The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 390 Goodbye Black Diamond Ring

Chapter 390 Goodbye Black Diamond Ring
When Xia Feiran heard the word "your brother", he subconsciously froze for a moment, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then looked deeply at Wen Xun, but his tone didn't change much: "Still Well, being busy isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Wen Xun nodded slightly when he heard the words. Since he didn't go to see Xia Feiran, he didn't see anything wrong with him.

The two chatted for a while, and Xia Feiran took the lead to leave in the name of cooperation tonight.

As for Luo Xia and Zuolou, after Xia Feiran left, there were no more familiar people in the field of view.

"When is Huang San coming?" Luo Xia turned on the laptop and asked the left building.

Zuo Lou was looking at his mobile phone, his voice was flat: "He said it's coming soon, there is a bit of traffic over there."

Rorschach nodded when he heard this, and then put his hands on the keyboard and started typing, conquering Evil's network first.

"Is there any movement in Lou Sichen?" Luo Xia looked at his screen and asked softly.

Hearing this, Zuo Lou raised his head, glanced at the computer at his hand, looked at a tracking map on it, and said: "No place, what happened tonight seems to be early."

The two chatted casually like this, and it was only after 10 minutes that Huang San came.

When Huang San pushed open the door of the private room, he looked apologetic, and hurried towards Luo Xia and Zuo Lou, with a low voice that seemed very embarrassed: "I'm sorry, brother Xia, I'm late."

Luo Xia glanced at Huang San with raised eyebrows, and responded tolerantly: "It's not a big problem, it's still early, and I'll be busy until midnight at least today."

As he spoke, Luo Xia sighed, looking a little helpless.

As soon as Huang San sat down, he seemed to suddenly remember something, and then took off the mini camera that had just been hung on it from the neckline.

"Ah, by the way, Brother Xia, I came from the east gate. When I came here just now, I saw Yi Yu bartending the bar." Huang San put the camera near the left building.

And Zuo Lou was stunned, looked at Huang San, then looked at Luo Xia, then raised his eyebrows and plugged the mini camera into the computer.

When Luo Xia heard this, he responded flatly: "Well, we know he's coming."

Afterwards, Zuo Lou still put the photos taken by Huang San on the computer. It was nothing more than a photo of Yi Yu ordering a glass of wine at the bar.

Luo Xia didn't pay much attention to it at all, and didn't even look at it. Zuo Lou originally looked at it casually, but suddenly frowned after staring at it for three seconds: "Hey? Wait a minute?"

Zuo Lou suddenly narrowed his eyes, got a little closer, and became serious.

Luo Xia also looked over when he heard this, and glanced at the computer on the left floor in a daze, and asked lightly, "What's wrong?"

Huang San felt something was wrong and hurried over.

After looking at it for a while, Zuo Lou zoomed in on the picture, and locked on the glass of wine that the bartender handed to Yi Yu.

"This is..." Zuo Lou looked a little puzzled, and licked his lips slightly.

Seeing that something was wrong, Luo Xia also looked at the glass of wine carefully for a while, and then said with certainty: "Moro No. [-], the wine is only [-] degrees, what's wrong?"

Hearing Luo Xia's words, Zuo Lou suddenly shook his head and frowned even tighter: "No, look carefully, this is Morrow No. [-]."

Hearing this, the left building was turned up a few more points to let Luo Xia see the color clearly.

The wines of the Morrow series are all close to the fine wines of Russian Jager, and the two wines of Morrow No. [-] and Morrow No. [-] are also very similar, but there are many differences.

Morrow No. [-] is a [-]-degree sweet wine with an excellent taste, and it is usually a drink that bars will release.

But Moro No. [-] is a spirit of over forty degrees. No matter whether you are a good drinker or a bad drinker, you will drink it the same way, and it is easy to get drunk.

But the important thing is that Yi Yu is an albino patient, drinking some low-alcohol alcohol is fine, but once he drinks too much or mixes with too strong alcohol, it will be extremely harmful to himself.

(There is no nonsense here, these two wines do exist, interested friends can go to find out.)
Thinking of this, Zuo Lou not only swallowed, "Someone asked the bartender to drop his wine."

"No." At this moment, Luo Xia also squinted his eyes, and said after thinking about it: "He asked the bartender to make it, but...he didn't necessarily drink it himself."

Hearing this, Huang San and Zuo Lou raised their heads to look at Luo Xia in astonishment, looking a little unbelievable.

Yi Yu gave in?Who is he going to give it to?Who is going to get drunk?

The two couldn't believe it, but Luo Xia was still staring at the picture. Please frowned, and dragged the mouse to pull back the original picture, "Wait a minute."

Luo Xia's slender fingers used the mouse to shift the picture further, and then adjusted the ultra-clear pixels, "This is..."

Hearing this, Huang San and Zuo Louyou looked back again.

What Luo Xia looked at was the background of this picture, that is, behind Yi Yu, there was a person sitting at the bar bar, but half of his body was blocked by Yi Yu, but the profile was still visible. It is clearly displayed in front of the eyes.

This person's hair color is very familiar to Luo Xia. He is his elder brother. He just left their private room downstairs and went to the bar over there.

Seeing this, Huang San also started to explain: "Oh, it's like this, just now Master Xia Xia was discussing cooperation at the bar, and the man who was talking to him was blocked behind him."

As Huang San spoke, he didn't seem to care too much, because these things sounded quite normal.

But Luo Xia's attention was not here. She continued to move the mouse to zoom in on Xia Feiran's position.

With the magnification to the limit and the clarity adjusted to the highest, Luo Xia squinted his eyes and observed that Xia Feiran was also holding the wine glass.

His glass of wine is an ordinary Midsummer Night's Special, the purple-blue color of the wine is very dreamy, there is nothing wrong with it.

This is also where Zuo Lou and Huang San started to wonder, neither of them could see any difference, so they raised their heads to look at Luo Xia, "What's wrong?"

What Luo Xia looked at was not the glass of wine that Xia Feiran was holding, but Xia Feiran's hand.

The man's slender fingers were as white as ever, very skinny and beautiful, but...

Xia Feiran was wearing a black diamond ring at this time.

This black diamond ring...

At this moment, Luo Xia's temple twitched, and then his heartbeat accelerated, and he swallowed silently.

If it was said that when she saw this ring in Jiangzhou, her reaction was that she felt familiar, then seeing it again now, it can basically be said to be affirmative.

This is the black ring that the man in black left behind.

It's just that she seemed to be placed with his second brother at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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