The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 368 Incentives and Returns

Chapter 368 Incentives and Returns
Bai Yue did not leave.

She didn't want her disappearance to cause trouble for Lin Chaoci.

There are many ways to leave.

There are also many opportunities to leave.

There is no need to be in a hurry, and her father is still there.

Demon God Huang Fengxiu and other hundred-level gods, on the side of the Temple Alliance, the most powerful one is just a ninth-level and sixth-level god seal knight, which is equivalent to a 96-level Super Douluo who has obtained the status of a divine examiner.

The difference between level 96 and level 99 is only four levels, but the soul power of these four levels is poor, but it can kill a limit Douluo of level [-]!

As long as the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu doesn't do anything, and doesn't use the dark energy in his body, no one will be able to detect the entire Knight Temple!

One night without words, one night of good dreams.

Seeing Bai Yue again under the vigorous morning sun, this young girl who looked as nimble as a deer in the mountains was already a little more courageous. Although her appearance was still extremely deceptive, she looked weak and weak, like a doormat who was easy to be bullied, but those who knew her character well could know that under this "doorbag" appearance, she was a "stubborn" girl with a stubborn temper like a bull.

Lin Chaoci has a writing brush martial spirit.

Therefore, he knew the conversation between Bai Yue and the demon emperor Fengxiu last night.

Regarding the fact that the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu was manipulated by his daughter, after all, he failed to persuade his daughter not to like him, a sentimental person, he had no opinion.

There are many people who like him, but interesting souls are quite rare. Among these interesting souls, those who can interest him are even rarer.

Bai Yue is a good girl.

If he wants to pursue, he must learn to respect.

Respect Bai Yue's choice.

However, the situation must be explained.

Without deceit, he can't be called a scumbag, he just wants to give the girls in the world a home, and, it's not that he doesn't take responsibility, how can he be called a scumbag?

wash, eat.

Next, go out for a walk with the dog.

Tunri and other seven puppies often accompany him.

Even Xiao Wu, the ban, was a little jealous.

However, this is also the promise he made at the beginning, as long as he eats one bite, Tunri and the others will eat one bite. He can eat meat, and Tunri and the others can also eat meat. Maybe it is not very comfortable. Follow him, from Douyi to Douer, from Douer to Douyi, from Douyi to the small plane of the God Seal Throne, bumping and wandering, sleeping and eating well...

But, don't worry!

He believes that Tunri and the others can rest assured!

He would not say that he was killed outside, so Tunri and the others would have no one to support them, nor would he say that he was working in another universe and Tunri and the others were stolen by some dog dealers.

Together, they live and die together.

Enjoy the blessings together, and bear the difficulties together.

Bai Yue also liked Tunri and the others. When he woke up in the morning, when he saw Lin Chaoci walking his dog, he followed him, teasing Tunri and the other seven puppies. However, he liked Qianxing more, teasing and caressing Qianxing the most.

Lin Chaoci could tell that Bai Yue really liked these small animals, but it seemed that most girls liked such obedient animals, so did Xiao Wu, and so did Zhu Zhuyun. Even Ma Xiaotao, a hot-tempered and carefree girl, liked to tease Liuohuo, let alone Bai Yue.

It made Demon God Huang Fengxiu's hands a little itchy.

In many cases, cuteness and cuteness are king!
After walking the dog, Lin Chaoci started his work today.

It's not a condolences to the hidden piles of the net.

Condolences cannot be condolences during the day.

It is even more impossible to ask for warmth in person.

In fact, last night, Lin Chaoci used the Void Terminal to send condolence messages to all the Lurkers lurking in the Six Great Temples, harvested a wave of recent information, and highly praised these incognito people, and provided these lurkers with some necessary supplies. After all, these hidden piles dare not move easily for fear of being exposed. Therefore, their shortage of supplies is inevitable. On this, when the time was lost, as the leader of the net, he also made up for these hidden piles with the treatment in this aspect.

Therefore, today's job is actually to agree to Yang Haohan's request last night, let him attend, give a speech to the younger generation of the Temple Alliance, and inspire young people's fighting spirit.

He is familiar with this life!
Isn't it just fooling people!
Just like he fooled Yang Yu'er and others a year ago!
You can accuse a certain head of state of madness, but you can’t question the seditiousness of the head of state’s speech. His speech style is that kind—it makes you willing to follow even though you know it’s crazy and extreme. In the world of Dou [-] and Dou [-], it’s a clean stream that can wash away all filth!
However, compared with red, it is nothing.

One is moonlight at best.

The other is the burning sun.

But in the Douyi universe, which is only supported by a bunch of sparks from the Wuhun Temple, and in the Douer universe, which has no light at all, it doesn't matter if it's moonlight or sunlight, as long as there is light, what more do you need!


With the blessing of Lin Chaoci's handsome appearance...

With Lin Chaoci's legendary resume...

Under Lin Chaoci's extremely provocative speech...

Under Lin Chaoci's unique personality charm...

The presentation was a huge success!

The relationship between demons and humans is not analyzed.

It is about the light in the eyes of young people.

"When he looks back on the past, he will not feel regret for wasting his life, nor will he be ashamed of being inactive, so that when he is dying, he can say: My whole life and all my energy have been dedicated to the most magnificent cause in the world-struggling for the liberation of mankind!"

Lin Chaoci used this famous quote as the concluding remark of his speech. For these young people who have not yet come into contact with the truth, this concluding remark is enough to match the content of the previous speech.

Incitement does not conflict with personal charm.

Incitement does not conflict with the correct direction.

Whether the path under their feet is correct or not depends not only on themselves, as long as Lin Chaoci, the "helmsman" controls the giant wheel, who can say that this kind of blind worship is not correct?

The more correct the path is, the more people will walk on it spontaneously. Then, it is precisely because these latecomers know how correct the path under their feet is that they respect, respect, admire, believe and fanatically worship the first person who opened the way!

The wrong path is one that no one follows!

This is the truth!
Therefore, Lin Chaoci finished speaking, patted his ass and left in a cool way. It was unlucky for the six temples. The masters and deputy hall masters were very busy. Since Lin Chaoci finished his speech, they have received a large number of applications from members of various temples. They hope to go out and follow Lin Chaoci. The only lighthouse in the world illuminated the confused darkness for them.


Putting it all together...

About seven out of ten want to go...

In the remaining three-tenths of miles, there are still hidden stakes...

Yang Haohan, the leader of the Temple Alliance, can be said to be a stealer. Not only did he not serve as an incentive, but he also paid for his own genius. If he can return the application of these young people to go out, can he also eradicate their desire to follow Lin Chaoci?
Young people of this age are rebellious.

Not to mention the path they think is correct, even if it is the truth they think is wrong, if they are vetoed and suppressed by elders like them, and their brains are hot, they may all step on it.

and so……

"Let's take one step at a time..."

"I don't know, whether it's a blessing or a curse..."

Looking at the space tunnel on the corridor of the Knights Temple.

For the first time, Yang Haohan felt that he was getting old.

Even though, he is now in his prime.

 After writing the small plot in five days, people will do what they say
(End of this chapter)

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