The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 599 The 3rd grade imperial concubine

Chapter 599: Third Grade Imperial Lady

A weakened version of Jinyiwei.

The internal work was taken over by Long Wei and Factory Guard.

Most of the external work is done by the military department.

In the workplace, no, it should be said that in any society, the proportion of resource distribution will never be balanced. Players who control resources will indirectly control many players who are not as powerful as themselves through profit sharing. Once they have When new players join, the income of all old players will be damaged, but this is the result that only the player with the resources wants to see - the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish, and a fresh little leek is delivered to your door, and there is no way to eat it. reason?
Jin Yiwei's reputation has risen too much.

In its heyday, it was even possible to kill first and then play later.

Therefore, even if Jin Yiwei made the right choice, the emperors of the Later Han Dynasty would still suppress them, but the emperor could not suppress them openly, because the emperor also had to pay attention to the rules of the game, otherwise, no one would work wholeheartedly for him. Therefore, by supporting the three great mountains of Dragon Guard, Factory Guard, and Ministry of War, to check and balance the Jinyiwei, and limit the ways in which the Jinyiwei can obtain credit, within two generations, the Jinyiwei will not have any earth-shattering abilities.

By then, it’s not too late to enable it.

The number is always retained.

It can also be regarded as a card that emperors of all dynasties left to future generations to turn the tables.

It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to send charcoal in the snow.

Showing a bit of imperial grace.

Even if the Dragon Guards, Factory Guards, and Ministry of War cannot be trusted for various reasons, with the Jinyi Guards here and a capable commander in place, they can at least create an output space for the current emperor.

Just like Lin Ruhai back then.

Sometimes, no fault is merit!
The emperor is just a person, not a god!

He needs the right to speak, and he also needs some ministers who can resolutely carry out his orders. Only in this way can he carry this empire!
However, the situation in today's world has changed. Ever since Lin Ruhai resisted the influence of the Supreme Emperor's lineage more than ten years ago, the situation in the DPRK has undergone subtle changes. Until Lin Ruhai destroyed the Emperor's money bag more than ten years later. At this point, Emperor Chongping had sounded the clarion call for counterattack. Therefore, the position of commander of the Jinyi Guards was really a useless one. Lin Ruhai had to fight all the hard battles by himself. If he took on this position, he could just take the money and stay at home.

The Jin Yiwei is just like the Dragon Guard.

When will you go to court, then there will be a problem.

Just like no one knows where Long Wei is stationed.

The commanders of the Imperial Guard who can be canonized are not afraid of being known.

It's quite in line with his abilities.

Moreover, there are left and right hands below the commander.

That is to say, the commander and the commander, a total of two people.

There are also commanding officers below, a total of three people.

These are all figures with fictitious power and high-level officials.

Further down, there are the two envoys who implement the opinions of the upper level and manage the North and South Town Fusi. They are the immediate bosses of all the thousands of households in the North and South Town Fusi. They are powerful figures. Whenever there is a matter of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan, they usually come out in full force. It was these two governors who took action, and they were considered to be the highest officials Jin Yiwei could see in all his actions.

Even if Emperor Chongping wanted to order the Jinyi Guards.

Just look for these two powerful governors.

"He is really a light official!"

Lin Chaoci shrugged nonchalantly. He couldn't tell whether his tone was more ridiculing or joyful. In short, there was no hostility: "The emperor is willing to give me this face, and I don't mind giving him this face. Long live your understanding." Well, after all, I really don’t have any military exploits. I don’t know how much pressure he put on me to get the position of commander of the Imperial Guard. Anyway, I don’t have to go to court or kneel to him, and it can help me avoid some unknown things. trouble, including making those dandy men with eyes sober up, why not do it?"

"After all that, you're still not an official fan?"

Huang Rong curled her lips, looking unbelieving.

Lin Chaoci laughed dumbly.

The greatest official in the world is just the emperor.

He had already tasted that power.

A thousand rights come with a thousand responsibilities.

He wants to live a relaxed life, so why stick to formalities?
Do you really think that the biggest official can just kill him?
Don't be stupid, okay?

The fist is the biggest thing in the world!

But, after thinking about it after saying this to Huang Rong, what's the point?

No explanation.

He just patted Huang Rong on the shoulder: "Let's go and find a place to have a good chat. Did you see anything interesting when you entered the palace this time?"

"I didn't see anything interesting."

"But I saw a lot of beauties."

"There are so many queens, concubines, concubines..."

"Oh, by the way, there's also Jia Yuanchun..."

Huang Rong said as she walked.Walking side by side with Lin Chaoci.

He and Lin Chaoci disappeared under the rising light snow.

And in the Daming Palace at this moment.

The Supreme Emperor also received Emperor Chongping's decision at the second time.

That's right, the first place was snatched away by Huang Rong.

Fortunately, the Emperor didn't know.

Even if he knew it and Thunder was furious, it would be useless...

"It's still not considered."

The Supreme Emperor was well aware of the situation that he had only a few years to live. Although he had thoughts of fighting for power and gain, he unknowingly faded away a bit.

They all say that a certain son is most like themselves.

In fact, the one who lives to the end is the most similar.

Most of them are just grudges.

If the son of Emperor Chongping was unable to take away this imperial power from him, then he would rather bring this imperial power into the ground than let it go.

The emperor, even the supreme emperor.

But more importantly, we must hold up the sky for everyone in the world.

Only by becoming stronger each generation can we protect these great rivers and mountains and the people of the world. This is the responsibility of emperors of all generations!

Therefore, it is just a matter of intensity.

Give birth to a prince who satisfies you.

During the assessment, be gentle and use more water.

Give birth to a rebellious son like Emperor Chongping.

What a crap assessment!

Suppress me to death!

Let him know that there are still three kilograms of iron nails in the broken ship!
If you can't hold it back, you'll lose. Even if you're a traitor, you're capable!
If you suppress it and win, it means that what I give you is yours. If I don't give it to you, you can't take it away. You have to go back and practice again!
What a pity, what a pity...

"It's hard to determine one's character of mind, and an arrogant soldier will be defeated!"

At this moment, the Supreme Emperor thought of the defeated former prince, and of his other sons who died in that battle, leaving only a few useless ones. Among them, only the winner, Emperor Chongping, could barely catch his eye. I couldn't help but feel nostalgic for a moment. I picked up the pen and left a line of large characters with flying dragons and phoenixes on the white paper:

"To appease, be sincere."

"It's just that the essence of any sincerity can touch people's hearts."

"One commander is not enough."

“It’s not that the weight is not enough, it’s that the intensity is not enough.”

"Give me a royal decree and a marriage. I'll give the Xue girl a lot of dignity. It's more honorable than giving Lin Chaoci twenty cents of dignity."

"Go and ask the Queen if there is a girl to be married in the capital."

"The boy of the Xue family was sacrificed by the former prince. Although Xue Pan is incompetent, he should have a good man to take care of him. After he gets married, it will be the turn of the Xue family daughter to meet Lin Chaoci. ”

"Remember, let the emperor distinguish priorities."

"The decree is not for the daughter of the Xue family."

"She is Lin Chaoci's future wife."

"Whoever is the official wife is the official wife. Don't forget to let the queen consider her words and don't put on any airs. Since you have decided to use Jia She, you might as well take care of the marriage witnesses and so on!"

The little eunuch at the door lowered his head and took the white paper.

I dare not read what is written on it.

He lowered his head and left the Daming Palace.

Walk quickly to the harem.

The snow seems to have increased a lot...

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(End of this chapter)

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