LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 405 Zeus: Missile save my life!

"Thank you Jinx for the rocket!"

"This is the owner of Jinx's champion skin! It's still very difficult to kill him."

"This allowed him to escape and even kill the blind monk?"

"That's outrageous. What's going on with little Peanut? Is he so frightened? Isn't there anyone who can give him some advice?"

"Did you browse the mall before you got home?"

"Have they forgotten how precise Jinx and Han Bing's ultimate move were? They are too careless."

Jinx's ultimate move directly made Xiao Peanut make such a big circle before, making it a bit embarrassing.

All in vain!

It even looks a little silly.

Little Peanut looked at his screen and was speechless.

He never thought about GANK, which he worked so hard for, why didn't it succeed?

Not only was it unsuccessful, but because he failed to kill Jinx, he got himself involved.

What a failure.

GG Now the five people can only comfort.

"Little Peanut, it's okay, you can keep coming next time." Emperor Chi could only encourage him.

But Little Peanut no longer thinks so.

If he continues to go to the bottom lane, he might be tricked by Jinx.

It’s better not to go there in the early stage, and you’ll be sure to wait until Chiku Emperor’s Xayah is equipped.

Only by going to the middle school can you help yourself develop!

Little Peanut was very quick-witted and immediately began to shift his goals.

After that, the two sides developed for a period of time.

Jiang Zhou's bottom lane was killed by the blind monk, and his equipment was better than that of Chi Di. This made Chi Di very depressed. How could he not have an advantage even though he was attacking?

Previously, I relied on my own operations to survive under the tower.

But now that Jinx is up, he is really in danger.

Needless to say, Oner's Foego frequently appeared in the bottom lane, making him a little uneasy. If Foego came, they would definitely die in the bottom lane.

King Chi can no longer threaten T1's bottom lane.

Jiang Zhou played very comfortably.

There is no pressure.

And Oner also didn't dare to jump over the tower directly in the bottom lane because of the pressure in the middle and top.

Because Little Peanut's blind monk seems to have figured out the jungle route where he will appear. If he dares to appear in the bottom lane, his teammates in the middle and top lanes are likely to suffer severely.

So Oner never found an opportunity to target Xayah.

But in this game, Dolan suddenly started to exert strength in GG's top lane.

At 15 minutes, the junglers of both sides were entangled in the upper river. Dolan saw that the jungler's position had been exposed, so he could completely suppress Jayce.

Or, he wants to kill alone!

Zeus wanted to support his jungler and then help Oner get the second vanguard.

So as soon as he took a step closer to the river, Dolan's green steel shadow seized the opportunity.

[Dolan: I'm going to fight Jace, so I won't support him. Be careful. The second vanguard doesn't have to worry too much. 】

[Little Peanut: It's okay. The second vanguard is still there. If the worst happens, I'll let him go first. You just have to fight first. It's best to force Jace away. 】

[Dolan: Forced away? I can kill alone! 】

Jace directly used Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move to trap him there.

Only then did Zeus realize that his old rival had never thought of supporting the jungler, but was instead coming for him.

The shot was slightly delayed by half a beat.

But for top top laners, the order of operations is actually similar, and they all have the opportunity to deal explosive damage instantly.

It depends on who can take the advantage.

After all, Dolan is still a relatively experienced top laner. After one set, Jace doesn't have much advantage in health.

Moreover, the powerful Enchantress in the middle gave up three minions to gain the opportunity to support the river first. Faker's fox brought flash and ignite, so naturally he couldn't catch up immediately.

Zeus is in danger!

But he can only fight hard with Qinggangying!

"I may be dying! But Qinggang Shadow should have some blood left!" After saying that, Zeus began to focus on fighting Qinggang Shadow.

He knew that without the help of outsiders, it would still be difficult for him to defeat Qinggang Ying.

The only way is to keep Qinggangying's blood volume as low as possible.

In this way, if your teammates can provide timely support, they can help you change.

But judging from the scene, the fox couldn't support him immediately.

Oner's Foego and Blind Monk are entangled in the second vanguard.

These two people are being blasted by the second vanguard in turn, but neither of them wants to give up the second vanguard to the opponent.

There is currently no one to support Zeus.

Zeus was operating, his heart already feeling cold.

He might be killed alone.

As a top top laner, he must be aware of being killed alone, but this time he was killed by Dolan alone, which made him somewhat unconvinced.

This team never studies other LCK teams, they just study T1 crazily.

Study his top lane.

The priority for targeting the jungler is his top lane.

Zeus always wants to prove himself, but now he is about to be killed alone...

And at this moment, no one expected that a [Super Ultimate Death Missile] suddenly flew between Jace and Qinggangying!

Zeus: "!!!"

He even wanted to flash it subconsciously, because he was so nervous that he even forgot that the missile came from his teammate.

Jiang Zhou actually heard the chat on the other side early and knew that Dolan's Qinggangying had murderous intentions.

So when facing the line, he took a step back and released a big move in the grass.

As for whether he hits or misses, it all depends on Zeus' fate.

But fortunately, Zeus was lucky.

Because Jiang Zhou deduced that the desperate place on the other side must be near the river.

So after the big move came, he hit the Qinggang Shadow very accurately!

This time, Zeus was inspired!

"Brother, beautiful!"

Qinggangying's blood volume dropped a lot!

This gave him hope of counterattack!

Jinx's damage is still there.

The ultimate move directly caused more than 300 damage.

Qinggangying's blood volume was instantly lower than Jace's!

Zeus also seized the opportunity to make a move. Jinx's ultimate move gave him hope of counterattack, but whether he could kill Qinggang Shadow alone still had to rely on his personal strength.

Fortunately, Zeus is getting better and better now and has not fallen ill. When his blood volume was over 100, he successfully killed Dolan!

So it's not a solo kill, but as long as you don't get solo kill it'll be fine.

Dolan looked annoyed: "Assi!"

How could he have thought that it would be impossible for the opponent's jungler to be in the second vanguard and the mid laner to be in the river?

Instead, I ignored that crazy loli in the bottom lane!

But in fact, you can't blame him. If he thinks so much and always looks forward and backward, he will never have the chance to kill Zeus alone.

I can only say that I underestimated the enemy too much, and Jayce's position is not good, leaning towards the T1 side. If Jinx's ultimate move is released, it will be difficult for his teammates to see it.

But you can't blame him for not driving well.

He clearly had a chance to kill Zeus alone, but his plan was interrupted by a missile.

Little Peanut: "..."

Good guy, I no longer look for trouble in the bottom lane, but I still can't avoid the bottom lane! (End of chapter)

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