The end of the world is coming: I won by laying down and hoarding supplies

Chapter 269, The SOS Letter from the Mental Hospital 12

Scar looked at Lin Luxi recklessly, seeing that she didn't remember, he was not annoyed, but laughed wildly: "You forgot me so quickly?"

He covered his heart with one hand, pretending to be distraught and said: "I'm so sad, I thought I still had a certain place in your heart."

The corner of Lin Luxi's mouth twitched, what's wrong with this man?

I've been in the mental hospital for a long time, so I have something wrong with my brain?

"You are important? Do I need to remember you? You deserve it too?"

Lin Luxi's unceremonious words froze the smile on Dao Scar's face, his expression gradually darkened, and he warned: "You think Jiang Qingci is behind you so you can do whatever you want? This round, he is not here, with your strength, I can pinch you to death with a single finger, do you believe it or not?"

"Ouch~ I'm so scared." Lin Luxi covered her mouth exaggeratedly, as if I was so scared.

Really powerful people don't talk so much nonsense.

Generally speaking, the person who threatens and intimidates probably has no strength, so he tries to use this method to instill fear in the opponent's heart, thereby reducing the combat effectiveness.

"Don't regret it!" Dao Scar's face was embarrassed.

"Then you come and kill me."

Lin Luxi took a step towards the opponent, and the appearance of not caring about his own life and death completely angered Dao Scar.

In just a few words, the anger value of the other party was directly filled up.

In terms of slandering people, Lin Luxi has never lost.

Xia Yu, who followed closely behind, shrank behind Lin Luxi, and carefully tugged at the corner of her clothes: "Boss Luxi, stop talking nonsense with him, hurry up and kill him!"

"Woman, although you look pretty good, I don't like sniping and sowing discord, so go to hell."

Scar's eyes were cold, and he waved his hand. A cold light hit her limbs. Xia Yu's eyes widened. She wanted to escape but couldn't. She could only watch the sharp thing flying towards her.

Xia Yu subconsciously glanced at Lin Luxi next to her. She hoped that the other party would help her, but when she thought about her attitude towards her before, why should he have it?

She was a little desperate. If she lost this round of the game, she would not be able to enter the new world, and she would not be able to see that person.

The one who promised to live with her.

Xia Yu closed his eyes as if resigned to his fate, waiting for death to come. At the very moment, an invisible force stood in front of Xia Yu, easily crushing the blade.

Lin Luxi's cold voice followed, and she taunted: "Your like is very important? If you don't want to hear it, just make yourself deaf and you won't be able to hear anything."

Scar was trembling with anger, his mask was distorted, completely different from the handsome face just now.

Lin Luxi didn't listen, and continued to taunt: "And if you said just now that you can kill me with your fingers, you should have the strength, you can wash up and sleep."

The gradually changing face of the other party gradually became clearer, and Lin Luxi recognized that this scumbag was the scarred man who was with Yao Meiyi before.

And he was also a hunter of peek-a-boo before.

No wonder the other party knew her.

It turned out to be this guy.

When Scar heard Lin Luxi's words, he lowered his head and laughed. His laughter was very soft, like boiling a kettle.

He stood up slowly and walked to a cabinet. The cabinet was made of glass, and he could see the bottles and jars neatly arranged inside, all filled with brains.

It seems that these are the brains of those patients in the mental hospital who were not to be killed, and then made into specimens by this scum, and became his collection.

He slowly rubbed his scarred fingers on the glass door, with a satisfied smile on his face: "It's the first time I participated in this research project, thanks to the love of those adults, I have such a good opportunity."

As a Scar who was chosen to be a member of the researchers, he felt extremely honored.

Because after being selected, you don't have to worry about the survival game that will come at any time, and you don't have to worry about your own death. Being selected is a life-saving job.

Lin Luxi did not directly kill Scar, but imprisoned him with spiritual power, because the person who sent the distress letter has not yet been found. Obviously, Scar, the boss of this round of the game, must know that person or ghost is hiding in where.

At the beginning, Scar's mouth was as rigid as a rock, and he would not open his mouth no matter how he asked.

Even directly killed and refused to communicate.

Under the unremitting efforts of the six of them and torture to extract a confession.

Scar finally let go.

"How did you climb up from hell with the hell ghost?"

"There is a passage here that connects to hell. I piled up the corpses and climbed up."

Lin Luxi frowned, it was the experimental research of those people again, and it was the corpse again.
Could it be
Is this a dump for those people doing research?
To put it simply, it is some waste products of failed research, which will be thrown here, processed, and then thrown into hell.

In this way, those people in the new world not only study the survival game, but also use the copy in the game to deal with the discarded failed products.

There must be some major conspiracy in this.

However, Scar is only a peripheral person and has no access to core information.

At this time, Scar was bound by his limbs to a three-meter-long wooden table in the corner, and his limbs were fixed. They treated him the same way he treated those patients, and even cut him open without giving him anesthesia.

The tortured inhuman scar, panting, begged for mercy in a hoarse voice.

He thought that he had obtained the power given to him by those adults, and he could crush everything in this copy of the game.

But it turned out that he was too arrogant.

This Lin Luxi is a bug, no wonder Luo Mei died in her hands, her strength is unpredictable, I am afraid only that adult can suppress her.

"Say, where is the caller?"

Dai Mukai held the chainsaw in his hand and pulled the switch. The chainsaw made a 'sizzling' sound in the room, full of oppression.

"It's in the ice bin in the corridor on the right." Scar gritted his teeth, resisting the severe pain from his body.

After getting the answer, Scar was useless. At the moment when they were about to kill him, Scar pressed the red button that suddenly popped up by the wall, with a cruel smile on his face, and his eyes stared fiercely at Dai Mukai swept over them, and laughed maniacally: "If you want to kill me, you have to go to hell first!"

As his words fell, the already precarious room shook, the basement floor slowly cracked, and a strange and gloomy aura swept out from the cracks in the ground, rushing towards Lin Luxi and the others.

Suddenly, the temperature in the basement rose to a high point, and everyone was drenched.

Through the gap, Lin Luxi could see a sea of ​​flames underground, filled with struggling and crying souls, and there was a dark red passage at a certain height from the sea of ​​flames, her pupils shrank.

Catch up!No leave today! !
Otherwise, I, who rely on full attendance to eat... will have no income

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