Chapter 484 Resurrection of the Demon God!

At this time, Qianyu came to hell, the area where the demons were.

Here, densely packed demon gods stood there, as tall as a hundred feet tall, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

Qian Yu looked up, and in the boundless darkness, there seemed to be a giant beast hiding, swallowing all the darkness and terror.

The demon gods are tall and mighty, standing like giant towers in hell.Their bodies were intertwined with black and red, exuding a powerful and ferocious aura.The muscles were tense, and every muscle seemed to be made of steel, revealing endless strength.

Their skin is rough as rock and covered with solid scales.These scales shimmered with faint light in the darkness, as if they were made of black iron and were unshakable.The eyes of the demon gods are deep and terrifying, blazing like two stars burning with dark fire.

The demon gods have a pair of huge horns on their heads, which are curved and sharp.The horns were covered with spikes, flashing with a dangerous cold light.Their hands are huge and powerful, with hard claws growing on their knuckles, like sharp blades, capable of tearing apart anything that stands in front of them.

The demon gods were covered in thick black robes, and the robes exuded a strong aura of death.These black robes fluttered in the darkness like black ghosts, making the figures of the demons even more mysterious and terrifying.

Qianyu looked at these demon gods. They had their eyes closed and there was no soul in their bodies.

Qian Yu looked at the demon gods. They looked ugly, but exuded an evil and terrifying aura.The demon gods look ugly and terrifying, exuding an evil aura that makes people shudder.

Their faces were covered with vicious lines and deep wrinkles, like stones worn by time and darkness.Their eyes were sunken into their sockets, narrow and ferocious, and their pupils were filled with endless darkness and pain.

Their nose is flat and twisted, like a black snake, exuding a foul odor.The lips of the demons were chapped and rotted, revealing sharp fangs and flesh-piercing teeth.

Their hair was black and yellow, scattered messily on their heads, like dark clouds.The horns on the top of the head are curved and sharp, carrying a dark curse and evil power.These horns are covered with fierce spikes, flashing with a dangerous cold light.

Their body muscles are tense, rough and hard, like rock sculptures.The veins on the muscles are bulging, squirming on the surface of the body like earthworms, revealing endless strength.Their hands are huge and powerful, with hard claws growing on their knuckles, like sharp blades, capable of tearing apart anything in front of them.

Qian Yu came to the front of those demon gods and pointed his finger at them lightly.

In an instant, terrifying power surged toward those demon gods.

Qianyu's purpose is simple, he wants to create souls for these demon gods.

The terrifying soul power swept out instantly. Qianyu stared at the soulless demon gods, determined to create souls for them and give them hope and salvation.He began to activate his martial soul, and the power of the soul surged in his body.

Qian Yu slowly raised his hands, and he began to carefully shape the shape of his soul.His fingers gently touched the bodies of the demon gods, and the power of the soul penetrated into their skin in an invisible form.

The bodies of the demon gods began to tremble slightly, as if they were inspired by some strange power.A shimmer appeared on their skin, gradually condensing into a vague human shape.

Qianyu silently called for the existence of souls in his heart, and his will and power were closely connected with these demon gods.He deeply felt the emptiness and longing deep in their hearts, and he used his own power to fill these vacancies.As time goes by, the souls of the demons gradually become clear.Their eyes regained their radiance, and their bright eyes shone with hope and warmth.

Their faces also become softer and full of life, and wrinkles and marks gradually disappear.Their noses were reshaped and became straight and three-dimensional, no longer emitting foul odor.

The lips of the demon gods gradually became moist, and their teeth became neat and white.Their hair grows back and becomes thick and shiny.

The most important thing is that they exude an aura of tranquility and peace, replacing the previous evil and terror.Their muscles are still powerful, but there is a sense of peace and resilience.

Qianyu felt that his soul and the souls of these demons had been closely integrated and dependent on each other.He knew that these created souls would give these demon gods new opportunities and choices.

The demon gods slowly opened their eyes, and they stared at Qianyu, their eyes full of gratitude and awe.They realized that this young man named Qian Yu had given them new life and hope.

At this moment, all the demon gods came to life. They woke up from their slumber. They were reborn. They finally had a reason to live again.

"Thank you, great God."

All the demon gods knelt down towards Qian Yu.

Those demon gods felt the power of the soul created by Qian Yu and couldn't help but feel in awe.They realized that Qianyu not only gave them new life and hope, but was also a great god.

For a moment, those huge demon gods knelt on the ground one after another, their heads lowered, showing the most respectful attitude.Their huge bodies rumbled on the ground, as if to pay respect to Qian Yu's majesty.

The voices of the demon gods echoed in the air with awe, as shocking as huge waves.Their voices were no longer full of malice and ridicule, but full of respect and gratitude.

"Great God, you are our redeemer and our creator!" The voices of the demon gods resounded through the sky and spread throughout the dark realm.

They felt the warmth and strength radiating from Qianyu's body, as if they were integrated into endless love and hope.They knew that this young warrior gave them a new opportunity to choose their own path again.

The kneeling demon gods stretched out their thick arms and pressed their huge bodies lower to express their worship to Qian Yu.Their eyes were full of admiration and gratitude, as if Qianyu was the most sacred existence in their hearts.

Their voices were full of piety and worship, "Please accept our most sincere respect, great god!" The demon gods used their huge voices to once again express their gratitude to Qian Yu.

All the demon gods knelt down towards Qianyu. Qianyu was originally the Lord of Hell and the king of these demon gods.

Qianyu looked at them and immediately said: "I will give you new life. You must follow me and kill all those gods."

(End of this chapter)

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