The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 312 She Can't Do Anything When Despair Comes

Chapter 312 She Can't Do Anything When Despair Comes

So whether Wen Quan was burned to death by the fire or killed by the criminal boss, Wen Xun never knew.

He tried his best to cross the thick and tall stone wall, but the fact was that he was seriously injured at that time, and he was powerless to cross the stone wall and the artillery fire to save people.

At this time, people from the R organization rushed over. After knowing Wen Xun's identity, because Luo Xia's group, Ao Mo, was a lieutenant, and Luo Xia was anxious to save Wen Quan, he asked Ao Mo to take Wen Xun with him. Walk.

But Ao Mo was Mu Jinjiu's running dog in the R organization at the time. After taking away the seriously injured Wen Xun that time, he abducted Wen Xun to a secret place, so that Wen Xun failed to command at the most critical moment. this battle.

And at that time, because Wen Xun had wounds and blood on his face, the members of Organization R habitually covered their faces when they went out on missions, so Wen Xun and Luo Xia were obviously very close at that time, but they just looked at each other , I didn't remember each other in the crowd.

Luo Xia only remembered a bloody general escaping from the ring of fire, and Wen Xun only remembered a masked ordinary agent desperately entering the ring to save people.

At that time, Luo Xia had just arrived from the west, and compared to Wen Xun, he still had more physical strength, so he jumped over the collapsed stone wall with the grapple.

It's just that she had just turned halfway, when she was blinded by the heavy smoke and fog in front of her, and began to cough heavily.

The place where Wen Quan was located was the place where the fire burned the most. The whole city was covered in thick smoke. Luo Xia's eyes were blood red from the heat, but he still kept walking inside the circle.

Until she stepped on a piece of soft meat.

Luo Xia covered his face scarf tightly and frowned, squinted his eyes and glanced at his feet, only to find that it was a broken hand.

Rorschach immediately raised his foot in disgust, and then saw the man's body.

The criminal boss Rorschach had fought against each other before, but when he saw that face, he froze for a moment.

There was a heavy knife mark on this man's face, it is not difficult to see that there must have been a rather fierce hand-to-hand fight just now.

Thinking about it, Luo Xia raised her head to look forward again, and this time, following the bloodstains of the crime boss's body at her feet, she happened to see a body lying on the ground not far away.

Compared with the criminal boss and the general who came out of the circle of fire just now, this body looks better, not so embarrassing.

But Luo Xia could tell at a glance that the person on the ground was Wen Quan.

Luo Xia panicked instantly, and was about to run into the fire against the thick smoke and sandstorm.

But at this moment, a miniature bomb suddenly fell from the sky and exploded right in front of her.

The lethality of this miniature bomb is almost equivalent to that of a grenade, so it didn't cause substantial damage to Rorschach, but the huge impact force directly bounced her away a few meters, and Rorschach immediately blocked his hands in front of him.

And apparently there was a helicopter flying above them in the sky, and all the bombs in the sky fell on the part of the journey in front of her and Wen Quan, so that Luo Xia had no way to rush in directly to rescue Wen Quan.

Seeing Wen Quan lying there, pale and powerless, surrounded by raging fire and black smoke, the scene was horrifying, as if the god of death had come to the world at this very moment.

In front of Luo Xia was still a large amount of wind and sand smoke caused by the explosion, and tears burst out of her eyes instantly, and the blowing of the wind and sand directly burst out of her eyes.

"Full promotion!" Rorschach roared loudly.

But no matter how she approached, the fire, which was burning more and more fiercely, was always preventing her steps.

Luo Xia was getting more and more difficult step by step. In this gap between life and death, she was still unable to step forward.

But at this moment, the Bluetooth in her ear sounded a military order from the headquarters of the Onan Military Region:
"Всемсолдатамиагентамвоенногоокруга, услышавуказания, пожалуйста, немедленноявитесьвбезопасноеместопопозиционированиц,ещераз "

Because it was in Russian, Rorschach did not receive it very clearly at the first time, but soon, the military headquarters broadcast the English version again——

“All the soldiers and agents in the military region, please go to the safe area according to the location, and inform again. All the soldiers and agents in the military region, please go to the safe area according to the location.”

(Russian and English: All soldiers and agents of the military region, whoever hears the instruction, please go to the safe area immediately according to the location, and inform again, all soldiers and agents of the military region, whoever hears the instruction, please go to the safe area immediately according to the location.)
After Luo Xia heard the notice clearly, he immediately frowned, looking at the impassable road ahead, he was quite flustered.

Quansheng is still there...

And just when Rorschach was hesitating, the Bluetooth in his ear rang again——

"Governor Ji, Commander Wen, Captain Losure, Please respond!"

(English: Governor Ji, Commander Wen, Captain Losure, please respond!)
At this moment, Luo Xia's brain was very confused. Looking at the raging fire in front of him, he just stood still, neither advancing nor retreating, watching the sparks in front of him slowly ignite everything in this military area. for ashes.

At this time, Ji Zheye, who was still on the front line, shouted with the sound of bullets: "Roger. We're evacuating."

(English: Received, evacuating.)
Wen Xun has also reached the safe area at this moment, leaning against a wall with some fatigue, and since there is no medical supplies for the time being, he can only cover the wound on his shoulder with his hands to avoid excessive blood loss in a short time.

Then Wen Xun also said in a weak voice: "Has been evacuated."

(English: Evacuated.)
The military headquarters received a response from the two commanders, and quickly responded, and then began to call Rorschach who had not responded: "Captain Losure, are you there? Captain Losure?"

(English: Captain Losure, are you there? Captain Losure?)
Luo Xia listened to his name being called over and over again on the Bluetooth, and stood still. Due to the long-term exposure to the thick smoke, his expression was obviously a little slack, but his pupils were still vibrating.

She was very desperate at this moment, and she didn't know what to do, but she could only see the boy on the ground far away, lying there quietly.

As the smoke became thicker and the flames burned more and more intensely, Rorschach gradually lost sight of him.

When despair came, she could only stand and watch him from a distance, but she was indifferent and could do nothing.

 I think that after reading my book, you may have learned several foreign languages, so... Should Brother Wen die?

(End of this chapter)

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