The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 814 3 No-Save Principle

Chapter 814 The Three No-Save Principle

It’s midnight and dawn.

The waterway took more than two hours and came with a favorable wind.

It took more than three hours to travel by water. When we returned, we faced a headwind.

By the time Gao Yue, Lin Chaoci and several Mohist disciples arrived at the pier at Jinghu Medical Village with the troops of the Xiang clan, Jing Tianming and Gai Nie, it was already dark, although the early morning sun had not yet risen. However, the thin light has also emerged from the horizon, piercing the deep night, crocheting a magnificent picture.

Jing Tianming yawned drowsily.

Rubbing the corners of his eyes, he felt sleepy.

It wasn't until he discovered that there was a dock not far away, that the boat in front of him had arrived at the shore, and even the boat he was riding on had also arrived, then he started to yell nervously, with no trace of patience: "We've arrived. , we’re here...Where’s my uncle? Didn’t I say there is some kind of medical fairy here who can save my uncle?”

Shao Yu's head swelled from the noise.

He raised his hand impatiently.

Why can't Duan Murong sleep?

Jing Tianming's voice softened unconsciously.

It can be heard that Jing Tianming is really anxious.

The basic logic is not filtered.

What is said is that the donkey's head is wrong.

Isn’t it normal to sleep in this middle of the night?

He also said things like "How can I sleep?"

Whose doctor stays up until past four o'clock every day?

She understood Jing Tianming's eagerness to save people.

Seal Jing Tianming's mouth by the way.

However, this cannot be an excuse for Jing Tianming to make trouble unreasonably.

There is no point in your yelling!

However, Gao Yue and Lin Chaoci, who were on the same boat, also heard Jing Tianming's shouting. Lin Chaoci did not express his position, but Gao Yue couldn't bear it.

Shao Yu was speechless because of Jing Tianming's idiot question. However, looking at the bloodshot eyes in Jing Tianming's eyes, he understood that it was Jing Tianming's fault. These days, Jing Tianming's nerves were stretched too close, and... Not to mention Jing Tianming, even he has not had a good rest in recent days. He was attacked by the Canglang King before. He was tired and exhausted, but Jing Tianming was still able to cheer up and did not sleep like a dead pig. This perseverance is indeed worthy of praise. one time.

We are also human beings, not gods.

Pushing forward, he scolded: "Be quiet, we have just docked, the carriage and horse are tired, do you think that Miss Rong doesn't need to sleep?"

"No...then what should my uncle do?"

She is just gentle, not cowardly.

However, even if you yell, it is impossible for Duan Murong to get up from the bed and come over with a silver needle to diagnose and treat your uncle.

"She fell could she just fall asleep?"

Hold Jing Tianming's face.

He coughed slightly to indicate that he wanted to speak, and ignored Jing Tianming who was still shouting. Instead, he explained to Shao Yu, who was still relatively rational: "There is still a short distance to go from here to the villa. Sister Rong always goes to bed early. Get up early, about two cups of tea after we arrive at the medical village, Sister Rong will wake up and go out to collect medicines, so please restrain your voices so as not to disturb other injured patients in the medical village."

He looked at Gao Yue blankly.

It wasn't until Shao Yu slapped him on the back of the head that he turned around angrily. Shao Yu's words made his brain smoke: "Look, kid, didn't you notice that everyone has disembarked and gone back?"

Jing Tianming shook his head irritably.

He shook off Shao Yu's hand on his head.

I wanted to say something, but was easily manipulated by Shao Yu again: "Okay, if you don't have time to argue with me here, go see your uncle quickly. Our Xiang clan is full of talents. Although Your uncle's arrangements are very safe, but I also know your boy's temper. If I don't see your uncle with my own eyes, I will always feel uneasy, right?"

Jing Tianming smiled sarcastically. There was no quarrel with Shao Yu this time.

Staggeringly jumped out of the boat.

His steps were still a little unsteady and he didn't slow down much.

However, he still walked in the direction of his uncle.

Standing next to the uncle, he looked like a pitiful puppy. Especially when he had a misunderstanding with Shao Yu, holding the Yuan Hong Sword, he looked more like a roaring puppy, showing his milk teeth to threaten the enemy. Don't come over here, or I'll bite you.

Therefore, unknowingly, he followed the team to the door of Jinghu Medical Village. Looking at the notice posted outside the door of Jinghu Medical Village and Shao Yu's complicated expression, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He frowned and retreated behind everyone.

After scolding Shao Yu for a while, he asked in a low voice: "What's wrong with you?"

"That has three rules written on it."

"As long as one of these three rules is met, this Miss Rong will not treat anyone."

Shao Yu's expression was a bit strange. Seeing that the brat next to him was illiterate, he did not pretend to be noble and appetizing, so he translated to Tian Ming: "The first rule is that the people of Qin will not save you; the second rule is , don’t save people with the surname Gai; the third rule is don’t save people who are injured in a fierce fight or fighting with a sword; to sum up, it’s three don’t saves.”

After that, he scratched his head and complained: "Why do I feel that these are three rules specially set for your uncle? Isn't this a coincidence?"


The voice came from behind, frightening Shao Yu and Jing Tianming who were listening attentively.

Look back.

Only then did they realize it was Lin Chaoci and Gao Yue.

And this sentence came exactly from Lin Chaoci's mouth.

Gao Yue was supplementing on the side: "The Mohists advocated universal love rather than aggression. Ying Zheng unified the world and caused many casualties. The people of the world already hated him to the bone, so he did not save him. In the past, the Mohist family had a leader named Jing Ke. Because of this, He stabbed Qin and died. It is said that the person who killed him was Gai Nie, the swordsman who protected the country of Qin. Therefore, people named Gai did not save him; as for the third article, it is because those who show off their cruelty often regard their lives as It’s child’s play, Sister Rong is a doctor. If you save such a person, this kind of person will not cherish his own life. In this case, it’s okay not to save him.”

Good guy, Shao Yu calls him a good guy.

He was still guessing just now that this might be aimed at Ge Nie.

it's good now.

No need to guess.

This is aimed at Genie.

A leader of the Mo family died in the hands of Gai Nie. Duan Murong was another leader of the Moh family. Unless she died, Gai Nie would be sorry for her status. Even if Gai Nie avoided the rule of "three no-rescues", he believed in Duan Murong. You can also improvise a four-no-save rule to keep Gai Nie out.

But this matter must be Duan Murong's.

You can't tie Duan Murong over and force Duan Murong to save Gai Nie, right?

Moreover, even if he was kidnapped, as a doctor, wouldn't it be easy for Duan Murong to kill the patient Gai Nie?

We can't tie her hands and prevent her from taking pulses and asking questions!

Therefore, if Duan Murong is afraid of death, they really have some methods, but if Duan Murong is not afraid of death, they are really helpless!

You can’t force it, and you can’t force it.

"Why is this woman like this!"

Jing Tianming also understood the cause, and jumped to his feet half-hurriedly and half-angry. Shao Yu could feel that suffocating feeling around him: "You can use these unworthy methods against the uncle! "

"The problem is that people are happy."

Lin Chaoci patted Jing Tianming on the shoulder.

Gao Yue's strange "Whose side are you on?" gave Jing Tianming an idea: "If you want to defeat her within the rules of the game she set, then you must use a more impeccable theory to defeat her in an upright manner. , and only in this way can she have to save people, because since she has set this rule, she must not break her promise; if you really want to go to your uncle, just listen to me, I will teach you to refute her, don't worry that I am a bad person, Even though I’m not a good person, I just want to have fun. Do you want to be rejected or trust me once? Choose one, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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