LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 282: Underestimating EDG

IG's training match state is not good, but as long as it comes to the main game period, NOFE is very clear that all five players can find their own form.

So during these five days of training, IG was training as usual, without being too nervous.

However, EDG trains harder here.

They themselves feel that if they want to defeat IG, they will have to put in a lot of effort.

They must play their own team's style to have a chance to win IG head-on.

It won't work if you don't work hard.

And this day, after all, has come.

At this time, the 11.15 version of LOL has also arrived.

However, this does not have a big impact on both teams. The popular Foyego, Gwen, Silas, and Sword Girl have been weakened a bit, but there are many other options for these positions.

In terms of equipment, [Shipbreaker] was strengthened a bit in the later period.

This made TheShy's mind start to stir again.

In order to ensure the team's teamfighting strength, NOFE has not allowed TheShy to play the Shipbreaker style. After all, without TheShy in the front, there will not be many people in the back row of IG to help Jiang Zhou share the pressure.

And looking at the entire league, only TheShy has the guts to play this orphan style.

Now that the Shipbreaker has been strengthened, TheShy once again proposed whether it could be tested in the finals.

He felt that his Shipbreaker should be able to fight one against two, so that his teammates would have no pressure on their four against three.

NOFE can only say that we will have another look, there is no confirmation or denial.

A large part of IG's ability to adapt to the version relies on this guy TheShy.

So if such a shipbreaker style is used, I wonder how EDG should respond?
The match between the two sides was held as scheduled.

September [-]nd.

This is a day worth looking forward to.

The LPL Summer Split finals are about to begin.

EDG, known as the national power, is about to face the powerful IG. They have already lost to IG once in the summer regular season. Now they have defeated their powerful enemy FPX and are once again attacking the powerful IG. I wonder if they can finally win the summer cup. crown?
The expectations of starch are immediately fulfilled.

The teams from both sides arrived in Hangzhou three days in advance.

Because their final venue is held at the Olympic Sports Center in this city with profound historical and cultural heritage.

There was a big difference between the tens of thousands of spectators present and the empty one before Jiang Zhou was reborn.

This made Jiang Zhou feel what it means to be prosperous.

There were so many people at the scene watching the two teams compete for the Silver Dragon Cup. The momentum was huge, even several times that of the MSI trip to Iceland.

Jiang Zhou saw the end of the player channel backstage. In the auditorium opposite, countless small red, blue and white flashes were flashing, accompanied by various cheers from the audience and the sounds of the opening ceremony singers performing on the stage.

It's so emotional.

Jiang Zhou originally thought that he was already an old player. After all, he had won the spring championship, MSI championship, and MVP. Logically speaking, his mentality should be as stable as an old dog.

But I didn't expect to see such a scene, and I was still a little excited inside.

No wonder Teacher Da Fei still maintains his passion for e-sports for ten years.

I am afraid that no one can feel calm standing on such a stage.

Today's scene is enough. The only pity is that the opening ceremony is just like the previous life, with no highlights at all, just like Xiang.

What follows is a routine and embarrassing appearance ceremony.

He was so embarrassed that Jiang Zhou could even buckle his sneakers out of the three bedrooms and one living room.

Fortunately, everyone only had a few seconds. Afterwards, everyone hurried back to their seats amid the cheers of the audience, and hid behind the screen before heaving a sigh of relief.

Baolan also complained: "If it weren't for the Silver Dragon Cup there, I really wouldn't want to participate in this appearance ceremony..."

NOFE adjusted his headphones and said, "Okay, okay, the game is about to start. Don't think about other things. Now focus on the game. The first game is about to start. Come on, everyone!"

"come on!"

"It's done!"

At the referee's prompt, everyone entered the game. Jiang Zhou played GO to indicate that IG was ready.

The same goes for EDG.

After cheering up, the five people also entered the state.

Ten people wear noise-cancelling headphones. If there is no sound in the venue, there will be no impact.

They could only hear their teammates' voices.

The on-site commentary was also very professional this time.

Colonel Miller, remember, all three male commentators were present. This shows how much Teng Jing cares about today's final, and there is not even a female commentator.

And these three commentators are all standing up, and they are full of professionalism.

Colonel Guan: “Welcome everyone to the LPL Summer Finals!”

"Today's game is a match between the powerful IG and the veteran team EDG. The two sides have come from the playoffs to now. It is worth mentioning that IG still has not lost a single game. If they can stand at the end today, then they will We will create our LPL winning streak record, win the whole season and win the summer championship!"

His extremely pink face turned dark.

Damn it, is the colonel trying to show his strength?

Miller quickly said: "Of course, EDG was able to come up from the loser group and avenge FPX 3:2, relying on their resilience. This team is still very strong."

Remember: "Yes, as the two teachers said, today's game will definitely be very intense, and both teams have already obtained tickets for the World Championship, which can guarantee that today's game will be very exciting."

While explaining and speaking.

The team has already conducted BP.

IG came from the winner group, and the first game was the blue side.

On the BP side, the five players rarely participate, because these five people have always felt that there is nothing they can't play, so BP tactics are a matter for the coaching staff and the analysis team.

On NOFE's side, let TheShy choose Aphelios, because Jiang Zhou doesn't use this hero, and VIPER is naturally good at using it.

After that came Dawn, and Gnar from Holy Spear Brother was also banned.

The targets are all heroes that the opponent feels better.

It's very difficult to do here with EDG.

Every hero pool on IG is very exaggerated.

But I still choose the best among the best, Ice, Spear of Vengeance, Sylas, BAN.

Because Scout revealed in an interview that his mid laner should often go to the wings in the finals, so they planned to use cards in this round.

And to use such a big move, you must BAN Silas.

IG is obviously aware that EDG will choose cards.

But Rookie won't steal it.

Because I don't think it's necessary.

First of all, the reason why IG was able to win was due to Rookie's bottom line output.

Although IG seems to have four cores or even five cores when exaggerated.

However, Jiang Zhou's style is changeable and is not suitable for supporting specific team battles to deal damage. He is more suitable for looking for opportunities in the overall situation.

Needless to say, TheShy, King Ning, and Baolan all have outstanding faces, so Rookie must be a stable output point.

There is no one in the team who can be dropped in seconds, he will be there in seconds.

If the team battle fails, he will cover the retreat of his teammates.

If Jiang Zhou is targeted, he will also be responsible for the team's continued output.

The games IG wins are never the result of one person.

In every team battle, Rookie is the one who is easily invisible, but his output is there in every team battle.

So naturally he doesn't know how to use cards.

EDG had obviously anticipated this, so they were not in a hurry to get the cards and were preparing for the third option before getting the cards.

IG here. "TheShy, what are you playing?" NOFE asked curiously.

TheShy thought for a while, "I want to play Qinggang Shadow!"

NOFE instant 'subway old man' expression.

He thought in his heart that he shouldn't question this game.

But he thought about it and realized that EDG's top laner, Brother Shengqiang, was actually a very strong domestic top laner.

Since it is the first game, the opponent will definitely choose some very stable lineup, so they might as well take the wrong approach and catch the opponent off guard.

NOFE said: "Okay! Take it!"

He said it firmly, as if he had made some kind of determination.

Green Steel Shadow!
Whether it is accurate or not is the difference between slaughter and surgery!
As soon as Qinggang Ying appeared, the audience immediately became excited.

"Ah? Are you going to do this in the first round today?"

"I'll go and have a Qinggang Shadow in the first game. Aren't you afraid of EDG's response?"

"How do you deal with this? TheShy's Qinggangying must be playing the Orphan style. How do you play with a Shipbreaker? Is it possible to let Brother Holy Spear play against him? In that case, EDG will fall into the trap. Without Brother Holy Spear, wouldn’t they have to lose an arm in the team battle? The cards can’t go on the road!”

“This is a really great choice.”

"Have you been playing so high since the beginning? Does IG really not care about anything now? They played so hard in the first game!"

"Only he can do that."

EDG here.

The five people collectively asked questions.

Zhu Kai was in charge of BP today. When he saw Qinggang Ying, he immediately asked, "Huh? Is this how they play? Okay, okay."

Brother Shengqiang said, "Then what should I play?"

Zhu Kai thought for a while, "Actually, there is also the possibility of Qinggang Shadow playing jungle, but I think you can go out first, Lu Xian."

Brother Shengqiang said excitedly: "Lu Xian? Is it okay?"

Zhu Kaidao: "Of course, you can, hit me hard! Beat TheShy until he doesn't dare to stand up."

Why is Brother Holy Gun called Brother Holy Gun?

Needless to say the reason for this.

Everyone knows.

This is his natural hero.

His favorite hero, bar none.

It's just that because EDG had a rough start this year, Jess played more.

I originally thought that the coach would have to play Jace himself in this game, but I didn’t expect that I could play Lu Xian now!

EDG locked Lu Xian instantly!

and supporting Braum.

This is a bit like replacing BAN with grabbing.

After all, Sapphire's Bloom is still very protective.

IG doesn't have Qinggangying in the lane. If it's four against five, there must be someone who can carry it in front. There is a high probability that it will be Sapphire's Braum.

This hand can be regarded as a master of Sapphire.

But now Aphelios BAN.

EDG may finally get Verus.

IG also responded with tit for tat, allowing Jiang Zhou to grab Verus, and Baolan came up with a bull head, which worked well together.

After that, EDG won the card as expected.

Lu Xian is on the top lane, so there is no need to worry about the output in the early stage, so it is best to continue to radiate the cards to the side lanes.

In the early stage, the thoughts of both parties were almost the same.

In terms of jungle competition, there are not so many.

In the end, the lineups of both sides.

Previous: Qinggangying vs. Lu Xian
Wild: Olaf vs. Lee Sin
Medium: Tsar vs Cards
Next: Verus vs EZ
Auxiliary: Niutou vs. Bronn
Rookie's Tsar is worth talking about, because the version of the World Championship is actually a little earlier than the LPL and is on par with the LCK, so the hero Tsar can be obtained during the World Championship.

Teacher Da Fei’s czar in the next competition area is going crazy.

So Rookie is now preparing to adapt.

I'm just afraid that my tsar's hand will be born.

After all, he can really study the opponents in the World Championship. If he doesn't know the Czar in the World Championship, there will be one less choice in the middle. In terms of maintaining his own hero pool, Rookie can still do it.

NOFE has nothing to say. TheShy is already on Qinggangying, and Rookie is not guilty of using Czar.

Although this version is a bit weak now, there is a card on the opposite side that can be obtained.

Guan Da said: "Okay, both sides have finished drafting. This lineup looks like it has the characteristics of its own team. EDG did not show any weakness at all. They directly took a Lu Xian on the road. JIEJIE also took out the confident blind monk. Today's I watched a lot of the first game.”

Miller also said: "IG has won a Czar. There are still very few players using Czar this season. It seems that IG is very confident in today's game."

Under the discussion of three commentators.

The game officially begins.

Both parties are online.

After Coach NOFE collected his tactical book, he immediately returned to the lounge and began to focus on the game.

Next to him, Manager Su was also supervising the battle, "Why did you let him play Qinggang Shadow?"

NOFE spread his hands, "He wants to play, what do you want me to do? You don't let him play? If he has a temper, who can suppress it? And JzZ and the others also like TheShy to play this, what do you want me to do?" Come?"

What he means is, you go ahead!

Manager Su stopped talking.

Because indeed, TheShy is really hard to say.

When the results were not good before, TheShy could at least cooperate.

But now, TheShy doesn't care about the team at all.

NOFE said: "But that's okay, TheShy's Qinggangying has something, just watch it."

But it turns out that this time NOFE, including the five IG players, all underestimated EDG.

For a long time, everyone's impression of EDG is that they have resilience.

Since they were not easily overturned by Ten Thousand, no matter what kind of game this team encountered, they could always stand out with a back-and-forth performance.

There is always hope of victory.

And in this game, Holy Spear Brother's Lu Xian really caused a lot of trouble for TheShy's Qinggang Ying.

Cooperating with JIEJIE's blind monk, he directly took the first blood of TheShy in the early stage. Although King Ning's Olaf killed Lu Xian to complete a one-for-one exchange, Lu Xian had already begun to take the lead financially.

After level six, Scout took advantage and cooperated with Blind Sin to provide a wave of support on the road, killing Qinggang Shadow again.

They just want to reduce the pressure on the road by targeting the development of Qinggang Shadow.

Lu Xian even directly eliminated a [Star Eclipse] and started frantically kiting TheShy's Qinggangying alone.

EDG did not expect TheShy to play Qinggang Ying, but through Brother Shengqiang's signature Lu Xian, they quickly determined the advantage of the middle and upper jungle.

And it soon radiated to the middle.

Although Rookie is still trying his best, the Czar in this round is really not as fast as Scout, and is in a lagging situation, unable to gain advantage in the middle.

There was no advantage in the middle and upper lane, leaving Jiangzhou's bottom lane struggling to support itself.

Although Qinggangying relied on a single belt in the mid-term to drag the game to 35 minutes.

However, Lu Xian was a bit ahead and even single-killed Rookie's Czar, causing IG to collapse in the first game.

Sent! (End of chapter)

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