LOL: I can hear the enemy team chatting!

Chapter 418: Grab the dragon?

"What? Did you really let him run away?"

"My god! J God!"

"I think what's amazing is not his operation, but his immediate reaction when the opponent just started teleporting. He rushed directly to the opponent and started pulling! It's amazing. How did he know that the opponent was going to target him?"

"Sense of murderous intent. This is definitely sense of murderous intent!"

"Absolutely awesome! Three Bao killed one of them and let him run away? GG's mentality is completely broken now!"

The audience on the LPL side laughed.

I have only seen the top laner killed by three packs and one counterattack. After all, the top laner can still deal some damage and has the means to deal damage.

I didn't expect that after an AD was double-teamed, he could kill someone in such a leisurely manner and then walk away with a lantern.

It would still be acceptable if this was just the regular spring season.

But this is the final!

For such a scene to occur, the opponent's mistake would be a bit big.

But now it seems that it's not that the three people on GG's side made any mistakes, but that Jiang Zhou's performance is really outrageous.

How could he know that the other party was teleporting in a blind area of ​​vision?

The LCK commentators were also screaming.

"Consciousness! This is this person's consciousness! It's like a professional player suddenly and inexplicably flashing during the game. He must have realized something so he walked to GG's base so decisively! And it turns out that he did correct!"

"What a pity! I was almost able to kill Xia, but I didn't expect that Xia could counter-attack. In fact, his damage is okay. The key is the choice in a moment. His choice is really classic. No abc can make the most correct choice in an instant."

"I found that I have fallen in love with this foreign aid!"

At this moment, the three commentators really felt that Jiang Zhou was a member of the LCK and was the top adc in their region, no one else.

At the beginning of this season, they felt that the ad players in the LCK still had a good chance of suppressing Jiang Zhou's performance.

but now……

No more.

No matter who it is, no matter which ADC appears in front of Jiang Zhou, he will be overshadowed.

In such a situation, no matter who comes, there is only one ending, death.

And Jiang Zhou can indeed rely on his first reaction to change his fate. This alone can put other ADCs to shame.

After Jiang Zhou survives, we will be GG.

They wasted too much time chasing Xayah, and because Xayah was still alive, they had no ADC on their side and were directly surrounded.

Fortunately, Akshan and the men were in the middle, still far away, and did not rush up immediately, otherwise the two of them would have been killed.

T1 easily won the baron after a perfect wave of zero for three.

Naturally, Little Peanut wouldn't dare to snatch it. If he died and only one Akshan was left, the two highlands on their side would definitely be lost.

So the situation is the same now, but at least T1 will be concerned that two people working together can cause some damage. After their teammates are resurrected, they will still be able to fight.

T1 got the Baron BUFF, and the other four people began to wait for Jiang Zhou to return to the city to rest.

Faker asked curiously: "Jiang Zhou, how do you know that the three of them are going to cause trouble for you?"

This is something Faker can't figure out no matter how hard he thinks about it.

He moved five times a second and had already seen Jiang Zhou's position, but he didn't feel anything unusual. He was only surprised when the three people on the opposite side appeared and came to support him.

But by that time Jiang Zhou had already reached the intersection of the military lines.

Following the three people has created enough distance, giving them time to support and giving myself some time to operate.

How is this done?

Jiang Zhou: "Yeah... I guessed it."

Faker thought for a while and nodded. Yes, if he hadn't guessed, a normal player would have predicted this, but he would have walked back to his highland tower immediately.

But Jiang Zhou walked towards the high ground on the opposite side, which was really outrageous.

He probably anticipated the opponent's prediction.

This wave, Jiang Zhou is on the fifth floor.

Faker is really impressed. It is difficult for him to learn this trick. And soon, the five people on T1 gathered and pushed directly to the high ground of GG.

Of course, the opponent's team cleared the line very quickly. Facing the advancement of T1's Baron BUFF, five people withstood the pressure. Although T5's side demolished the highland tower in the middle, facing the consumption of GG's side, Still a little uncomfortable.

They still lack some means of starting a group.

At the moment when the high tower in the middle lane on the opposite side fell, Keria flashed the hook and wanted to drive Akshan, but Dolan flashed and dodged, causing herself to be imprisoned by Ryze and killed.

In this way, T1 becomes a four-on-five situation again!

Although T1's economy is leading, if you want to start a team, you will definitely have to consume some blood, so if you don't have a chance, you can only make new plans.

Four on five, although they have this confidence, it is useless if the opponent does not give them a chance.

When fighting the dragon just now, Peanut took the opportunity to steal a drawing dragon, so when the dragon was refreshed, T1 had no choice but to retreat, hoping to take the dragon first.

After all, this is a fire dragon. If it is taken by GG, Jiang Zhou's previous experience and performance will be wiped out.

Originally it was a bit difficult for them to start a good group.

Zeus was obviously not in good shape in this game and couldn't find a good opportunity to enter the field, so now he can only seek stability.

Jiang Zhou also walked back with his teammates.

Although he wants to fight, it is easy to overturn in 4-on-5, and he will not take it easily without a good opportunity.

And at this time.

GG is also very anxious.

They know this is their only chance.

If the dragon is taken, T1 can completely use the baron to force them to start a team once Thresh is revived.

The current situation is that whoever starts a group first has a high chance of failure.

GG doesn’t want to.

T1 doesn’t want to either.

So they have to take advantage of the fact that they are 5 on 4 and get the winning point first.

This winning point may be to defeat the opponent as a team, or it may be to capture the Fire Dragon Soul!

Chi Di said: "Chase!"

Five people chased T1 together.

As T1 enters the river, all the people in GG can no longer be seen.

Oner feels that the opponent is afraid and grabs the dragon.

After all, GG was not that fierce in this round.

Oner opens the dragon directly.

Jiang Zhou came to the river and entered the grass.

He decided to squat.

At this time, he was also quietly listening to the chat on the other side.

[Chichi Emperor: Don’t panic, hit slowly! Explore the field bit by bit, we have the numerical advantage, don't be anxious! Don't let Xia find an opportunity to output! 】

[Little Peanut: I didn’t flash, so I had to go around from below. 】

[Chaowei: You go around from below, the four of us go around from above! 】

Jiang Zhou listened and marked the river below, but still hid in the grass and did not move.

GG began to gradually explore the field of view and found that Fox, Kenan, and Foego were all walking at the entrance of the dragon pit.

But Kasumi's location was not found.

Lehends originally wanted to make a ward in the grass, but after thinking about it, it was impossible for Xayah to squat here. It was too dangerous. The ADC must be behind his teammates, so he didn't make a ward!

Jiang Zhou: "..." (End of chapter)

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