The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 526 White Peregrine Falcon

Chapter 526 White Peregrine Falcon
Lin Chaoci had no interest in doing justice for heaven.

This day is not something he can replace.

The will of the world can indeed change a person's mind, turning dislike into like, and turning like into dislike. However, any change is not without losses. It is precisely because some protagonists and supporting characters are blessed with great luck, so it changes their life trajectories. Only then will you need to consume more luck.

The same goes for Mei Chaofeng.

As one of the supporting roles in the world of the Condor Shooting, it takes a lot of luck to change her good and evil preferences at will. Moreover, the law of the jungle and even the truth of heaven, the will of the world will never favor one person alone, even if that People are the protagonists in its world, and it’s the same.

Whether he is the protagonist or not depends on luck.

People with strong luck, like Linghu Chong, can discover the moves of the former elder of the Sun Moon God Sect to decipher the swordsmanship of the Five Mountains by dancing casually in the cave of Siguo Cliff.

In the case of Zhang Wuji, for example, he always survived from desperate situations. He found the Nine Yang Manual from the belly of the white ape, and he happened to have medical skills. Who would believe it if it was not a coincidence?

Moreover, all realms are interconnected.

Strong men from all walks of life travel around the world.

The Will of the World was too late to guard against these people, so how could it bother to deal with a little innate master who had only met the supporting character in the early stage?
Are land gods not worth watching out for?

The Grand Master is not worth watching out for, either?


Therefore, except for the sudden incident of encountering Mei Chaofeng, Lin Chaoci spent a very peaceful night and set out early the next morning. According to his positioning, he walked in a straight line and continued towards his destination.

Genghis Khan still had the most basic sense of vigilance when stationed.

The scout spread out a large area.

However, it cannot be said that they were scouts sent out by Genghis Khan. In this endless prairie, families and tribes are very common. Even Genghis Khan's lineage calls itself the "Golden Family" rather than a certain dynasty. Genghis Khan only conquers He is the recognized leader on the grassland and has the power to issue orders, but it does not mean that the other tribes will merge into one.

Guo Jing is in Genghis Khan's camp.

Outside Genghis Khan's residence, there were many tribes, large and small, with their own herdsmen and armies.

However, like scouts and the like, it cannot be defined as too rigid.

Herders on the grasslands are no different from militiamen.

Moreover, they are all light cavalry.

Drawing the bow and shooting an arrow immediately is just the foundation among the foundations.

Even children as young as seven or eight can ride a horse or something.

Wealthier families also had hunting dogs and slaves.

In this vast prairie, every herdsman who is not a professional scout is like a real eye, playing a strategic position that only professional scouts can have. Therefore, calling these herdsmen scouts is not a compliment at all. , can only be regarded as stating a fact.

The scout Lin Chaoci captured before was also a herdsman scout.

The bones are not very hard, which is normal.

All the way east, south.

On the way, I met many herdsmen.

There are also sheep, hounds and children.

Sheep are more common than cattle, pigs are not seen at all, and chickens, ducks, and fish are even less common. However, now that the grasslands have been unified by Genghis Khan, the herdsmen are much less hostile to strangers. Lin Chaoci also used Mao Bi instilled some knowledge of Mongolian into himself. When these herdsmen heard Lin Chaoci's authentic tone and saw the shiny black horse under Lin Chaoci's crotch, they immediately recognized Lin Chaoci as one of their own. The feast of wine and meat relieved Lin Chaoci from the trouble of sleeping in the open air.

Prairie people are bold and informal.

Mutton is not served in "pieces".

But click "Only" to take it to the table.

Lin Chaoci had also eaten roasted whole lamb before, but compared with the roasted whole lamb on the grassland, it was indeed a little less authentic.

Just like an outdoor barbecue.

It’s not all about the taste, it’s also about the feeling.However, most people still eat and sleep in the open when they go out.

The probability of meeting a good family is relatively small.

It also made Lin Chaoci feel deeply grateful for his "neutral" decision. After all, if he stood on the standpoint of the Han people in the Southern Song Dynasty regardless of the facts, it would not harm the national interests at all. However, he cannot deny it. People who had good intentions towards him.

If this continues, sooner or later he will suffer from schizophrenia.

Might as well throw the stance aside.

Go with your heart, but at most be cautious when making friends.

Just don’t make friends like Tian Boguang and Yun Zhonghe.

Move forward in a straight line and hit the royal court.

Maybe it was because Lin Chaoci was alone, but it really didn't attract the attention of the herdsmen. When they heard that Lin Chaoci was going to the royal court, where the Golden Family was based, they even kindly gave Lin Chaoci directions. Obviously He mistook Lin Chaoci for a rebellious young man from another tribe who wanted to see the world.

Who hasn’t been unruly and unruly when they were young?

Do you think you are the second child and I am the third child?

On the grasslands, there is no such thing as a gentle manly style. The mainstream concept is that men should be as fierce as wild wolves. Only in this way can they protect everything they have, including women, children, property, etc.!


That's what you call a sissy!

Therefore, until Lin Chaoci walked near the royal court, about ten kilometers away from the royal court, no one regarded Lin Chaoci as an intruder. Lin Chaoci couldn't laugh or cry. He reined in his horse and looked at the people not far away from him. The red dot was positioned, took a drink of water, and headed towards the location.

However, before he had gone very far, a loud eagle call came from afar, and a white shadow flashed across the clear sky like lightning, hovering above Lin Chaoci's head, and gradually slowed down a bit.

Lin Chaoci looked up and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Eagles and eagles are actually two different species.

Just like Haidongqing.

Many people regard Haidongqing as an eagle.

In fact, Haidong Qinggai refers to the gyrfalcon.

Eagles, eagles, falcons, and owls all have similar appearances. They are all carnivores and are the overlords of the sky. However, in this era, there is no such detailed division. They can all assist their owners in hunting. They are all stuffed into the framework of "Eagle". Even Hai Dongqing can be called the King of Eagles. What else is impossible?
That's right.

The King of Eagles is a gyrfalcon.

It was admitted in a daze.

And this white eagle is not a gyrfalcon.

Not even Hai Dongqing, the King of Eagles.

It should be a white peregrine falcon with mutated color. When hovering, its wingspan is about [-] centimeters, which is far from mature.

The wingspan of a mature Peregrine Falcon is between 120 and [-] centimeters, its flight speed can be maintained at [-] to [-] kilometers per hour, and its ultimate diving speed can reach more than [-] kilometers per hour, making it the second largest falcon in the world. Yu Haidongqing's hunter.

And those who raise white eagles on the grassland...

It’s not far from the red dot positioning…

The royal court on the grassland can be vaguely seen in the distance...

The only answer I can think of is Guo Jing.

Therefore, Lin Chaoci didn't pay attention to the white peregrine falcon at all. He looked at the red dot moving toward him on the map, smiled slightly, clamped the horse's belly, and looked at the vigilant little white peregrine falcon. In his eyes, he walked towards the direction where Guo Jing and others were.

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(End of this chapter)

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