, AD.

DK didn't even know?
Colonel Guan: "It shouldn't be. If DK has played a training match with IG, it will definitely know that IG's bottom lane is not so easy to catch, unless there are four or five players, or the support can forcefully control Jiang Zhou, and only rely on one player Wild catch is too difficult."

Hitomi: "That's right, maybe IG didn't really make a shot in the training match."

They didn't know at all that DK didn't win IG's training match at all.

They have studied IG's game video, but they can't find out why.

You don't know until the real thing fights.

So now DK has suffered the loss of not knowing IG.

At 24 minutes, Rambo went to the bottom lane four times!


Either Xayah and Braum slipped away early.

Either Thresh's hook missed and Xayah ran away.

Anyway, none of them were successful.

Canyon is about to collapse, Rambo has developed so well, nothing has been done in 8 minutes, and he has gone shopping!
Canyon: "This guy is too slippery, have your eye positions been lined up? Are some eye positions getting stuck?"

"Why do I leave every time I go to Xia, without any chance?"

Jiang Zhou thought: That's why you start reminding your teammates every time you haven't come to the river, I'm not deaf, can you hear me?
(End of this chapter)

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