The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 288 Koi Wei Fanxi demonstrates how to open fresh milk online

Chapter 288 Koi Wei Fanxi demonstrates how to open fresh milk online
At this moment, if possible, the director, please broadcast a section of "Black Carrying the Coffin" on the BGM to Yu Fei's children, thank you.

Yu Fei looked at the pocket of his clothes at this time, and his whole body was frozen on the toilet, and he didn't move for nearly ten seconds.

A burst of music sounded in my head——

Hello, It's me...

Although I really don't want to talk about this extremely embarrassing topic so directly, but...the fact in front of me is...

Yu Fei, who is a public toilet traveler, today... forgot to bring paper to the toilet!

But obviously, Jiang Lang's output of tainted milk still failed to disappoint us today.

In the lounge, Jiang Lang was still walking up and down in small steps in order to comfort himself, while rubbing his hands and muttering:

"The toilet is too far away from us. It must be too late now, but Yu Fei is so smart, he will definitely know to call the people nearby for help with his mobile phone. It will definitely be possible..."

Jiang Lang said, as if bewitched, he just worshiped the sky and the earth in the posture of a beautiful girl making a wish.

Luo Xia, who was next to him, looked at Jiang Lang's appearance for a long time, obviously couldn't stand it anymore, so he frowned, and said lightly: "Lao Jiang, what are you doing? What can happen if Brother Fei just goes to the toilet? "

As he spoke, Luo Xia frowned and curled his lips, stretched his fingers to the empty rest seat next to him, picked up a mobile phone on it, and added:

"Also, Brother Fei didn't take his mobile phone to the bathroom at all. He asked me to charge him with a power bank just now, but I didn't bring the power bank. Now his mobile phone is almost turned off."

Rorschach's voice was very light, without any emotion, quite innocent.

But when Jiang Lang heard these words, he stopped in his tracks for an instant.

What the hell?Yu Fei didn't bring his mobile phone to the bathroom?

Jiang Lang's eyes widened again, and he withdrew all gestures of wishing and praying, and looked at the other mobile phone in Luo Xia's hand in disbelief.

It's Yu Fei's cell phone, and his super drag phone case with "I'm the best" written on it.

Seeing this, Jiang Lang basically collapsed and despaired.

Apparently, the fourth person who was poisoned by milk also failed to escape Jiang Lang's super output.

And at this moment, Luo Xia received a call from Wei Fanxi.

"Hello?" Luo Xia put the phone to his ear, with a lazy tone.

On the other hand, Wei Fanxi was holding a bottle, surrounded by ten Russian special forces around the hospital bed, all standing in a military posture in front of the wall of the ward.

Needless to say, I knew it was Ji Zheye who called.

All ten people were wearing uniform black suits and wearing sunglasses. They stood on the spot and stood by at any time, looking at... There was always a feeling that someone had put Wei Fanxi under house arrest here, and there were guards and thugs arranged beside him.

In short, Wei Fanxi is very cautious and panics when he looks up to this group of special forces.

Originally, Wei Fanxi's stomach problem was sudden, so he got an injection to relieve the pain, and after a good night's sleep, nothing serious happened.

But from morning until now, Wei Fanxi had wanted to pull out the needle and get out of bed countless times, but just as he was about to do something, the group of special forces stepped towards his bed in unison and spoke a bunch of Russian that he didn't understand.

Ten strong men made little Wei Fanxi really afraid to do anything, and this is the situation now.

Wei Fanxi leaned on the hospital bed, looked at the ten people in front of him who hadn't moved for two hours, and swallowed.

"Brother Xia, when will your competition start?" Wei Fanxi asked, not sure if anyone in this group could understand Chinese.

Hearing this, Luo Xia glanced at his watch and said, "There are still 6 minutes, plus the narration will take a while, so there will be about seven or eight minutes."

Hearing this, Wei Fanxi let out a soft "oh" and asked, "How many people do you have now?"

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, glanced around, and said, "There were originally six, but Lao Jiang had to say something just now... Brother Fei fell into the toilet, so there are five of them for now."

"Did you fall in the toilet?" Wei Fanxi was obviously taken aback when he heard this, and then he looked confused, "Why did you fall in the toilet?"

When Luo Xia heard this, he really didn't know clearly, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I don't know, anyway... we are basically five against seven now."

Since Jiang Nan had already prepared his mind in advance, Luo Xia no longer felt much difference between five-on-seven and six-on-seven.

Wei Fanxi was obviously taken aback when he listened. He originally wanted to sneak away to the competition, but looking at the ten people in front of him and not licking his lips for two hours, he definitely couldn't leave.

Thinking about it, the little girl Wei Fanxi frowned depressedly, said "Oh" pitifully, and casually said: "Then you all go on, five to seven is not easy to fight, it would be great if there are fewer people on the other side..."

Next, Wei Fanxi will show you the correct way to open the Koi Prophet.

At this time, Yu Fei was stunned on the toilet for a few minutes before knocking on the toilet door suddenly.

"bang bang bang"

Yu Fei shouted: "Is anyone there?"

However, the toilets in the sports center are very remote, and there is an entire football field and three basketball courts away from today's e-sports competition site.

So at this time, there are basically no people in the toilets, especially places like men's public toilets.

So much so that Yu Fei yelled more than thirty times, but no one answered.

Yu Fei wanted to cry but had no tears, wondering if he could only sacrifice his dignity like this.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door.

Qi Ye was in the second round of this competition. He was opening a compartment door to enter when he heard Yu Fei crying and shouting, and said immediately: "I said you are sick? In broad daylight Ghosts in the toilet?"

When Yu Fei heard Qi Ye's voice, his expression changed drastically, and his eyes widened in surprise, as if life had hope again.

"Brother Ye! Is that you, Brother Ye!" Yu Fei yelled and slammed on the door.

At this time, Qi Ye was still sitting on the toilet and squatting in the toilet. Hearing Yu Fei's words, he seemed to have encountered a mental retardation, and his expression suddenly became a little ugly.

"Are you sick? What are you doing in the toilet? Making alchemy through feces?"

But Yu Fei didn't care about Qi Ye's nonsense at this moment, and patted the partition board like seeing his own father, "Brother Ye! Hurry up! Give me a few small pieces of paper! I've squatted for almost half Hours! If you don't get up for a while, you won't be able to get up!"

Yu Fei's tone was quite tearful, and Qi Ye, who was quietly squatting in the toilet in the other cubicle, was stunned.

After a while, Qi Ye asked in disbelief, "Did you bring paper to the toilet?"

Yu Fei shouted louder when he heard this, like a helpless child, "That's right! Brother Ye, you are so kind and merciful, please help me! We are short of people for today's competition!"

Qi Ye is not a heartless person, not to mention that he is familiar with the group of RY79. Hearing Yu Fei's violent crying, he took out a whole pack of papers from his pocket after a while.

"Okay, I'll give it to you from the bottom, and you take it yourself." As he said, Qi Ye slipped a small package of paper in along the bottom left partition.

"Ye Daddy, you are very kind and virtuous, but I am a little..."

Yu Fei was crying so hard that he was about to say "I will never forget the little one", but he stretched out his hands and touched for a long time, but he didn't see a single piece of paper.

"Huh? Where's Ye Daddy?" Yu Fei was slightly taken aback.

Hearing this, Qi Ye was also taken aback, "I slipped in for you, didn't you see?"

Yu Fei listened, and suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked again: "Which compartment are you in?"

Qi Ye Hanhan replied: "The first one."


A loud roar pierced the sky——

"I'm fucking in the fourth compartment!"

(End of this chapter)

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