The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 138 Fighting with Jiao Dynasty

Chapter 138 Fighting with Jiao Dynasty

Who else could this voice be if it wasn't his elder brother Xia Feiran?
Xia Qianhan turned his head stiffly, met the spring breeze smile of the person in front of him, and curled his lower lip in a daze.

"Hey... Big Brother... Why did you come to Jindu..." Xia Qianhan smiled with a hint of guilt.

Xia Feiran walked over, smiled softly, patted his head slightly, and said, "I didn't intend to come, but Ms. Xia Anyan was always afraid that you would starve to death, so she let me come."

Hearing this, Xia Qianhan's face darkened, he said "hehe" twice, and did not speak again.

After Xia Feiran came, Xia Qianhan immediately sat obediently, and didn't put on airs with Wen Xun any more. He suddenly became a little cat from a small tiger.

Others who didn't know it thought that Xia Feiran was a good-tempered and filial gentleman, a gentleman who was rare among the princes of the aristocratic family.

Even Rorschach had always felt that way.

But in fact... Xia Qianhan is most afraid of his elder brother in his life. Although he smiles every day, his smile is gentle and harmless, but once he becomes ruthless, he will kill without blinking an eye.

In contrast, Luo Xia angered Wen Xun so much, Wen Xun's reaction was quite light. I still remember when Xia Feiran was angry last time... Tsk.

Xia Qianhan shook his head, not daring to recall, so he glanced at Xia Feiran with some fear.

At this time, Jiao called over there, it is said that he wanted to play a few games with RY79 to evaluate his strength.

As a result, Jiao Chao's top [-] players in the Japanese national server directly crossed the server, and those who didn't rank in the top [-] also created trumpets in the Chinese server.

This happened so suddenly that everyone was still in a daze.

Yu Fei's face twitched, and he threw the headset aside, with a strange expression, "Who is hitting? Did I hear correctly? Hitting Jiaochao?"

Tang Xiaobing's eyes widened in disbelief, "Really? That's the third in the world!"

What is the concept of the third in the world?Don't even think about it, okay?

Xia Qianhan came over carelessly, and patted Tang Xiaobing's shoulder lightly, "Oh, take it easy, they're not as scary as you imagined."

Tang Xiaobing's face suddenly darkened, and he said "I believe you, you bastard, you old man".

And Xia Qianhan also brought a headset and plugged it into his phone. Undoubtedly, it was all chatter in the wechat group.

Qier Sanyan, that poor boy who was robbed by RY79 twice before, still had a little shadow at this time, and said in fear: "どうすればいいですか? Is that cruel?"

(Japanese: Chihan! What to do? Will they be fierce?)

The other person is Qian Jinjinyan, a musician, but he is relatively young, and he is so scared that he almost cried: "Captain, that らは Bendang にすごいと闻きました? Horrible desu!"

(Japanese: Captain, I heard they are really good! I'm so scared!)
And the captain of Jiaochao is a rough guy, like a big brother, named Heitong Wuru, and a shield warrior.

He pretended to swallow his saliva calmly, and said: "だいじょうぶです, のうりょくじょうかだけです, これはかならずいく行くながれ流れです."

(Japanese: It’s okay, it’s just a capacity assessment, this is a necessary process.)
Wuru Heitong: Although I regret it too...

Although Jiaochao is the number one team in Asia, they also have a nickname in Japan, "the number one team".

Xia Qianhan has never been able to understand their thinking. They are "too modest" to think... the number one in Asia for a long time... is it because of good luck?
These words of theirs... If those people in RY79 heard it, they must have been stunned.

Thinking about it, Xia Qianhan couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth as he listened to the conversation in the earphones.

Jiao Chao made a seven-player classic match first. On the surface, he looked majestic and calm, but in fact... the noise in the earphones gave Xia Qianhan a headache.

The classic game held this time is a copyright-free version, and one person has only one life.

Wei Fanxi put on the headset, raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Qianhan, and said, "Master, are you not playing?"

"Oh, I'll watch the battle, just let them fight." Xia Qianhan smiled and refused.

But in fact... it's because his golden suit was given to Wen Xun, which is more than enough to fight against other teams, but against RY79... Tsk, it might be a little bit tragic.

The game started soon. Normally speaking, when Wen Xun and Luo Xia played games, they would habitually help her fight a few wild games for early development.

This time, neither of them was willing to speak first. Luo Xia was not easy to fight in the early stage, so he could only stand up on the main map by himself, which was very tormented.

Even... was also taken a blood.

Qianjin Jinyan was stuffing a piece of sushi into his mouth. He swiped the mouse twice casually, but accidentally, the person in front of him... died?
Qianjin Jinyan was so frightened that the sushi in his hand fell instantly, his eyes widened, and his face was in disbelief: "どうしましたか? Private space! えました, すみません!"

(Japanese: What's the situation? My God! I was wrong! I'm sorry, I'm sorry...)
Wen Xun shook his head helplessly when he saw the head record on the computer.

Why is this guy so stubborn? Is it so difficult to ask him to help with a few wild brushes?

Thinking about it, Wen Xun frowned, and the strength in his hands was a little bit harder, and he killed the opposite fisherman in a wave of team battles within two strokes.

Since she couldn't be resurrected, Luo Xia was eliminated directly. She shook her head helplessly, took a sip from the water bottle on the table.

Jiao Chao did not make any bad comments on her because of this, Heitong Wuru moved the mouse and said: "こんなに早くくんだらきっときットカードです, You Duan しないでください."

(Japanese: It must be the network card that died so quickly, we should not take it lightly.)
Everyone shouted: "はい!"

(Japanese: Yes!)

(End of this chapter)

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