Chapter 211, New World 12
When Mu Shizi came to the corridor, the alluring aroma became more intense, and the strong sense of hunger made his eyes flicker with madness.

"I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry."

Mu Shizi's stomach was rumbling, and his original figure became thinner and thinner visible to the naked eye.

If Jiang Qingci was present, he would definitely be able to see that the other party's energy was being continuously absorbed.
At the end of the corridor, a narrow room appeared at some point. The door of the room was slightly opened to reveal a gap, and dark red light seeped out from inside, which looked very strange and terrifying.

"found it!"

Mu Shizi's eyes lit up, he couldn't wait to run over, and pushed open the door.
"Sir, you are finally here."

A woman with a beautiful face was sitting in front of the dressing table, with her shiny black hair hanging over her shoulders, revealing half of her slender and fair neck...

"smell good"

Mu Shizi swallowed subconsciously, and shifted his gaze from the beauty to the table behind her.

There are ten delicious dishes on the table, exuding an irresistible aroma.

"These dishes look delicious, can I eat them?"

Mu Shizi's eyes were confused and empty, and he opened his mouth dully.

The beauty's coquettish voice was clear and moving: "Since my husband wants to eat, then enjoy it."

At this time, the beauty turned around slowly, and Mu Shizi was instantly fascinated by her peerless face.

What a nice view.

"Master, let me feed you personally, okay?"

The beauty looked back and smiled at Bai Meisheng.

Mu Shizi's eyes became duller, he nodded, "Okay."

The beauty smiled again, picked up a piece of Dongpo meat with her fingers as green as jade, and personally fed it to Mu Shizi's mouth.

Where had he enjoyed this kind of treatment before, he opened his mouth so flattered, and bit into it, the fragrance exploded in his mouth instantly.

"This piece of meat is really delicious. The fat meat melts in your mouth, and the lean meat doesn't dry out, especially the soup, which is so tasty."

The beauty smiled slightly, "This is delicious meat. It is cooked for 49 days by my servant. It is exquisitely cooked and the meat is full of fragrance."

Mu Shizi couldn't bear it anymore, he snatched the chopsticks from the beauty's hand, and ate the dishes on the table with big mouthfuls, each dish was not much, so it was eaten up quickly.

"Msister, why don't you leave some for me after you've finished eating." The beauty Qiao was angry, her red lips pursed slightly, and she looked at Mu Shizi with an angry look, her heart itching unbearably.

He went up and put his arms around her, "Then I'll give you all of myself, okay?"

The beauty smiled shyly: "Since my husband has said so, then I will not be polite."

The fourth floor of the hotel.

In the gloomy corridor, a black shadow was printed on the wall, slowly approaching 402.


There was a heavy knock on the door.

Chen Huahua, who was curled up in the enchantment made by the bed, suddenly felt hot in her palms, and the golden handwriting on the talisman faded a bit.

"Who?!" Chen Huahua's heart hung high, her whole body trembled violently, her eyes stared at the door in horror, fearing that something terrifying would break in.

"I, open the door."

The sound of wood and stones sounded outside the door.

Hearing her companion's voice, Chen Huahua's tense nerves were relaxed a bit, and she fumbled to turn on the light in the room.

The harsh light brightened the room suddenly.

Faced with the sudden turning on of the lights, Chen Huahua closed her eyes uncomfortably, and opened them again after a minute.

"Wait for me, I'll be right there."

She stepped on her slippers and walked quickly to the door, then turned the doorknob.


The door was pulled open.

A dim shadow quickly enveloped Chen Huahua's body, and at the same time, a strong smell of blood rushed to her nostrils.


Chen Huahua's face turned pale with fright, and she screamed loudly.

"Where's my insides? Where's my skin? Do you see that?"

Mu Shizi's body was bloody and bloody, and a big hole was cut open in his stomach. Just like Yu Feigong, there was only a trace of flesh hanging outside.

Frightened by such a bloody and terrifying scene, Chen Huahua almost hiccupped on the spot.

"Give me your skin—"

Mu Shizi's empty gaze fell on Chen Huahua's face, and the next moment he raised his bloody arm and rushed towards her.

Chen Huahua yelled in fright, and threw the spell on Mu Shizi in a panic.

Mu Shizi, who had turned into a ghost, let out a scream of "Ah--", the spell stuck to his body, and his body burned to ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mu Shizi's bloody face was twisted into a ball, his facial features fell off one by one, and his whole body was completely disfigured.


Immediately afterwards, his fat was also burned to reveal the bloody stock inside, and finally, his bones were also burned to a pile of ashes.

Chen Huahua, who witnessed the whole process with her own eyes, rolled her eyes and passed out.

On the other side, room 401.

A man and a woman, upside down Luan upside down phoenix.

Little did he know that the door of his room was being slowly opened at this moment.
After supper.

It's twelve o'clock.

Lin Luxi followed Jiang Qingci out of the room.

The first thing I saw was that Dao Scar and Luo Meiyi were in public...

"I'm going, these two people are so brave? Do these disgusting things in the corridor?"

"Oh no, I have to find out if there is any eyewash medicine in the mall, my eyes are dirty."

Lin Luxi turned around silently, flipped through the product pages in the mall, bought a bottle of eyewash and began to wash his eyes.

In the next second, Scar was wrapped around his neck by the female ghost, and when he was almost out of breath, he saw Jiang Qingci and Lin Luxi coming out of the room.

"Jiang Qingci, save me!"

"1032, save me!"

Scar, who was about to suffocate, cried out for help.

Jiang Qingci didn't answer him.

Lin Luxi, on the other hand, raised the hairs on his arms, turned his back to Scar and said, "How popular is your live broadcast room?"

"A few million." Scar said with difficulty.

The female ghost's neck was strangling him so hard that he couldn't breathe. For every second wasted, his chest tingled for another second.

"Give me all your popularity, and I'll think about whether I can save you."

Lin Luxi's tone was non-negotiable, who made Jiang Qingci beside her? !The fox pretends to be the tiger.

Scar gritted his teeth, blushed and nodded.

Lin Luxi snarled his lips, motioning for him to draw his popularity over first.

Dao Scar reluctantly transferred her popularity to Lin Luxi, seeing the 800 million popularity credited to her account, she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Now... can you save me?"

"I just said I'm considering it, I didn't say I'm sure I'll save you."

Lin Luxi changed his smiling face and turned around slowly, while Scar's expression changed from anger to despair to emptiness.

"No. [-]——" Dao Scar gritted his teeth angrily, his ferocious face became more twisted and ferocious, he broke free from the restraint of the female ghost, and rushed towards Lin Luxi with a dagger in his hand.

When Scar was less than three meters away from Lin Luxi, a figure stood between them, and Jiang Qingci slashed at Scar's head with an axe.

(End of this chapter)

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