LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 237 I’m the only one who gets beaten!

Chapter 237 I’m the only one who gets beaten!

"The first game was won by IG. Is it possible that Nofe will continue to want Xuezang?"

"This guy neny has been around for so long, that's enough, right? Should TheShy get it?"

"It would be a bit boring if my SHY brother didn't appear!"

Although IG is winning now.

But Ji fans are already a little dissatisfied.

My brother SHY doesn't appear on the stage, so today's game is not good to rely on Rookie and JzZ to support the scene, right?

Not to mention that Neny was single-killed by Sunny even with a great advantage.

In fact, Neny can’t be blamed for this.

Originally, the sunny weather was in full swing, and Neny was a little careless, so he was killed alone.

This kind of situation is also very common for singles in other LPLs, but because the other people on IG performed so well today, Neny was a bit underwhelmed.

Normally, Neny is very stable as he becomes more sophisticated with experience.

But no matter how good he performs, he can't compare to TheShy's popularity.

The IG club naturally knows this.

And now the playoffs are less than a month away.

If TheShy doesn't play again, I don't know if he can adapt to the intensity of the playoffs.

So at the beginning of the 2nd game, Nofe said: "TheShy, get ready to play!"

Whether it was because of Neny's unsatisfactory performance or because of the playoffs and to keep TheShy feeling good, substitutions had to be made in the second game.

If the players are not replaced, the fans may start charging.

TheShy was already impatient. Seeing Gwen being killed by Jess alone, he even wanted to rush forward and snatch Neny's keyboard!
As for TES.

After the rest time, the five people also finished adjusting.

White Crescent didn't blame anyone. After all, the opponent played really well in this game and their rhythm was suppressed.

But the most depressing thing is that their rhythm is not suppressed by the jungler, but by the ADC.

"Okay, everyone, relax and come on for the second game. Let's go on stage together!"

And throughout the rest, one person remained silent and did not participate in everyone's discussion.

That’s me, Brother Shuizi.

After this round of the game, as the opposing ADC, he was hit harder than anyone else.

He had no idea that Jhin could still play like this.

It's just that it's too late to learn now and sell now in the second round.

I can only wait and slowly study how to play this hero later.

Now, he only needs to think about which hero to play in the second game.

While he was thinking, he was already sitting on the battle seat.

In this round, the two sides switched sides.

And when TheShy appeared on the battle table.

The whole place is boiling.

"He's back, he's finally here!"

"This whole thing still depends on my brother Shy."

"It's all here! Hey hey hey."

"Is it possible that today's round is about punishing rebellious nin again?"

"Seeing such a scene, I think Brother Shuizi was very sad in his heart. IG's current lineup is almost exactly the same as back then."

"Wu Sheng!"

"We don't intend to give TES a chance at all. TheShy is here. Isn't it easy to defeat General Qingtian?"

"The complete IG is here! TheShy, who has been resting for a month, finally appears! It seems to be for the playoffs."

Extreme fans are very excited.

As for TES.

Qingtian saw TheShy in the duel seat next door, and thought that he was lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

This TheShy was his idol before he became a professional.

It was the first time that he could stand in front of him as an opponent. Could he not be nervous?

The two sides sat down.

Enter BP.

It’s still almost the same BP as the previous round.

Not much has changed.

In the previous game, Jhin, Nightmare, and Akali were not banned.

This made Nofe a little overwhelmed, what's going on?
Is TES so stubborn?

These three heroes who were very carryy in the last game didn’t even get BAN?

Totally disrespectful?
Nofe thought about it for a while, and decided to let TheShy choose first, see what medicines were sold in the gourd opposite, and then make plans.

"TheShy, what do you want to play?"

TheShy: "Green Steel Shadow."

In fact, Gwen has been released and TheShy is playable, but in the current version, Qinggang Shadow is not a particularly popular choice.

of course there are exceptions.

Unless... TheShy wants to play the autistic style... Shipbreaker Qinggang Shadow...

But currently no top laner dares to play like this.

After all, he is too orphaned.

This is a team game, how can you choose to play it by yourself?

But others may not be able to do it, but TheShy, I really can’t say for sure.

Jiang Zhou took one look at TheShy and knew that this guy definitely wanted to play like this!
It seems that after watching his live broadcast, this guy played more than a dozen Shipbreakers in the Korean server and hated chains!

Nofe also realized it, "You don't want to use the shipbreaker equipment, do you?"

TheShy said: "I want to try it."

Nofe was silent.This routine is good in the pub game, but this is LPL, are you sure?

Is this coming to TheShy in team battles?
If he doesn't come, who will send him... No, who will absorb the damage?

Nofe was naturally reluctant, but Jiang Zhou said: "You can give it a try. If this routine suits us, it can be considered a trump card for us in the playoffs."

Jiang Zhou thought to himself that this guy would be very proud if he didn't play Tahm Kench. The hero Qinggangying also had the ability to kill alone, which was pretty good.

And now their team's record has reached 10 consecutive victories, 100% able to enter the playoffs, it is also possible to do scientific research.

Nofe nodded and said, "Okay, you can try it."

TheShy had a smile on his face.

I can finally have fun!

Colonel Guan: "Qinggangying! TheShy chose Qinggangying, this...isn't it...could it..."

As a professional commentator, he also understands the psychology of the players very well.

Obviously, Colonel Guan realized the trick TheShy wanted to play.

I remember saying: "Shipbreaker?"

Tong Xi said: "It's possible."

Colonel Guan still knows TheShy: "It's not possible, but he will definitely play like this! He is TheShy."

The audience was also excited.

IG took out Bomberman in the bottom lane at the beginning of the season.

Of course, that time was not considered a breakthrough, after all, there were already people playing like that in the next division.

But this time the shipbreaker was the first time.

No one in LCK will play like this.

Even if they had that intention, the coach would not give their players such a chance.

But on IG it does.

Only the top laner of this team dared to play like this.

Of course, you still have to enter the game to see whether it is specific, but it is just a possibility now.

But having a possibility already makes things tricky for TES.

Bai Yueya frowned and said: "Qinggangying? He doesn't play with Gwen... this..."

The pressure was on him.

What are you doing now?
Qingtian took the initiative and said, "I'll be the sword demon."

The hero Sword Demon performs well both in singles and team battles. He is very balanced in all aspects and can currently solve the dilemma.

Bai Yueya nodded immediately and said: "Okay! On a sunny day, you may be under a lot of pressure on the road, so be sure to hold on steady."

Sunny nodded.

The moment he saw TheShy appear on the stage, he knew he had to resist the pressure.

I have been mentally prepared for a long time, so I don't panic at all.

And White Crescent said: "Casa, follow what we have prepared."

Kasa directly locked Nightmare.

Prince Ning was stunned, "Ha, isn't this robbing me of my hero?"

Nofe thought for a while and said, "Let's play something a little more meaty."

In this game, TheShy obviously wanted to play solo, so he had to choose a jungler with a strong point to absorb damage from the front.

Prince Ning: "That can only be a pig girl."

The effect of Casa's pig girl in the last game was actually pretty good, but the rhythm was really bad.

And here.

After choosing Pig Girl, giving priority to support, Baolan chose a hero that was relatively new to him, Wan Hao.

This support with output, control and ability to handle damage is the choice of players who are energetic in the bottom lane.

And Baolan obviously wants to prove himself.

Moreover, I have also practiced in the training matches. I will definitely not be fooled if I get this hero. If the opponent comes to the field, I can also take one away to prevent Jiang Zhou from being attacked by Nightmare.

It's just that this time, what everyone didn't expect was that TES was obviously already prepared.

After IG took down the top player, they directly locked Akali!

Colonel Guan: "Ah? Is TES now learning IG's BP? Just steal Nightmare and Akali?"

Hitomi: "If TES's midfielder and jungler link up, it will be very uncomfortable for IG. I don't know how the lineup that IG brought up the rhythm in the last game will deal with in this game?"

Colonel Guan also smiled and said: "That's right. For the same question, the person who asked the question became the person who solved it. Today's competition is interesting."

And IG here.

I was also very surprised to see the midfielder the opponent got.

Doesn’t your team have its own tactics?
What's more, you copied my IG tactics?
We don’t even know we have tactics. Are you going to copy our tactics?
Nofe looked at his playbook and found nothing except a few heroes.

He always felt that he, the coach, was IG's biggest bastard.

These five players basically followed their own ideas on the court and could win as long as they listened to Jiang Zhou's instructions.

As a coach, I am just a pendant.

So I am a little confused about this wave of TES operations.

However, these two heroes are also very good at each other and pose a great threat to their back row.

After the second round of BP, Nofe asked Jiang Zhou: "What are you playing? Jhin is hard to use."

Of course, after Jiang Zhou, if he continues to play with Jhin at this time, Nightmare and Akali will directly kick Jhin's crutches in pieces.

So after thinking about it, EZ!
IG still had one mid laner left. Rookie thought for a while. Since Nightmare and Akali were such a threat to the back row, wouldn't it be the end of the world if he was not in the back row?
The perfect solution is not.

Rookie said: "Baolan, help me choose a Qiyana."

Queen of Elements, Qiyana.

This hero is also very common in the middle lane of the current version.

And there is no problem in playing Akali.

Everyone is invisible and can show off, it just depends on whether they have real skills.

Jiang Zhou took a look and realized that he was the one getting beaten!

(End of this chapter)

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