LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 178 Brother Yuanshen: Can't you see my fort?

Chapter 178 Brother Yuanshen: Can't you see my fort?
"Senna + big head? It's broken, we have always forgotten that DK has such a bot lane system!"

Miller was surprised.

Many LPL players don't even know this combination, after all, there are still a few who have time to watch LCK games.

However, some enthusiastic viewers reminded.

"Senna + Big Head? I'll go, this is DK's strongest bot lane combination! The ultimate pressure line, come up so hard?"

"To popularize science for everyone, DK's Senna system is crushing in DK, a dominant bottom lane combination, and the big head of Yuanshen brother sticks out a word, disgusting!"

"Come up and make the strongest form, right? Why is DK so ruthless?"

"It seems that IG puts a lot of pressure on them, as long as the opportunity is given, they will take the big head + Senna."

"Huh? Is this combination strong?"

"I can tell you very responsibly that it is very strong! Brother Yuanshen's auxiliary core is a signature."

This made everyone a little scared.


Game start.

Rookie said: "Be careful when you get off the road, their Senna's big head presses the line very hard."

Jiang Zhou naturally knew that their way out might be a bit troublesome.

Brother Yuanshen is best at unconventional support, this guy is really a support genius.

After going online, the big head began to suppress.

Replenishments are all replenishment. Beryl is confident that he still has the ability to deal damage. Ghost's Senna has an auxiliary equipment scythe next to him, and then he can just pick up the soul.

Beryl said: "As usual, press the line, if you don't press the line, our effect will not be able to be produced."

Jiang Zhou felt a little more relaxed.

have to.

I was still thinking about how to deal with it just now, but now I think about it, just push the line.

As long as the line is not pushed, then Baolan's Luo has a chance to swim away.

It seems that DK's main idea is to imprison Luo and Kai'Sa in the bottom lane, and may provide Akali and Morgana with GANK opportunities in the mid-term.

And Baolan's Luo has to bear some roaming roles. If he is pushed to the line, it will not be easy to lead the rhythm in the early stage.

After Jiang Zhou came up, he began to use his Q skill to clear the line of soldiers, "Brother Bao, push the line! Push hard!"

Baolan was a little strange, why did she push so hard?
Is that necessary?

However, after listening to Jiang Zhou's words, he also began to level A's little soldiers.

Cooperating with Kai'Sa's Q skill, in fact, pushing the line is still fast.

But Baolan was very surprised that the intention of pushing the line on the opposite side was obvious, and the three forts were released on the line to beat the minions. Could it be because of this?
Jiang Zhou even thought of this?They obviously haven't crossed the line with Senna's bottom lane, so how come they have so much experience?
Beryl: "Hey, the other side is also pushing the line?"

Ghost: "Did they see our Senna big head combo?"

The two were puzzled.

In order to hide a hand, MSI actually lost to IG in one round and did not show this system.

It's been more than a month since the end of the LCK finals, yet does anyone still remember their system?

IG's backup ability is a bit difficult.

The two of them would never have thought that Jiang Zhou had overheard their conversation, it was as simple as that, as long as they wanted something, then Jiang Zhou didn't intend to let them do it.

Coaching staff?There is no plan for this response at all.

The big head's ability to push the line is still very strong, Jiang Zhou has been unable to open the situation, and the two sides have been stuck in the middle of the confrontation.

DK is obviously not satisfied.

The result they wanted for the bot lane duo was to severely suppress Kai'Sa and Luo in the bot lane tower, unable to move.

In the past in the LCK, such a combination can have such an effect.

How come I can't do it here?

They don't believe in evil!
Beryl began to think of a way, "Kai'Sa has no Q, we can play a wave."

Senna + Datou, both forehand and backhand, are not weak in both online and team fights. This is what DK can do, because only the hero pool of Brother Yuanshen can take out Datou, and other supports are really not good.

This is the auxiliary core.

Ghost is somewhat eclipsed by comparison.

Ghost nodded and said, "Okay."

Jiang Zhou was already ready. At this time, seeing that the DK bot lane duo had already started to fight for the third, he knew that they had to fight a wave.

After all, at the third level, IG's bottom lane has not been suppressed. It is a bottom lane combination that is really sorry for this advantage.

The pawn line touched, and the opponent directly pressed over. In this round, the big head was ignited by a flash, and he really did not hesitate to surrender his own double moves to press the pawn line over.

But at this time, Jiang Zhou called someone early.

"XUN, let's gank."

XUN looked at the situation in the bottom lane, and found that Senna on the opposite side was at the back and his head was in front, but the turret had already been placed, and it was not easy to gank, after all, the output of the turret could not be ignored.

And Senna can still milk people, if GANK fails, maybe he will send himself there.

But Jiang Zhou had already spoken, and he had no reason to refuse, and appeared directly in the three-pronged grass on the next road.

As soon as I arrived, I saw that the big head actually took the initiative to make a move.

XUN was also surprised, this combination looks so strange, Jiang Zhou can see through the opponent will take the initiative to play a wave?
Is this what you expected too?
Could it be that you still play Senna?

XUN didn't have time to be surprised, and started to help.

Brother Yuanshen's big head proficiency is really strong, flashing over, E put a storm grenade on Luo's head, which also caused damage to Kai'Sa.

After that, a light was hung on Kai'Sa's head.

Senna also rushed up and began to cooperate with the big head output!
This wave of outbreaks directly reduced Luo's blood volume by half!

Wawa: "Beryl flashed a shot! IG's bot lane HP dropped very quickly. Fortunately, XUN consciously appeared in the bot lane this time, and the support was timely. There should be no casualties in this wave."


In fact, it seems that the two sides will not fight to the end.

After all, IG is very concerned about the damage of the fort, and Senna can still heal.

DK is also two-on-three here, Morgana can't support it, and it's not good to fight hard.

Beryl was very surprised: "Huh? Why is Udyr in the bottom lane?"

Could this Udyr want to GANK their bottom lane?
This is as long as a wise jungler knows Senna, the big head's bot lane is not very good for GANK, right?

The risk is too great.

This Udyr happened to come, but it seems reasonable that this is IG's jungler.

Ghost said: "Come back quickly, you can't die."

Jiang Zhou instantly realized that if the big head hadn't died, once XUN's Udyr left, his bot lane would still be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, the big head must die!

When the big head saw Udyr coming, he retreated immediately.

XUN is ready to give up.

But Jiang Zhou said: "Brother Bao, don't let the big head run away! Pretending to run away? How can there be such a good thing!"

Without further ado, Baolan made a decisive and grand debut, raised her big head, lit it and hung it up!

Jiang Zhou started exporting!
XUN also started to fight with Flash!

Beryl was dumbfounded, what is this?

Can't you see my turret outputting like crazy?

Why are you not afraid of death?
Beryl was stunned, how is this different from the LCK team, the LCK bot lane will be concerned about its own output, and Senna's milk has never been so aggressive.

But when it comes to IG, why is it so unreasonable?
Luo kept the big head, but died himself.

Senna has milk and treatment, and raised a large amount of blood.

Fortunately, Kai'Sa and Udyr just killed the big head.

The two sides exchanged one, and the first blood was taken by the big head. It seems that IG is a bit at a loss, but at least the development of the bot lane should be very comfortable, and it is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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