The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 110 That knife wound back then, is it still there?

Chapter 110 That knife wound back then, is it still there?
On the side of RY79, Li Xiaoxue found an ice cream from nowhere, and was eating it without any image.

The two of them looked at the fireworks everywhere, and they were both moved by it.

Tang Xiaobing stared at the fireworks in the sky for a while, and when she lowered her head to rest her neck, she caught a glimpse of a trace of ice cream on the corner of Li Xiaoxue's mouth.

So, Tang Xiaobing said in a disgusted tone: "Look at you, you're all eating!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxue turned her eyes back, ate the whole ice cream in twos and twos, and wiped her mouth with her hands indifferently, it can be said that she has no image.

Tang Xiaobing frowned and looked disgusted, "With you like this, which boy would dare to marry you in the future?"

Li Xiaoxue rolled her eyes, looked back at the golden sparks in the beautiful night sky, and raised her head arrogantly.

"It's okay, my mother and your mother have agreed that if I can't get married when I grow up, I will make do with you."

He didn't care much about what he said, but it made Tang Xiaobing's ears turn red most of the time.

Tang Xiaobing looked at the fireworks, "cut" disdainfully, rolled his eyes and said, "I don't want you."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxue turned to look at him and stared straight at him.

After staring at her for a while, Tang Xiaobing licked the corner of her mouth uncomfortably, turned her eyes to look at her, and raised her eyebrows: "What are you doing?"

Li Xiaoxue's expression was serious and serious, and the two looked at each other for a while.

After a while, Li Xiaoxue grabbed a snowball from his hand at some point, and threw it directly on Tang Xiaobing's face.

"I'll go to your uncle..."

Tang Xiaobing groaned wildly, who knew that Li Xiaoxue grabbed a bunch of snowballs from the ground and threw them on his face.

"Do you want me? Do you want me?"

Not to be outdone, Tang Xiaobing hurriedly stood up, also grabbed the thick layer of snow on the ground, and raised a piece of white snow.

The two immediately started chasing and fighting.

"I do not want!"


Inside the house, Xia Qianhan couldn't bear it anymore, and the belt he was wearing felt a little tight.

Holding glasses of red wine, the two walked to the window to watch the fireworks.

Xia Qianhan's stomach was churning, and he put his hands on the window sill uncomfortably, and said to Xia Feiran, "Brother, I love you so much, I've never been so full in my life..."

Saying that, Xia Qianhan let out a long, loud belch, which smelled like oysters.

Xia Feiran looked at the fireworks, his eyes suddenly darkened, and he said lightly: "Qianhan."

Xia Qianhan suddenly raised his head, "Huh?"

"You said..." Xia Feiran paused and narrowed his eyes, "If I wasn't your brother, would we still be so good?"

Hearing this, Xia Qianhan raised his eyebrows and stared at Xia Feiran for a while.

After a while, he pursed his lips, smiled brightly, and stretched out his arms to wrap around Xia Feiran's neck, "Of course!"

Xia Qianhan looked back at the fireworks outside the window and said with a smile, "We will be good brothers for ten lifetimes!"

Hearing this, Xia Feiran's eyes darkened in the darkness, and his voice became a little lower.

"Is it just... brother?"

Although the voice was not loud, Xia Qianhan could hear the two of them clearly because they were so close.

However, Xia Qianhan smiled innocently after hearing this, "What? You still want to be my father?"

Saying that, Xia Qianhan pushed Xia Feiran away pretending to be disgusted.

"What are you thinking? I want to be your father!" Xia Qianhan drank his red wine and laughed beautifully.

Leaving behind Xia Feiran's pair of bottomless eyes from beginning to end.


Wei Fanxi stared at the fireworks for a long time, but never looked back. After a long while, he couldn't help but catch a cold.

He only wore a windbreaker today, and it was really thin in this cold winter.

Wei Fanxi shrank his legs, rubbed his hands, took a breath of heat, couldn't help shivering when the strong wind blew, and frowned, "Lao Ye, I'm a little cold."

Hearing this, Ji Zheye looked at him, stood up neatly, took off the black coat without saying a word, and put it all over Wei Fanxi.

Wei Fan was stunned, he just wanted to ask Ji Zheye if he would light a fire.

Thinking about it, Wei Fanxi stood up and couldn't help looking at Ji Zheye complicatedly.

The man took off his coat, and there was only a black shirt inside. It was still a single liner, very thin, and the top few buttons were not fastened properly. It looked cold in this winter.

"You..." Wei Fanxi frowned. Just as he was about to ask something, he suddenly glanced at the cold white skin under Ji Zheye's neck because he hadn't buttoned it up properly.

Under the collarbone on the left side, there was a long scar, which undoubtedly cast a dark shadow on the fair skin.

The scar was as long as two index fingers, extending to the lower part of the shirt, and it could be seen that it was deeply scratched, and it was a knife scar.

And the scar has not been stitched, it is absolutely natural healing all the year round.

Wei Fanxi stared at the scar for a long time, recalling the memories sealed in his mind seven years ago.

That time, it was a horrific fire-making case, with no less casualties than the Onan bombing three years ago.

The difference is that at that time, Ji Zheye was the only one, not to mention Wei Fanxi, who was still a teenage boy of thirteen or fourteen.

How did he get involved in that case... Wei Fanxi doesn't remember very clearly, but he only remembers that at that time, as the young master of the Wei family, he became a high-ranking prisoner and was locked in the most hidden secret room, strictly guarded against death.

The person in charge of that case was Mu Jinjiu's uncle. At that time, Wei Fanxi was locked in a secret room, and only Mu Jinjiu went to see him every day, so the two would know each other.

But at that time, only Mu Jinjiu was in a bad mood.

He likes to chat with Wei Fanxi, thinking that if his uncle's case is successful, Wei Fanxi will be a captive, that is, a trophy, and he can take it back to play with him every day.

Thus, the conflict between Mu Jinjiu and Ji Zheye also started from here.

That time, Wei Fanxi hadn't eaten for three days and slept soundly. When he opened his eyes again, he was weakly hugged by Ji Zheye. There was a fire in front of his eyes and an extremely unpleasant smell of gunpowder smoke.

A group of people in black next to him pointed their guns at Ji Fheye, but none of them dared to move.

Mu Jinjiu was also anxious at the time, frowning and shouting: "I see who dares to take him away today!"

Compared to Mu Jinjiu, Ji Zheye was much more mature seven years ago, not far from the current ice-coldness, and didn't take Mu Jinjiu seriously at all.

In the end, Ji Zheye took him away regardless of the hundreds of people around him, and because of this, he suffered many gunshot wounds and knife wounds.

As for the chest, he could have avoided it at that time, but in order to protect Wei Fanxi, he took such a hard blow, which was very deep.

According to the doctor, a little further down is the heart.

It is unimaginable that this is the pain that a young boy has endured.

At that time, the two didn't know each other. Later Wei Fanxi asked, and according to Ji Zheye, only his secret room was left and no one was searching for it, and it happened that the fire was the biggest there. Everyone in the military area planned to give up Wei Fanxi as a prisoner. , in the end only he was willing to go.

It is also because of this that Wei Fanxi regards Ji Zheye as a person with absolute kindness.

Thinking about it, Wei Fanxi frowned, looking at the long-standing scar in front of him, feeling very uncomfortable.

For a long time, Wei Fanxi stared at the scar with distress, and stroked it with his fair hand.

Ji Zheye was quite shocked by this, and looked at Wei Fanxi's face with some surprise, but he didn't have the slightest intention to avoid it.

Wei Fanxi squinted his eyes guiltily, and said distressedly: "The knife wound back then, is it still there?"

Hearing this, Ji Zheye was stunned for a moment, then his eyes dimmed. Under the fireworks, Wei Fanxi's expression was low and complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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