Chapter 414 The sea!

Today's weather is fine, the sea is calm, and the hull of the Sea Demon is quite large. After lifting the anchor, with the hard work of the sailors, it easily sailed away from the port and went straight into the sea.

When the Sea Demon was fully rowed into the sea and out of the range of the port, the captain Haider gave an order, raised the mainsail, adjusted its direction, and sailed towards their destination.

The scenery of the sea cannot be replaced by any other scenery. If you have never really been to the sea, you will never be able to feel the magnificent feeling.The endless sea, the distance is the water and the sky.At this time, the sun has risen from the east, and the shining sea is sparkling.

The sea is like an endless universe, endless and vast.The blue sea extends to the sky and merges with the blue sky, as if the sky and the ocean are intertwined into a beautiful picture at this moment.

The breeze blows gently, and the sea surface ripples, which is the subtle breathing of the sea.The ripples are like countless crystal beads jumping on the sea surface, shining with crystal clear light.The sunlight passes through the gaps in the clouds and sprinkles on the sea surface, forming a dazzling path of light, like a sky bridge, connecting the sea and the sky.

There are groups of seabirds hovering and flying on the sea from time to time. They soar freely in the air and enjoy the gift of the sea.Occasionally, a fish jumps out of the sea like a silver meteor across the sky, splashing water, bringing endless joy and vitality.

Sometimes the sea is as calm as a mirror, reflecting the reflection of the sky, as if the sea and the sky blend together to form a colorful picture.Sometimes, the sea is rough, and the vast waves roar and gallop like giant beasts, rushing towards the distance.Among the waves, fish schools in the floating sea can be seen faintly, and they shuttle freely among them, agile and flexible.

On the distant horizon, the sea and the sky are the same color, and it is difficult to distinguish their boundaries.The vastness of the sea makes people feel their own insignificance, and it also makes people feel awe.Here, time seems to extend infinitely, and all troubles and pressures are swallowed by the vastness of the sea.

Standing on the side of the boat, feeling the sea breeze blowing across their faces and smelling the salty taste of the sea, Qian Yu and Gu Yuena were immersed in the beauty of the sea.They took a deep breath of the fresh sea breeze, and their hearts were full of desire and expectation for the unknown.

At this time, Qian Yu and Gu Yuena were standing on the boat, blowing the sea breeze,

Feel the tranquility of the sea.Suddenly, she found that she had forgotten everything around her, and she just wanted to enjoy the sea quietly, listen to the chirping of seagulls, and tremble with the ups and downs of the waves under the impact of the waves.

A warm and familiar feeling quietly appeared on her shoulders, and when she looked up, she met a pair of caring eyes.

The corner of Qian Yu's mouth tugged, smiled slightly, and responded to him with actions.The two stood side by side in tacit understanding, standing on the bow of the boat, looking up at the sky.

None of them said anything more, they just stared at each other silently.A faint milky white halo spread over them.These halos spread slowly and evenly, covering the two of them.At this moment, Qian Yu's heart gradually relaxed and calmed down, and his mind also became a little bit firmer.

Gu Yuena also relaxed, she just stood there quietly, closed her eyes, savoring the beauty of the sea carefully.

On the Sea Demon, there is a canteen exclusively for the Sea Demon. The meals are very rich. The chef on the Sea Demon is personally selected by the pirate captain and has superb cooking skills.This is the other side of the sea, thousands of kilometers away from the shore, so the food on the Sea Demon is not as rich as that on land.But it's also quite refined.

Naturally, the lunch is mainly marine life. A few simple sea fish are boiled in clear water and served with some green vegetables purchased from Hanhai City. Although there is nothing special about it, everyone still eats it with gusto.Especially that Captain Haider specially added a few huge crabs to them.

The shell of this crab is golden yellow, in pieces, and looks very fat and tender.

Qian Yu tried to pick up a piece and put it into his mouth, and suddenly, a scent came to his nostrils.The meat is delicious and juicy.Bite down, the crispy skin is elastic and the gravy is flowing, it is simply fragrant on the lips and teeth.

Gu Yuena also picked up a piece and ate it. She ate it elegantly, but she did not hide the joy on her face. Obviously, this is a very delicious ingredient.

After a meal, both Qian Yu and Gu Yuena couldn't stop. The food on the Sea Demon is really top-notch and delicious!

At night, Qian Yu and Gu Yuena fell asleep.

They each occupy a bed.Gu Yuena was still sitting by the window sill, while Qian Yu was lying on her bed practicing, recovering the previously lost soul power.

The Sea Demon is extremely fast, but it will slow down and rest every once in a while.On this Sea Demon, they didn't need to worry about any danger at all. Even the Sea Demon Shark couldn't threaten them.Therefore, their safety can be said to be quite guaranteed.

The next day, Qian Yu and Gu Yuena left the cabin and came to the deck.As the sun rises from the east, the morning fog over the sea is gradually dissipating.

Captain Haider came over with a few crew members, laughed, and said, "Dignified guests, is the breakfast delicious?"

Qian Yu said calmly: "Not bad."

Haider said proudly: "Of course. If this black caviar is sold inland, it will be worth more than gold. However, the more wonderful feeling is yet to come. The time is almost here."

"What do you mean?" Qian Yu asked.

Immediately, Na Haider immediately laughed and said, "You guys are still so confident after eating our poisonous food?"

After hearing his words, the expressions of Qian Yu and Gu Yuena did not change at all, and they looked at him calmly.

They are all god-level cultivation bases, so they are afraid of poison?

"You have eaten so much seafood and caviar from me, even if you are powerful soul masters, you are dead."

Header suddenly sneered, and waved to the right side of the Sea Demon.Soon, two strong men with a height of more than three meters came over. They were equipped with extremely gorgeous equipment, covered with a thick layer of steel armor, and held spears.With every step, deep dents are left under their feet, which shows their terrifying explosive power.

"Pour it for me!"

Haider sneered.

However, Qian Yu and Gu Yuena didn't show any signs of being poisoned, they just smiled lightly.

Haider frowned slightly, "How is it possible? My medicine has clearly paralyzed you. According to the normal script, you should lose your ability to move in a short time. How could..."

Qian Yu just glanced at them calmly, and immediately, an extremely terrifying coercion was released instantly.

At that moment, all the pirates on the Sea Demon, including Haider, felt as if the sky had collapsed, and the suffocating breath descended suddenly, making it difficult for them to even breathe.

At that moment, everyone knelt down towards Qianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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