Chapter 175

That night.

The moon and stars are sparse, and the shadows of leaves are swaying.

The sound of fighting resounded from a forest outside Tiandou City.

It doesn't last.

Just a short ten minutes.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Han Xin's eyes were still as firm as iron, and he pressed the hilt of the Qianlong Sword with his hand, and his red cloak fluctuated slightly in the night wind.

"Report to the general!"

A messenger soldier with blood-stained armor ran from a distance.

With respect on his face, he looked at this cold and solemn young man: "The enemies have all been wiped out, but we found this from them..."

As he spoke, a letter was held up.

There is also a small badge pressed on the letter.

The expressions of all the Heavenly Fighters present changed slightly.

"A member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

Behind Han Xin, a middle-aged general with a beard frowned, and immediately said to himself: "They have risked their lives out of the city in the middle of the night without even saying hello, and they are all wearing night clothes. Sneaky, not like a good person, what are you going to do?"

He is the guard of the south gate of Tiandou City.

He is a general temporarily transferred by Han Xin.

It stands to reason that since Han Xin is the commander of the guards of the Prince's Mansion, he is not qualified to mobilize any Heavenly Fighters other than those belonging to the Prince's Mansion. Unknown unknown person, this middle-aged general did not follow the rules. After leaving enough troops to guard the south gate, he took the remaining troops to cooperate with Han Xin's actions.

In this pursuit, Han Xin's troops were not many, except for a deputy commander of the Prince's Mansion Guard, there was no one else.

the reason is simple.

The two of them, one in front and the other in the other, are the powerful generals of the guards of the Prince's Mansion. Occasionally they come out to have a tooth sacrifice or something like that. There is no need for fanfare, and there is no need to report to the Prince.

If Han Xin hadn't discovered these Qibao Glazed Tile Sect members, the two of them should have returned to the Prince's Mansion at this time.

The vice-commander, who was also young in appearance, thought so.

According to his position, he defended Han Xin: "Whether these people belong to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School or not, in our Heaven Dou Empire, we must abide by the rules of our Heaven Dou Empire. Although our Heaven Dou does not have a curfew system like Xingluo, But forcibly breaking into the city gate is also a capital offense, whether it is public or private, our Heaven Dou Empire is right!"


The middle-aged general showed embarrassment: "This is a member of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

"What's wrong with people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

"This is Tiandou!"

"When will it be the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School's turn to decide?"

The tone of the young general was a little excited.

But Han Xin's performance was very calm.

"Okay, stop arguing."

"Let me read this letter first."

"If there is a misunderstanding, I, Han Xin, will bear the punishment."

"If it wasn't for a misunderstanding, I think that the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect would desperately escort a letter. There must be a big secret hidden in this letter."

Han Xin picked up the letter, shook the bloody Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect badge on the envelope to the ground, didn't bother to deal with the sealant, and tore open the envelope: "Every second you argue here, there will be Possibly save a second from the trouble-solving time."

After saying a word, both the middle-aged guard and the young deputy commander shut their mouths in choking, and stood behind Han Xin, looking at Han Xin's back in silence.

one second……

five seconds...

ten seconds...

1 minutes……

3 minutes……

It was a time of suffocating silence.

Han Xin didn't speak.

This is extremely rare.

It made the deputy commander who knew Han Xin uneasy.

Fortunately, Han Xin also seemed to realize that he had been silent for a long time, took a deep breath, and closed the letter paper in his hand, as if he had no intention of letting the two people behind him read it.


"It's late!"

"It's still too late!"

"It's still a step too late!"

Han Xin muttered this sentence softly.

Hand, can't help pressing on the hilt of the sword.

His face was ashen, his eyes were like lightning, and in an instant, he landed on the two people behind him, with a bit of aggressive momentum, he asked: "Now, are you willing to sacrifice your life for His Royal Highness?"

All the Heaven Dou soldiers present were stunned upon hearing this.


The young deputy commander replied loudly, without even thinking about it, he took a step forward, clenched his fist with his right hand, and slammed it hard on his chest.

The middle-aged guard didn't think so much.

Sensitivity to this aspect is also too poor.

He smiled awkwardly, and said in a deep voice: "Commander Han, don't tell outsiders what he said. If the monarch is in trouble, we should go through fire and water for him. However, if it is only unilaterally going to death for someone, I still have to think about it." I thought about it, after all, I also have a wife and children, I hope Commander Han will be considerate."

People are greedy for life and afraid of death.

If it's allegiance, he doesn't mind.

If he "goes to death" when he comes up, he doesn't mind very much.


The breeze is wrinkling, and the shadows of the trees are whirling!
The high-pitched sword cry suddenly sounded!
After a whirlwind, a seemingly familiar but unfamiliar body appeared in his line of sight, met the blood-dripping long sword in Han Xin's hand, seemed to understand something suddenly, his pupils dilated slightly, But there is no chance to understand it better!

The pupils of everyone present are shrinking!

The uneven sound of drawing swords...

The uneven spears aimed at Han Xin...

Even the young deputy commander subconsciously pulled out the sword from his waist, and then realized that he was in the wrong position, turned around, and left his back to Han Xin, who was also the commander of the Tiandou Prince's Mansion Guards, back to back , confronting all the panicked Heaven Dou soldiers around.

Cold sweat silently covered his forehead.

Compete with the extremely calm Han Xin behind him.

Han Xin held up the letter paper in his hand, and facing the eyes of these panicked Tiandou soldiers, he said loudly with full confidence:

"The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School colluded with the Fourth Prince Xue Beng!"

"Give His Majesty a chronic poison in the diet!"

"Now, we must unite with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

"This is treason!"

As soon as these words came out, people's hearts were immediately shaken.

The weapon aimed at Han Xin was also shaking slightly.

Han Xin struck while the iron was hot and said loudly:

"My soldiers of Tiandou, think carefully about the difference between His Royal Highness and Xue Beng traitors!"

"His Royal Highness is diligent in government and loves the people."

"Avalanche rebels break the law and discipline."

"Let me ask, if Xue Beng's traitors are really allowed to make trouble, with the virtue of that dude Xue Beng, which one of you can live a good life? Even if you become Xue Beng's lackeys, how many ordinary people will poke your backs and scold you?"

"You are the soldiers of Tiandou, and many of you are from Tiandou City. Whose son, husband, father, uncle, neighbor, if you don't fight for righteousness, don't you? Don't you think about the people mentioned above?"

With that said, Han Xin put away the Qianlong Sword.

Pointing at the head on the ground, he shouted sharply: "This person has been bought by Xue Beng, therefore, those who hesitated just now, who doesn't know that His Majesty likes His Highness the Crown Prince, what is the difference between dying for the Crown Prince and dying for His Majesty? If you dare to prevent me from going back to report the military situation to His Royal Highness, then, believe me, military law will be used!"

All the Heaven Dou soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay.

I don't know who it is, put down the weapon first.

Afterwards, pieces of weapons also fell to the ground.

"Here, I leave it to you!"

Han Xin turned around slowly, looked at the deputy commander who was still holding the sword, pressed the opponent's wrist expressionlessly, and helped the opponent put the sword back into the scabbard.

Then, he patted the person's shoulder armor heavily.

The young deputy commander raised his head in confusion.

Immediately, he met Han Xin's firm eyes.

His whole body was shocked, as if he had gained courage from Han Xin, he nodded vigorously, and immediately raised his hand and hammered his chest: "I promise to complete the task!"

"it is good."

Han Xin didn't say any more.

Only one word was left.

Then he turned around and ran towards Tiandou City not far away.

The night gradually engulfed his back...

night is deep...

Dreams are also very long...

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(End of this chapter)

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