Learning in the NBA can make you a god

Chapter 37 The Brawl in the Training Hall

Chapter 37 The Brawl in the Training Hall
Back in Memphis, Mark gave all the players a day off.

Without enough rest, if you continue to train at high intensity, the Grizzlies will suffer another injury. Milicic has been injured, which has already stretched the Grizzlies inside. If Gasol is injured again, the Grizzlies will The team can only continue to perform poorly and compete for next year's Beasley.

In the last game, Li Tian's playing time also reached 33 minutes, and Li Tian's physical strength has also reached the limit, so he can no longer continue training. His body is too tired and easy to get injured, so he also needs a day off. Strengthen physical training.

Taylor has not responded to text messages recently.

When he was free, Li Tian called Taylor.

"Taylor, how are you doing recently? I'm sorry that I've been too busy recently, and it's already late when I'm free"

"It's okay. I've been fine recently. I can finally rest for a while. I'm really tired recently."

"That's good. You must pay more attention to rest. If you are too tired, it will have a great impact on the skin." Li Tian reminded Taylor to pay attention to rest and not to be overtired.

Taylor thought it was Li Tian who felt that her skin had deteriorated and looked less good-looking, so she hurriedly found a mirror and took a closer look.

"Li, I will definitely protect my skin from now on."

"Taylor, that's not what I meant. I just hope you have a good rest. This is just an excuse for you to take a good rest. It doesn't mean that your skin is not good." Li Tian quickly explained.

"Oh, as long as it's okay, I will listen to you and have a good rest, and you too." Taylor did not forget to tell Li Tian.

"I will, the recent games have also made me very tired, and it's good to have a rest today." Chatting with Taylor made Li Tian very relaxed.

"That's good. I took a look. Your next game is at home. Can I watch your game?"

Li Tian thought for a while, even though he refused that Taylor would come to watch his game with a high probability, he still knew Taylor very well, so he might as well let her come over so that he could take care of it.

"Okay, I'll help you prepare tickets, but you have to dress up, otherwise you also know that if you are photographed, the report will write indiscriminately."

Taylor's makeup skills are good.

"Okay, then I'll go there tomorrow, okay?" Taylor was very happy.

"If you come over tomorrow, I may not even have time to pick you up. There will definitely be training during the day tomorrow. Why don't you come over the day after tomorrow? I'll pick you up early, and I can go shopping with you the day after tomorrow. Do you think this is okay?"

Li Tian discussed with Taylor.

"Okay, let's just say that, I still have to record songs, see you the day after tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Taylor hung up the phone.

"Alice, I can't go to the event the day after tomorrow. You can contact me. I want to give myself two days off to rest." Taylor said to the assistant beside him.

"Okay, I'll help you postpone the event the day after tomorrow, but won't it be unsafe for you to go out alone, I'll arrange a bodyguard for you." Alice suggested.

Taylor thought about it for a while, and he would not appear outside alone. Even if he went out, he would wear makeup and go out with Li Tian, ​​which should be safe.

"No, I'm fine by myself. I'll contact you if I need anything."

After the arrangements were made, Taylor went to record the song.

"Lowry, get up, don't you want to practice with me?" Li Tian called Lowry early in the morning and told him to get up and practice together.

"My God, why is it so early, shit." Lowry kept cursing, but hung up the phone, got up obediently, and drove towards the arena.

Li Tian ran to the training hall as usual.

"Lowry, I've already finished my warm-up. You came too late. You must come earlier next time." Li Tian didn't forget to diss Lowry.

Continue with the three-point shooting practice.

The Grizzlies players came to the training hall one after another.

"Paul, what did you do yesterday, why do you still look like you haven't woken up?"

"Damn it, he must have gone out for a romance. Look at him, he's already drifting when he walks, isn't it Paul?" Conley interjected meanly.

"Go away, Conley, I'm too tired from the game recently, and I haven't sung for a long time. I sang a little late yesterday." Gasol explained with his eyes closed, not letting go of the chance to recover his strength for a second.

"I guess it's not alone singing."

Several people roared with laughter.

Mark walked over with a bunch of documents.

"Everyone, come here, because Milicic is injured, so the team's lineup will undergo some changes in the future."

The players of the Grizzlies, no one spoke, the shadow of the three-game losing streak, and now there will be a change of position. Regarding these changes, the players remained silent.

"First of all, Milicic is injured, Gasol will book the center position; Gay will go to the power forward position, Swift, you will replace Gay's starting small forward position; Lee, you will increase the appearance Time, come to the position of small forward and power forward swing; Conley, you will also increase playing time."

Mark briefly talked about his arrangement.

When Gasol just wanted to object, Li Tian blocked Gasol, indicating that Guy would object in advance.

"Coach, I can't accept your arrangement. I don't want to play the position of power forward." Gay has always positioned himself as a small forward. Power forward means that he has to face some players who are heavier than himself. This will increase his chances of injury.

"Why Guy, now that the team is officially short of players, you need to step up. Your weight is bigger and can withstand the opponent's power forward." Mark insisted on his own plan.

Guy and Mark quarreled, and the others looked like they were watching a show, and no one came out to speak for any of them.

In the end, everyone broke up unhappy.

Gay's explosion today was not a sudden explosion, but a tendency to explode already at the beginning of the season. Mark did not continue to regard him as the only main attack point, but had already laid the groundwork.

Leaving the arena, Gasol stopped Li Tian.

"Li, why don't you let me talk?"

"Paul, do you think anyone in the current team can be a center forward, except you?" Li Tian put forward his own opinion.

"Amount" Gasol hesitated for a while.

"It seems that there are no other people, and the height gap between others is too big." (This is not the era of small ball, and big centers are still prevalent, so if the center is not tall enough, it will be difficult to play no matter which team you play.)
"That's it, if you mention it, Mark has no other choice, so it's useless to mention it."

"Okay, but thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would still be arguing with him now. How about it, the game is over tomorrow, and I will treat you to dinner." Gasol expressed his gratitude to Li Tian.

"Sorry, I don't have time tomorrow. A friend came here to watch the game, so I can't agree to your invitation." Li Tian spread his hands to express his helplessness.

"Well, that's really a pity. I wanted to create something romantic for you." Gasol smiled wretchedly.

"Haha, then there's no need. I don't like your romance. It's not suitable for me. I will refuse anyway." Li Tian was still conservative in his bones, so he naturally rejected Gasol's proposal.

"Well, respect your choice."

After speaking, the two drove away separately, and the Grizzlies cast a shadow again. Fortunately, they will face their old rival Seattle Supersonics in the next game.

(End of this chapter)

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