The end of the world is coming: I won by laying down and hoarding supplies

Chapter 262, The SOS Letter from the Mental Hospital 5

Chapter 262, The SOS Letter from the Mental Hospital 5
At this time, Lin Luxi walked up to the psychopath and asked, "1+1=how much?"

The neurotic who was slapped twice showed two fingers tremblingly: ".2"

Lin Luxi nodded in satisfaction, "Well, this is really crazy."

The other people around just froze.

Is it that simple?
Under the scrutiny and doubtful eyes of everyone, the psycho suddenly repented and said, "That question just now doesn't count! I suspect that you look down on my IQ! Ask again!"

Everyone: .
On the contrary, Lin Luxi raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Okay, then let me ask you, why are there doctors and nurses in red clothes in this abandoned mental hospital?"

Hearing Lin Luxi's question, Dai Mukai and the others' ears perked up.

Not to mention, this Lin Luxi has two brushes.

The neuropathy was still hesitating, Lin Luxi looked at him up and down with contemptuous eyes, pursed his mouth, and said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone: "No way, no way, no one can't even answer such a simple question? I Seriously doubt your IQ."

The taunt value was instantly filled up.

The psychopath suddenly became unhappy, and said angrily: "You can insult my people, but you can't insult my IQ!"

"Then what do you say?"

The neuropathy was so angry that Lin Luxi almost wanted to recite it, but he still said: "The doctors and nurses in red clothes are ghosts from hell, not the original doctors and nurses in our hospital. They are very fierce. They often make us hungry, and then throw them away. Let us eat alone."

Lin Luxi instantly grasped the key information in his words, "So the doctors and nurses in white uniforms are the original staff here?"

The psychopath shook his head, then nodded again, "They're not human"

Just when the neuropathy was about to say something more, his head began to hurt violently, and his whole body began to twitch and foam at the mouth.

Thinking about it, I couldn't find any useful information.

Lin Luxi waved his hand, and walked up to another psychopath. This psychopath's hair covered his shoulders, and the top of his head was covered with dandruff in a mess. He faintly saw a few white bugs crawling around in his hair.

Dai Mukai and Chen Mo pricked up their ears to hear what Lin Luxi would ask next.

What I saw was that Lin Luxi unexpectedly raised his hand and slapped the psychopath, and then asked with a smile, "Does it hurt?"

Chen Mo:,,,,
Dai Mukai: (ˉ▽ˉ;)
The disheveled neuropathy was stunned by the beating, his mouth was full of blood, and he said inarticulately: "It hurts, it hurts, baby, it hurts."

Lin Luxi nodded: "Well, this one is also really crazy."

The corner of the psychopath's mouth twitched, and he asked dissatisfiedly: "Why is his question 1+1, but it's a big deal when it comes to me?"

This is not fair!

Lin Luxi frowned, moved his wrist, and the psychopath just shut up honestly when he saw it.

"I'll ask you one more question. You can choose to remain silent, but the end result is that I will give you ten big mouths." Lin Luxi threatened directly and nakedly.

The psychopath immediately shook his head like a rattle: "I don't like big mouths! Just ask!"

"What's in the basement?"


Hearing this question from Lin Luxi, the psychopath instantly became horrified. He wanted to keep silent, but when he saw the extra mace in Lin Luxi's hand, he shuddered and opened his mouth.

"They're not human, but they're not ghosts either"

"They were transformed into monsters!"

Having said that, the psychopath's body began to tremble violently, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Those monsters are so scary, if you don't obey, you will be punished by the monsters!"

"I don't want it, I don't want it...don't punish me, I will be obedient."

The more the neurotic talked, the more he would break down. No matter what other people asked next, they just shook their heads and drooled.

There is no way, Lin Luxi and the others can only find another one.

The third neuropathy had acne all over his face, and even his scalp was not spared. His skin all over his body looked like a festering stray dog, which was very disgusting.

When he saw Lin Luxi pacing towards him, his eyes became dodgy and his tone was very scared.

"1+1 equals 2. It hurts to hit the face with a big mouth. I don't want it."

Before Lin Luxi could speak, the psychopath answered first.

Chen Mo couldn't help but said: "It seems that this is also true."

Lin Luxi asked, "How did those monsters in the basement come about?"

Lin Luxi was quite curious about how those transformed monsters came to be, whether they were transformed patients or transformed doctors.

In other words, the doctors and nurses in red clothes have also been transformed.

The festering neuropathy obviously didn't expect that Lin Luxi would ask this question. His body seemed to be electrocuted, and he kept trembling all over. His voice was extremely painful: "The laboratory, the doctors killed the doctors, and then transformed them into monsters."

The voice of the neurotic is intermittent.

However, Lin Luxi still caught the key. According to the clues provided by the three people, she pieced together the key information.

"The basement is the laboratory. The doctor in red killed the former doctors and nurses of the mental hospital and transformed them into monsters, and those monsters were kept in the basement."

A question is directly asked of a patient.

The rest of the neuropathy looked at Lin Luxi as if he was looking at some terrible existence.

They would rather face that terrifying doctor than face this woman who looks harmless to humans and animals, but actually directly breaks your heart defense!

"I don't know..I don't know I don't know anything.."

The neurotic watched Lin Luxi slowly approaching in horror, shaking his head desperately begging for mercy.

Lin Luxi slightly raised her brows, turned to Dai Mukai and said, "This is fake."

You know something, but you dare not say it.

Dai Mukai nodded, and lowered his chin with one hand and said: "The lies are all lies. I can't get any useful clues from him. Why don't you kill him and feed them to my pets?" .”

The last neurosis: w(Д)w
Where did this fucker come from?
At this moment, the ground in the corridor suddenly began to shake violently, and a terrifying chill that was suffocating was approaching.

All the players stood on their heads in an instant.

Sensing something approaching behind him, Lin Luxi turned around quickly, only to see a huge red eyeball appearing in the originally empty corridor, completely blocking the entire corridor.

"Let me see, who is it, who is making trouble here."

The pupils of the big eyeballs shrank violently and turned into a straight line, shining green light, which made people feel panicked.

The gloomy voice formed an extremely rancid cool wind in the corridor, blowing Lin Luxi's hair messy.

Xia Yu even fainted from fright.

(End of this chapter)

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