The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 200 Extra Discussion on the Correct Way to Open Up Drunkenness

Chapter 200 Extra Story——On the Correct Way to Get Drunk ①

It was a clear and cloudless night, and Xia Qianhan, who was in a good mood playing games, unexpectedly received a call from his little brother——

"Hello? Little brother? What's your business?"

"What? Did you argue with my brother-in-law again?"

"I'll go, can you two do it? As I said, it will affect the harmony of the family..."

"No? What's not?"

"Drinking? With me? Well... that's fine. I've finished typing this copy. Send me the address."

So, Xia Qianhan packed up and went to the restaurant that Luo Xia told him first, even earlier than she went by herself.

In the private room, Xia Qianhan was frowning, thinking of countermeasures, as if thinking about a major event in life.

Xia Feiran came 2 minutes later than him. When he walked in, seeing Xia Qianhan's worried expression, raised his eyebrows slightly, and sat next to him.

"What's the matter? Are you free, what would Xiao Xia drink?" Xia Feiran's voice was gentle and serious.

Xia Qianhan made a "tsk" sound, tapped the table with his slender fingers, and looked old.

"You say that this Xiaoxia is really true. He has conflicts with my future brother-in-law every now and then, and I don't know what's going on this time..." Xia Qianhan said with a worried expression on his face.

Seeing Xia Qianhan's expression, Xia Feiran was slightly taken aback.

Having been someone's big brother for nearly 20 years, he knows quite well.Every time Xia Qianhan showed this expression, he definitely wanted to make trouble.

Xia Qianhan smacked his lips. At this moment, a waiter entered the room, pushing a cart.

"Hello, here are the two boxes of beer you want, and a bottle of Usulan spirit." The waiter respectfully put the wine in the private room.

Seeing this, Xia Feiran frowned, and looked back at Xia Qianhan: "You are..."

Xia Qianhan, who was banned from drinking by Xia Feiran, had to cough twice, and interrupted what he was about to say in embarrassment: "I am not here to solve family conflicts. What can happen faster than drinking a drink? This little brat drinks and gets down on the ground, and then sends it to my brother-in-law, isn't this thing done."

So Xia Qianhan specially ordered a bottle of Wusulan spirits. Rumors said that he would get drunk immediately after a glass of wine, and those who didn't have the capacity for alcohol would fall over at the touch of a glass.

And the color of this wine happened to be the same as the color of the beer that he wanted, so it made Rorschach go down every minute.

Confirmed the eyes, this is a real brother.

Xia Feiran obviously couldn't stop Xia Qianhan, after a long while, he still poured strong wine into Luo Xia's cup, it is said that Luo Xia also brought Wei Fanxi to come together, Xia Qianhan was next to another one who was exactly the same A bottle of regular beer was poured into the glass for confusion.

After pouring the wine, Xia Qianhan clapped his hands twice in satisfaction, turned his head to Xia Feiran and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, Xiaoxia and the others should be there soon, remember to let her sit there."

After Xia Qianhan left, Xia Feiran looked at the two glasses of wine that were basically the same, and narrowed his eyes slightly.


Soon, Rorschach came.

In fact, it's nothing serious for her, the conflict with Wen Xun... Tsk, she crashed into a car while playing games in the afternoon, and Wen Xun hung up because of something, and she just had a little trouble.

So arguing with Wen Xun was just a cover for her.

The real reason for asking Xia Qianhan to drink is that Luo Xia heard that Xia Qianhan had recently obtained a blood-sucking costume, but he refused to give it to Xia Qianhan when he asked for it.

In this regard, Luo Xia, who is extremely confident in his drinking capacity, plans to drink her second brother down today, and then take the opportunity to steal his "Lost City" account and get the blood-sucking costume.

As soon as Luo Xia came out of the outer room, he happened to meet a certain Wei Fanxi kid who was eating ice cream.

Tsk, I was drinking with Xia Qianhan, and there was Xia Feiran sitting next to me, I always felt a little embarrassed.

She needs a wingman.

After thinking about it, Luo Xia's eyes became firmer, he pulled Wei Fanxi closer, and smiled, "Brother Xi, how about I treat you to dinner tonight?"

Wei Fanxi ate the ice cream, paused for a moment, looked at Luo Xia with a dazed expression, "Cengfan?"

After thinking about it again, Ji Zheye came back late today, anyway, he himself is bored.

Wei Fanxi thought about it, and smiled cutely: "Okay."

 The 200-chapter episode is finished today, and there are about four or five chapters or more

(End of this chapter)

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