Chapter 112, Ping An Medical College 6
In just 3 minutes, more than half of the dishes have been finished by her.

I forgot to eat before entering the game, and now I am so hungry and in a hurry, I basically put the food in my mouth, chew it twice, and then swallow it.

Time passed quickly, Lin Luxi finished the plate in the last minute, picked up the plate and put it in the designated place, and walked to the teaching building opposite the cafeteria of the teaching building.

The night of the medical school was terribly quiet, and the long and narrow moonlight illuminated the pool, exuding an eerie coldness that spread around.

Their classroom is on the first floor, and the basement floor is generally the teacher's room.

When Lin Luxi arrived at the classroom, the others had already arrived, sitting in a group in front.

There was only one seat by the window left in the classroom, and Lin Luxi had no choice, so she walked over and sat down.

"Why did you come here?" The well-dressed Qu Shuining glanced at her, crossed his legs and played with his nails.

Lin Deer Creek:
"Pretending to be noble."

Qu Shuining gave a cold snort, and ignored her. She twisted her body and changed her position, leaning against Fu Hai's right hand, smiling coquettishly and whispering into his ear.

There was a gust of cold wind outside the classroom, and the voice-activated lights in the corridors of the entire teaching building lit up one after another. In the office at the end of the corridor, the class guide walked to the class with a dozen papers.

Before the class meeting, the class guide handed out the paper, one for each person.

patient medical records.

"We will select three people to be on duty in the inpatient department tonight."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moan in the classroom.

Most of the voices came from Qu Shuining, with a full face of resistance. The patients living in the inpatient department here either have brain problems or cannot walk.

Lin Luxi's heart moved. She had an ominous premonition that she would be among the candidates.

The cold moon hangs high, and the thin, cold light lightly covers the ground.

Lin Luxi was wearing a white coat, with a door plate on his chest, and a patient's medical record in his hand. Standing at the entrance of the inpatient department, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Really want to come to what.

The curse of changing accommodation on her first day really continued.

Dog games!
Entering the entrance of the inpatient department is a bottomless corridor with glass windows. Outside the glass are bushes. The wind blows gently, and the rustling sound of the leaves makes people shudder.

It takes ten meters to reach the elevator on the first floor of the inpatient department.

Three people were assigned here, Fu Hai, Qu Shuining, and Lin Luxi.

Qu Shuining held Fu Hai's arms, and the two of them walked inside without waiting for Lin Luxi to come over.

Lin Luxi took a deep breath, took a stack of medical records in his hand, and walked through the glass corridor to the elevator.

The door of the inpatient department was open, and the glass in front of the elevator inside was shattered, and a large area of ​​blood was sprayed around the stairs. On the ground lay a dead body in a hospital suit, which was already severely decomposed, densely packed with wriggling white maggots, and was fed fat and fat , spread out in all directions.

Seeing this scene, Qu Shuining vomited, "Ouch! It's so disgusting, why is this corpse so rotten?"

Fu Hai next to him also squatted and retched, "I have intensive phobia, vomit."

Lin Luxi's resistance increased, and his eyes fell on the corpse. His eye sockets were filled with wriggling maggots, and his abdomen was swollen high, as if he was pregnant. However, this was the corpse of a middle-aged male patient.

Lin Luxi looked away.

Does it look like a zombie?

Lin Luxi pressed the elevator button, walked in, and pressed the button for the fourteenth floor.

The elevator ascended steadily and quickly, reaching the fourteenth floor in three seconds.

(End of this chapter)

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