The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 715: The noble man who pawned his necklace but also wanted to buy wine

Chapter 715: The noble man who pawned his necklace but also wanted to buy wine

Throughout the ages, Confucianism can be divided into three levels.

One is Pre-Qin Confucianism.

One is a swordsman in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

The last one is Fu Ru of the Song Dynasty.

The rotten Confucians follow the rules, read for the sake of reading, and regard the classics of the predecessors as the books of sages. They completely forget that what the sages hope is that their descendants can be better than the masters. It does not mean that they will become a group of mindless machines. Holding the book of sages and talking loudly.

Sword Confucianism in the prosperous Tang Dynasty actually does not refer to all Confucian scholars in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. However, sword scholars in the prosperous Tang Dynasty are typical in this system. Therefore, the word "Sheng Tang" is used to name it, which mainly refers to The most famous ones in this system are those scholars who are astonishingly talented, know the second of the six arts of a gentleman, and are thoughtful. The most famous one in this system is undoubtedly the Qinglian Sword Fairy Li Bai. It lowers the threshold for orthodox scholars and no longer measures a person by being familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. Knowledge emphasizes individuality and pays more attention to each person's ideological form.

Pre-Qin Confucianism is complete. It requires more than just amazing talent, knowledge of the six arts of a gentleman, and thoughtfulness. If the difficulty of becoming a disciple of the corrupt Confucians of the Song Dynasty is regarded as one, and the difficulty of becoming a disciple of the swordsman of the Tang Dynasty is regarded as three, then Pre-Qin Confucianism The difficulty of becoming a master is at least seven or above. Although the pre-Qin Confucianism emphasizes teaching without distinction, it is just that. Without that talent, you will not be able to read well. Even if you have that talent, you will not only know one or more of the six arts of the gentleman. Those who can get by with only the second level must have all the skills, and having ideas is only the foundation. You must also have ambitions. It doesn’t matter whether your ambitions are big or small. What you prove is actually your desire to learn. Let yourself Answer: Why are you studying? After reading, what do you think you can change? Finally, you have to travel around the world, not to mention the seven countries, because countries are at war all the time, and the strength of one person is too weak. However, Reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles is still a basic requirement.

Only if the above conditions are met.

Only in this way can one become a qualified pre-Qin Confucian scholar.

This is also why scholars in the pre-Qin era were so valuable, and they often staged grand scenes of "working as a farmhouse minister in the morning and ascending to the emperor's hall in the evening". During the Three Kingdoms period, Guo Jia, Xu Shu, Xi Zhicai, and Zhuge Liang could also appear. Waiting for the great sages in the field, the literary talents of the Tang Dynasty were flourishing. Although there were no sages in ancient and modern times, the poems written by some top swordsmen and Confucians were applauding. They were Confucian scholars who truly relied on their talents to make a living as scholars. , but in the Song and Ming dynasties, even the literary talent was gone, let alone the standard of virtuous ministers, which was the real reason for the gold-rich landslide.

Don't talk about Li Gang, Liu Bowen, etc.

Are they wise ministers?

At their time, yes.

However, if you put them in front of Shang Yang who presided over the Qin State's reform, if you put them in front of Sun Wu who wrote the art of war, if you put them in front of any of the hundreds of schools of thought in the pre-Qin era, or even put them in front of In front of a rising star like Xunzi, how could their thoughts and talents be counted as nothing?

They are all generals who follow the rules and reverse order.

Can't come up with any new ideas.

Looking at future generations, only Wang Mingyang of the Ming Dynasty can compete with these Confucian and Taoist predecessors, because only he, the founder of the mind science, is qualified to have a discussion with these Confucian and Taoist predecessors.

The achievements of those who come after us are even higher.

They are all higher than these ancestors.

Unless latecomers can reach the end of this road and open another road at the end.

However, if they can continue to lead the way, they will become the pioneers in the eyes of others. Because of this, they cannot be regarded as latecomers.

Therefore, Pre-Qin Confucianism has the highest value.

The swordsman of the prosperous Tang Dynasty was the most talented.

The rotten scholars of the Song Dynasty...are nothing.

Han Fei, who studied under Xunzi but went astray in the end and turned himself into a Legalist, felt something in his heart not long after Zhang Liang asked him to go out again. On a whim, he set out on his way home.

Walking through the beach where the sound of tide still sounds.

Walking through the forest with fallen leaves.

Crossing the desert with rolling yellow sand.

I didn't stop when I saw the waterfall.

No one knows what this ninth son of South Korea, who was also the most outstanding spokesman for Legalism before Da Qin swept across Liuhe, has seen and realized while walking and stopping along the way. It’s like no one can I thought that the luck of this ninth young master from South Korea would be completely opposite to his talents. He stumbled over the simplest thing of fishing, and was frozen like a grandson. He didn't mention it, but just finished warming himself and put on his clothes again. He lost his clothes, and it wasn’t until he bought some wine that he realized that his money bag had been washed away when he fell into the water.

Carelessness to an unimaginable level.

However, what if you think about it from another angle?

Not pleased, not to have compassion.

Always maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

I firmly believe that there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

If you are not angry about temporary losses, you will naturally not be dazzled by temporary gains. Compared with the rotten Confucian scholars in later generations who studied to become officials, people like Han Fei are qualified Confucian scholars in the eyes of Confucianism.

Even as Han Fei read it, he became a Legalist.


"Exchange gems for wine?"

"Or exchange it for such a low-quality wine?"

Just when Han Fei gritted his teeth and struggled like a child for a long time, he took off the necklace with a huge sapphire, mortgaged it to the restaurant, agreed to come back to redeem it in the future, and asked the restaurant to serve wine, a big black horse also followed this path. The road came in the same direction, and he led the people who were going north to the white horse Han Fei was riding. He walked up to it and walked around. After confirming that the horse was not a mare, he snorted angrily. , squeezing forward, squeezing the aggrieved white horse all over, just enough for Lin Chaoci, who was sitting on the black horse, to see clearly through the bamboo hat the luxurious necklace Han Fei put on the table, as well as the two boring jars of drinks.

Shake his head.

Pick up a piece of soil from the ground.

After shaking it, it turned into two taels of broken silver.

As soon as he raised his hand, it fell on the red envelopes of the two jars of wine, causing Han Fei and the restaurant owner to look sideways. At the same time, a distant voice came: "These two jars of wine are not worthy of a sapphire necklace as collateral. It's a bit too extravagant, but if you really want to get a mortgage, you might as well let me be the middleman. I'll pay the bill for him. When he gets rich, he can come to me again. Looking at our paths, we should be going in the same direction. One, how does this friend feel?"    "It's all right."

Han Fei seems to be a very easy-to-talk person at first glance.

He smiled, thinking a lot.

However, it was never reflected on his face and eyes.

He waved his hand to Lin Chaoci, grabbed the necklace, and walked towards Lin Chaoci. Seeing that Lin Chaoci turned over and dismounted without any support, the smile on his face became more sincere, and handed the necklace to him. While Lin Chao resigned, he said truthfully: "This necklace was given to me by my sister-in-law. It means a lot to me. I also hope that my friends will not change hands with this necklace. I will redeem it in a few days." ...By the way, Han Fei, don’t you know your friend’s name yet?”

"Lin Chaoci."

“The forest is the forest of woods.”

"Chaoci is the Chaoci in Li Bai's poems."

Lin Chaoci took the necklace and looked at it, admiring in his heart how luxurious it is. The main reason is that the main body of this necklace is not only the shining sapphire in the middle, but the jade used as hooks on both sides is actually pure white suet jade. The rope that goes through the hook is also a gold thread. Not to mention the small rich family, even the rich family estimates that few people are qualified to wear it. I raised my eyes and took a long look at the Ninth Young Master who looked very similar to the image in the anime, and nodded seriously. Show courtesy.

"So, my friend is from Empress Tang?"

Han Fei has read Li Bai's poems.

Land gods are very famous.

Even if you don't talk about his martial arts, just talk about the peerless poems he wrote, you can see that this is a Confucian and Taoist junior who relies entirely on his talent.

If you come to the pre-Qin Dynasty, you will be taught by famous teachers.

Maybe he can open a single branch and join hundreds of schools of thought.

I can’t envy you.

But it also made him interested.

I have learned about this Qinglian Sword Immortal.

Lin Chaoci's name actually fully demonstrated that Lin Chaoci was not from the pre-Qin era. However, Lin Chaoci's reaction also surprised him.

Normal people would be surprised to hear his name.

Han Fei, Han Feizi.

A famous Legalist sage in the late Warring States period.

Although he did not dare to bear this title, not only did he think he could not afford it, but he also believed that he had accumulated more and vowed to surpass himself in the history books. However, the world's perception of him would not change.

He originally thought Lin Chaoci would ask in surprise.

But he didn't expect that Lin Chaoci didn't ask anything.

Just nodded and took the necklace.

He got on his horse and left.

And then left...


No, how can you leave?

Han Fei jogged two steps and immediately grabbed this very unusual friend. To be precise, he grabbed Lin Chaoci's stirrup. Looking at Lin Chaoci's puzzled eyes, the interest in his heart became a little stronger. Fen: "Don't leave in a hurry. Come, may I invite you to try this wine?"

"Would you like me to try this wine?"

Lin Chaoci was also amused by Han Fei.

No, buddy, who paid for it?

You put all the necklaces on me.

And you invited me to embarrassing!


It didn't take long.

At the end of the road to Xinzheng.

There were just two drunkards hanging around each other.

It doesn’t matter who invites whom.

The main thing is that Han Fei has a very high emotional intelligence, speaks very nicely, and has a bad smell... Bah, he has a very good tacit understanding and can indeed become a friend!

It's definitely not because Han Fei has no airs!

It's definitely not because Han Fei has a sister!

 Please collect and comment.



(End of this chapter)

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