After a while, he asked uncertainly, "Send me off?"

A smile appeared on Lin Luxi's face, "Belated congratulations."

"Congratulations on the complete success of your first concert."

Jiang Qingci lowered his eyes and smiled slightly, holding the bouquet in his hand tightly: "Thank you."

"It's getting late, I'll take you back first."

".it is good."

Lin Luxi walked in front, and Jiang Qingci, who followed behind, wanted to ask why she didn't come, but he opened his mouth but didn't ask, because he didn't know what capacity he was asking.

Lost emotions surged up again, Jiang Qingci followed behind with his head down, and suddenly, the surrounding lights were completely extinguished, Jiang Qingci couldn't adapt for a while, stumbled under his feet, and rushed forward in front of the whole person.

Jiang Qingci felt that he threw the person in front of him to the ground, and then both of them fell on the steps at the same time.

Realizing that his posture was wrong, Jiang Qingci's body froze suddenly.

Lin Luxi protected Jiang Qingci's head with a calm face, and glanced around the missing fingers: "Where did you hit?"

Her voice was clear and cold, without any emotion in it.

However, falling into Jiang Qingci's ears, it was like a spring of warm stream, nourishing every part of his body.

He whispered: "No."

Lin Luxi sat up propped on the ground, trying to reach out to touch the phone, but couldn't find it for a long time.

I don't know if it fell out when it was hit just now.

"Give me your phone."

Jiang Qingci propped himself up and fumbled for the phone on his body, then handed it to Lin Luxi.

When he realized that he wanted to snatch the phone back, Lin Luxi had already turned on the phone screen.

The phone lock screen wallpaper suddenly appeared in Lin Luxi's sight.

Jiang Qing said: "."

The wallpaper is a photo of Lin Luxi in the studio. It was taken at night in dim light. The girl turned her head slightly against the light, and the light shone on her hair, making her whole person a little gentle.

Lin Luxi was obviously taken aback when he saw the wallpaper, but he didn't have much reaction, and asked him calmly, "When did you take the photo?"

Needless to say, the filming is very good to watch.

But the most important thing is that people look good.

Jiang Qingci blushed and groaned, but fortunately the surroundings were pitch black, and Lin Luxi couldn't see his expression clearly at the moment.

Apparently, she just asked casually, then turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, shone around, put her hand on Jiang Qingci's waist and pushed gently: "Get up."

Jiang Qingci was startled, and stood up on the ground in a panic.


Before Jiang Qingci could stand still, he fell back to his seat. Lin Luxi subconsciously reached out to support him, and the flashlight in his hand shone across his face: "What's wrong?"

Sweat dripped from Jiang Qingci's forehead, he reached out to touch his ankle, Lin Luxi followed the light, Jiang Qingci's ankle was already swollen.

When I came on stage a few hours ago, I didn't have time to pay attention because I didn't step on it and twist it once, and I devoted myself to the performance.

Just now he jumped off the lift and twisted again, which made him unable to stand up at all.

Seeing this, Lin Luxi got up from the side, helped him to sit on the seat.

"Hold the phone."

She handed Jiang Qingci the phone, asked him to point the light at his ankle, squatted down and held his ankle to take a look.

But, being touched by Lin Luxi, Jiang Qingci gasped in pain, and the blush on his face was instantly replaced by paleness.

"Take you to the hospital first."

Lin Luxi turned around, tapped his shoulder, "Come up, I'll carry you out."


Jiang Qingci blinked his eyes, the bottom of his eyes was seven points blank, two points helpless, one point nervous.

He turned his face and refused: "No, it's okay, I can go by myself."

"With you like this, you won't be able to reach the hospital next year." Lin Luxi said angrily, "Hurry up."

Jiang Qingci stretched out his hand hesitantly, wrapping his arms around her shoulders
What he didn't expect was that Lin Luxi picked him up very easily, weighed him down and frowned slightly: "Have you lost weight recently?"

Lin Luxi's hair brushed the tip of the young man's nose, and he could even smell the fragrance of her hair.

Jiang Qingci's cheeks were hot, and he was in a trance. He only came back to his senses when he heard Lin Luxi's voice, and replied stammeringly: "Ah, no."

Lin Luxi was about to go up, but Jiang Qingci suddenly turned around: "Flower"

"No more." Who cares about flowers at this time?
"That's what you gave me."

"I'll give you a bunch every day from now on."


"Look at the road."

Jiang Qingci hummed, and obediently turned the phone to the front.

All the passages outside were closed, and Lin Luxi couldn't get out after going around in a circle. Finally, he called Momo and asked her to contact the staff on duty to take them out.
Huo Mu and Fu Xin hurried to the hospital, and when they saw Lin Luxi, they asked directly, "What's wrong with Qingci? What's wrong with him?"

"As an entertainer, what does it look like to yell in a hospital?"

Huo Mu quickly shut up: "Where is Qingci?"

Lin Luxi turned sideways and pointed to the ward: "The ligament of the foot is twisted, there is nothing wrong with it."

Jiang Qingci's feet were wrapped up. Although there was nothing serious about it, the doctor still told him not to exercise strenuously in the near future.

When they were about to leave, they even asked, Jiang Qingci told them to go first, and wanted to stay for a while.

Huo Mu's nephew was flatulent, and Fu Xin wanted to go back to guard the hospital bed, so they had to leave first.

The two rushed into the ward, with Lin Luxi following behind.

"Why are you so careless?"

"I'm fine, I just accidentally twisted it." Jiang Qingci smiled and leaned on the hospital bed.

"What do you mean it's okay, look at your feet, they're all wrapped into rice dumplings!"


The three chatted for a while, and Lin Luxi came in to chase them away.

"Not leaving yet?"

"Let me accompany Qing to resign today." Huo Mu squeezed onto the hospital bed.

Lin Luxi frowned, and lifted him away with one hand: "No need."

"But.. Boss"

Fu Xin stopped Huo Mu very discerningly: "I'm so tired today. Didn't you just say that you are sleepy, and Qingci also needs to rest. You make him so noisy that he can't rest. Come here early tomorrow."


Fu Xin immediately covered his mouth, pushed him towards the door, and did not forget to turn around and smile at Lin Luxi: "The boss will take care of Qingci tonight."

"Hey, I"

Huo Mo's voice was shut out of the ward, without him the whole ward was quiet.

Followed by.


The lights in the ward went out.

Lin Luxi walked on the accompanying chair, "Go to sleep."

Jiang Qingci lay down obediently.

After a long time, he asked gently: "Why... late?"

"Something happened."

Lin Luxi looked towards the hospital bed, and could only see the blurred outline of the other party.

Jiang Qingci asked: "Is it an accident?"

Lin Luxi said lightly, "Yes."

Hearing Lin Luxi's answer, the boy's eyes lighted up in the darkness. It's not that she didn't want to come, but something delayed her.

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