The end of the world is coming: I won by laying down and hoarding supplies

Chapter 264, The SOS Letter from the Mental Hospital 7

Chapter 264, The SOS Letter from the Mental Hospital 7
"You don't need to go inside, you just need to open the door."

The light bulb boy was not angry either, and his tone was still gentle.

Xia Yu felt that she could accept it if she just opened the door. After all, she didn't make any contribution to the five people, so she couldn't justify it.

After thinking about it, I still used props to make my arm as thin as paper, and went through the iron cage to open the lock from the inside.

After the door opened, Xia Yu quickly returned to the middle of the crowd, fearing that he would be hurt a little.


The iron door slowly opened a gap.

The stale musty smell carried the dust on the face.

Dai Mukai went in first, and a few seconds later, he came out and said to Lin Luxi and the others: "It seems to be a warehouse inside, full of some equipment, and some bottles and cans, I can't see clearly."

Lin Luxi always felt that there was something wrong with these bottles and cans. She took out a flashlight and walked into the iron gate. The light of the flashlight instantly illuminated the warehouse.

She looked around and found that there were bottles of transparent glass bottles on the cabinet by the wall, with dense red worms wriggling inside, and a blood vessel was connected to the bottom of these worms, and under the blood vessels were hands, eyes, and feet.
There are also several bottles in which hundreds of nematodes are entangled together, forming a ball of red and moving balls, which is extremely disgusting to look at.

Lin Luxi looked away, turned around and walked towards the door, and said to Dai Mukai and Chen Mo, "We need to go to the basement."

Subconsciously, I feel that all the answers are in the basement.

On the contrary, Chen Mo was a little uneasy: "But as a reminder, the basement is very dangerous and there are terrible things."

Lin Luxi raised his eyebrows, narrowed his water eyes slightly, and said slowly: "As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest."

Dai Mukai twitched his lips: "Although I only graduated from elementary school, you can't lie to me!"

Why does he always feel that this Lin Luxi is sometimes reliable, but sometimes not.

However, after everyone's discussion, everyone unanimously decided to go to the basement to have a look.

What kind of secrets are hidden in that mysterious basement?

After all, there is no news of the caller until now after entering the game, maybe find the basement, there will be relevant clues inside.

Several people rummaged through the warehouse, trying to find the entrance to the basement. After all, since they came in, it was either a corridor or a narrow passage, and there was no place leading to the basement at all.

Lin Luxi searched around and found no possible space in the warehouse. She stood there, looked around, and finally landed on a pile of discarded experimental equipment. The pile was three meters high and the whole body was black. Covered tightly.

Will it be behind this?

Lin Luxi called Dai Mukai and asked him to take two boys to remove the pile of equipment.

Ten minutes later, Dai Mukai and the others were so exhausted that they finally found a door behind them.

The color of this door is cement, and it almost fits tightly with the wall, so it is difficult to be found. If the flashlight in Lin Luxi's hand is not too bright, otherwise it would not be found.

Next, using props, Xia Yu squeezed his head through the crack of the door, checked the movement inside the door, and immediately got back.

"Outside is a clean and white corridor, there is nothing inside."

Clean corridors?
It must have been cleaned by someone.

"Go and open the door first." Chen Mo pinned Xia Yu's waist with his elbow.

Although Xia Yu was reluctant, but for the sake of the overall situation, she slipped through the crack of the door and opened it.

The hallway here was twice the size of the one there, and the incandescent lights overhead were dazzling.

"I always feel that this place is very dangerous. I don't know why, but my heart is trembling." Chen Mo frowned, and looked around uneasily at the smooth and white walls.

Xia Yu hid behind Chen Mo and looked around cautiously. There was no stain and the corridor was very quiet.

Quiet enough to hear their own heartbeat.




However, the absence of anomalies is the greatest danger.

At this time, Lin Luxi said, "Leave here first, maybe the entrance to the basement is ahead."

However, they had just walked a few steps when there was a sound of "dong dong dong—" in front of them.

It was like the sound of a pork vendor chopping meat in a vegetable market.


A bloody human head rolled out.

Chen Mo saw the appearance of that head, and his heart was shocked: "It's that person just now—"

This head is exactly the mentally ill ghost in gray and white hospital clothes they encountered when they entered the game.

"help me"

He opened and closed his mouth, uttering two words with difficulty, his voice trembling, his eyes full of despair and fear.

Before Xia Yu could figure out the situation, a hand stained with flesh and blood appeared beside him.

"It's not good again, how can you run around?"

A woman covered in blood came out from around the corner, holding a watermelon knife in her hand, the sharp blade was covered with flesh and bits.

"Nurse in red" Xia Yu saw the female nurse in red appearing, and immediately fainted.

Others also felt a cold air around them poke their spinal cords.

"Are you dizzy from fright? She's really useless, and the six of us are still afraid of her?"

Lin Luxi folded his arms around his chest, his expression was indifferent, without any fear.

The female nurse's face was covered with criss-cross sutures, her protruding eyes did not look at Lin Luxi and the others, but fixedly stared at the head on the ground.

Seeing the red-clothed nurse approaching slowly, the male ghost cried out, "No, don't kill me. Don't come here."

"Shhh baby won't make noise"

The nurse in red stretched out her index finger to her mouth, and in the next moment, countless red silk threads appeared on the white and smooth ground to sew the male ghost's mouth tightly together.

The male ghost whimpered a few times in pain, and blood flowed from his mouth.

"Well, it's quiet like this."

The nurse was very satisfied with her work, and then slowly raised her head, her cold eyes fell on Lin Luxi and the others.

Saw six humans.

The corners of the nurse's mouth in red were cracked to the base of her ears, revealing her sharp teeth.

"Hey, here are six experimental products. It just so happens that the materials are not enough today, so let's use you to practice."

Hearing this, Lin Luxi's face was still cold, she looked him up and down, and said mockingly: "Don't worry, I'm female, and I like men."

The corners of Chen Mo and Dai Mukai's mouths twitched.

When will Lin Luxi be back to normal?
Is that what it means?

Obviously to arrest you for experimentation!

Lin Luxi stretched her muscles, she wanted to see how powerful the red-clothed nurse highlighted in this game is?

But before she did it, she put the human head on the ground into the space, she always felt that this male ghost knew something else.

(End of this chapter)

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