Chen Yilin shook the sunglasses in her hand impatiently: "I can't handle this trivial matter well. What are you all doing standing there? Why don't you drive them out? I'm in a hurry."

Those staff members looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lin Luxi looked cold, and his terrifying aura was no weaker than that of Chen Yilin.

No one at the scene dared to make a move.

For a while, the dressing room became awkward.

Chen Yilin couldn't hold her breath for a while, seeing that no one around her was moving, her expression turned cold instantly, "What's the matter? You don't want to do it anymore, do you?"

Today Chen Yilin came to shoot the cover of the advertisement, she didn't want to accept it, but the other party begged her to let her shoot it.

"Miss Chen, Miss Chen, don't be angry." The person in charge of the production came over before Chen Yilin broke out: "Why are you here today?"

Chen Yilin raised her chin, "I want to come here anytime I want, you hurry up and get rid of these people, I have to go to the plane later."

Chen Yilin was used to domineering since she was a child, and the person in charge of the film did not dare to provoke this ancestor.

I could only go to Lin Luxi with a bitter face to discuss: "Miss Lin, can you see if this is okay? This time, our arrangement is not appropriate. You can give it to Miss Chen first, and I will give you a discount next time."

"I lack that little money?"


The person in charge was even more worried. Indeed, Lin Luxi was very forthright when paying the money, and he didn't look like someone short of money at all.

The person in charge pondered for a long time, "Miss Lin, you see, everyone is in the same circle, everyone takes a step back, everyone is happy, isn't it?"

The subtext is very obvious, just don't provoke Chen Yilin.

"Who is in her circle?"


No matter how much the person in charge persuaded, Lin Luxi refused to let him go.

This gave him a headache, and he pulled over a staff member and asked, "Is there any free dressing room?"

"Boss is fully arranged."

The person in charge lowered his voice, pulled the person aside, and growled softly: "Then talk to those people, and free one as soon as possible."

Everyone is a fool.

I don't even know how to use my brain under special circumstances!
"Okay, I'll go right away."

The staff nodded immediately, and the figure running out was a little flustered.

The person in charge turned his head and said to Chen Yilin with a smile: "Miss Chen, I will prepare a dressing room for you and your team."


Chen Yilin didn't appreciate it at all, her red phoenix eyes were slightly raised, and she looked at Lin Luxi provocatively: "I will use this here today."

"Let her go."

"First come, first served, haven't you learned it?" Lin Luxi didn't back down at all.

Chen Yilin didn't speak, but glanced coldly at the person in charge, walked to the makeup chair and sat down, shaking Erlang's legs, making it clear that she would not leave.

The person in charge wiped his sweat violently, in a dilemma.

[Luxi, this woman is too deceitful!Kill her with money!The popularity value is used up, I'll ask someone to brush it up for you!We must let them see how good we are! ]
Jiajie'er's voice rang in Lin Luxi's ears.

Lin Luxi: "???"

Now someone says they are going to throw money away?

'Stop adding drama to yourself. '

Lin Luxi whispered.

[Main task: within one hour, buy this studio. ]
Lin Luxi: "."

Why is there another mission all of a sudden?
She can go.

This dressing room is also optional.

This task one after another made her a little irritable.

I just want to end this dungeon quickly.

[no!Luxi, are you losing face?Can we swallow this breath?]
[Do you want to lose face in front of your big brother Jiang? ]
[I forgot to tell you that Jiang Qingci's memory is reserved, that is to say, Jiang Qingci will have the memory of this copy. ]
"let's go."

Lin Luxi greeted Jiang Qingci and the others to leave without warning.

Originally, the person in charge was still scratching his head and thinking about how to solve this matter, but when he saw Lin Luxi leaving, he immediately followed.

"Fight me?"

Chen Yilin pinned a strand of hair behind her.

The surrounding staff also dispersed one after another. Chen Yilin turned to face the mirror, and her assistants also began to get busy.

After half an hour.

Chen Yilin was posing for a photo when a group of men in black opened the door aggressively and came in from the outside.

"Who are you?"

Assistant Chen Yilin was the first to notice something was wrong and yelled at them.

The people who came in ignored her at all, glanced around, and immediately called the people behind them to clean up the things that didn't belong here, and threw them all out.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Put it down! Or I'll call the police!"

"Who are you!"

Chen Yilin's assistant and bodyguards swarmed up to grab things, and the scene became chaotic in an instant.

Chen Yilin kept the posture just now, but her expression was a little flustered, obviously frightened by this change.

Regardless of Sanqi 21 screaming at the photographer: "Hurry up and drive them out!"

Photographer: "."

He's flustered too, okay?

These people broke in suddenly, who knows who they are!
At this time, one of the leaders walked up to Chen Yilin with a firm attitude: "Miss Chen, please leave here now."

"Who are you, you, let me go?" Chen Yilin's voice raised a tone.

"Miss Chen, don't blame us for being rude if you don't leave."

The man in black looked serious and approached her in a cold warning voice.

Chen Yilin stepped back in panic, her back hit the background wall, and she exclaimed in pain.

"What do you want to do!!"

"Ah—don't come here!"

Ten minutes later, Chen Yilin was thrown out together with her bodyguard assistant and a bunch of things.

She sat on the ground, her delicate face distorted with anger at the moment: "Go and ask! What's going on?!"

She was a dignified movie queen who was thrown out like trash. If word of this got out, how would she be able to get along in the entertainment industry in the future?
The assistant also looked confused at this time: "Sister Yilin, I don't know either."

Chen Yilin exploded directly, and raised her hand to hit the assistant beside her: "I don't know? What else do you know besides eating?"

The assistant who was hit twice could only bear it, and kept his head down, not daring to say a word.

"Sister Yilin, be careful of being photographed, calm down." The other assistants stood up and stood in front of Chen Yilin, persuading her in a low voice.

"How do you tell me to calm down? And you, ten people can't beat you." Chen Yilin was so angry that she was about to explode, she stood up and scolded all the assistants and bodyguards.

How could she, who has always been proud, just let it go?

Regardless of the assistant's obstruction, he insisted on going in to ask for an explanation, but was stopped by the group of men in black, unable to even enter the door.

Lin Luxi thought that Chen Yilin would intentionally show her status as a movie queen, but who knew that this fussy rich second generation didn't care about her status as a movie queen at all, and just rolled around at the door.

"Sister Chen, I got it."

The assistant who was beaten came back with a swollen face, she heard from a makeup artist.

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