Heavens: More sons, more blessings, cut off Hu Yunyun at the beginning!

Chapter 440 The Mystery of the God of War Catalog!

Chapter 440 The Mystery of the God of War Catalogue! (Second update, please subscribe!)
4The mystery of the forty chapters of the God of War catalogue!
"The Temple of War..."

After killing the dragon.

Everyone, including Xiao Yun, looked at the Temple of War God on the island in the middle of the lake.

There is a long step leading to the main entrance, rising layer by layer, I am afraid that there are as many as a thousand steps, making this underground giant hall stand tall.

The lowest steps of the stone steps were submerged in the lake water. There was a large stone turtle lying on the bottom of the stone steps.

The back feet are still immersed in the water, and the head is raised towards the high main entrance. The shape is powerful and ingenious!
On the huge wall facing the entrance.

From top to bottom, a line of large seal characters was chiseled, running straight down from the top of the hall, with a distance of at least [-] zhang from the beginning to the end.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent and treat everything as a straw dog!"

The giant hall is shrouded in soft blue light, which contrasts beautifully with the red light coming in from the exit.

In the center of the top of the hall, about forty feet above the ground, there is a round object with a diameter of two feet, emitting a blue-yellow light.

Like an indoor sun, bathing the entire giant hall in thousands of blue lights.

With this light source as the center, a large circle with a diameter of twenty feet is formed on the top of the hall, which is the same as the star map at the entrance of the secret passage.

It's just that it is several times larger, covering the giant hall under the infinite stars.

There is not a single pillar in the giant hall, nor is there a thing.

On the ground in the center of the hall there is a relief of two Zhang Xu square, and on the left and right walls there are also 24 reliefs of Zhang Xu square on each side.

Adding the embossed pictures in the center of the hall, there are exactly 49 sets!
The relief on the ground in the heart of the hall is exquisitely carved.

It is engraved with a god wearing a strange armor and covering his face with a mask, riding a monster that looks more like a dragon than a dragon, flying down from the upper left corner through nine cracked thick clouds, and rushing straight to a blood-red monster in the lower right corner. fire.

Next to each thick cloud, from top to bottom are written the Nine Heavens, the Eighth Heavens, and the lowest One Heaven.

There are five big characters on the top of the relief, which is "God of War Catalog [-]".

"The God of War Catalog!"

Seeing the scene in the hall, the surviving people also showed ecstasy, and began to come to the relief and look at the content on it.

after all.

As the first of the four great books, "The Illustrated Record of the God of War" has always been passed down as miraculous.

Any warrior.

It is hard to resist the temptation of such profound martial arts!

Human nature is greedy and selfish.

When facing the God of War Atlas.

Although they all want to comprehend regardless of everything, they also hide the idea of ​​recording this picture of the God of War as their own!
However, just as soon as this thought arose.

When Xiao Yun was touched, many people suddenly came to their senses!

Thinking of the opponent's previous method of restraining the dragon and easily disappearing the huge corpse of the dragon.

Undoubtedly, it is equivalent to pouring a basin of cold water on these people!
of course.

Under the influence of greed, not everyone can possess such rationality!

When he saw Xiao Yun in front of him, he was also defenseless, staring at the God of War catalog with all his attention.

A few figures with malicious intentions approached quietly.

Impressively, Zuo Youxian, Pichen, Xi Ying, etc., have many despicable behaviors even in the Demon Sect.

And the previous edge does not belong to the same type of goods!
I don't know.

Beside Zhu Yuyan, Wanwan and others all looked like they were watching a show, not in a hurry.

There is even a look in her beautiful eyes that looks like a dead person!

as predicted.

Before Xi Ying waited for someone to approach, an imperceptible sigh sounded.


"I saw that you survived by chance in front of the dragon, and wanted to let you survive."

"Now it seems……"

"You scum, let's go down and be your companion!"

The moment the voice fell.

Xi Ying and the others also found that they couldn't move, they could only watch a white flame fall on themselves and the others.

in an instant.

Several people were swallowed by this white flame, not even a single ashes remained!

As for those who had similar thoughts before, after seeing the tragic situation of Xi Ying and others, they secretly thanked them for not acting rashly.

if not.

The tragic situation of Xi Ying and others is their fate!
And after solving the few people in front of him.

Xiao Yun, however, seemed to be just dusting off the dust casually, and continued to comprehend the God of War catalog in front of him!

"I see……"

After seeing the relief in front of him.

At first Xiao Yun didn't feel anything, but had a vague sense of déjà vu, but it was not true.

But soon.

Also suddenly woke up.

Doesn't this correspond to the diagram of the movement of meridians in the formula of longevity?
of course.

And the difference is that the information hidden in the relief is related to the level of law.

It is also difficult for ordinary people to see the mystery.

As for the longevity formula.

But it strips away the cocoons, explains the profound in a simple way, and puts the most basic things in front of the practitioners.

Between the two, it is difficult to judge who is better.

But Xiao Yun understood.

If it weren't for the longevity formula as the basis, let him comprehend the law of yin and yang and five elements based on the diagram of the operation of seven meridians.

Wanting to figure out the mysteries contained in the relief in front of me, but I also feel that I have no way to start.

In a word.

The "Secret of Longevity" is Guang Chengzi, a master of Taoism, who broke up the things in the God of War catalog and showed them to future generations for enlightenment.

at the same time……

"The Secret of Longevity" is also equivalent to a key.

A key to unravel the mysteries in the Atlas of the God of War and let people comprehend the Atlas of the God of War!

"These seniors, every step has a deep meaning."

Xiao Yun couldn't help being stunned.

That is true.

Guang Chengzi was one of the Twelve Golden Immortals in ancient times, the teacher of the emperor.

If it is the longevity formula left by the other party.

It's really just a reproduction and copycat of the God of War catalogue, it's too bad!
After understanding the mysteries of these 49 reliefs, Xiao Yun's comprehension of the God of War catalog naturally accelerated a lot.

The breath on his body became more and more mysterious and ethereal.

As if not belonging to this world, the next second will shatter the void!

After seeing the changes in this scene, Song Que and the others beside him were also somewhat frustrated.

They studied for a long time, but they didn't see any mystery of these reliefs.

It's like being a hero.

A group of martial arts masters are so helpless in the face of the Taixuan Jing, they can only try to imitate the movements of the man on the relief.

However, it is always futile.

of course.

Naturally, Xiao Yun would not kindly remind everyone.

What's more, things like laws are not at the level that ordinary people can comprehend.

It is already quite difficult to be able to use the Jade Girl Art to share one's insights with Zhu Yuyan and others while practicing.

It can be seen from this.

This created the catalog of the God of War, the mysterious existence that established the Temple of the God of War, and Guang Chengzi, the ancient great power who left the "Longevity Formula".

What realm has been reached!

(End of this chapter)

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