The No. 1 Men's Clothing Leader in National Clothing

Chapter 877 Husband and wife property, understand?

Chapter 877 Husband and wife property, understand?
Beauty Zhou is temporarily closed: Okay, okay, but you may have to call me tomorrow morning, otherwise I will easily oversleep.

In this way, Rorschach was ready for tomorrow's pregnancy test, and continued training after a short rest.

The next morning, Dai Qiqi got up early on purpose. At this point, Xia Qianhan was still sleeping late, Xia Anwei was taking care of Xia Junnian's children, and only Mr. Luo Xianhuang was making breakfast in the living room.

The Luo family didn't have too many servants, usually when Mr. Luo Xianhuang was at home, he would make breakfast by himself.

Dai Qiqi walked down carefully without making a sound, stood at the stairs and watched, Luo Xianhuang didn't notice her at all.

The descendants took a closer look and found that Mr. Luo Xianhuang's mobile phone was on the coffee table in the living room.

Thinking of the conversations at the dinner table last night, Dai Qiqi quickly walked to the coffee table, and still silently picked up Mr. Luo Xianhuang's cell phone.

After thinking for a few seconds, Dai Qiqi entered Luo Xia's birthday lock screen password, and as expected, he opened it directly.

Dai Qiqi scoffed at this.

Why does everyone use her as a little princess, and she deserves it?
Dai Qiqi opened Mr. Luo Xianhuang's WeChat, and quickly found the doctor he contacted. The chat history set Luo Xia's time for examination today, which was ten o'clock in the morning.

Then Dai Qiqi looked at the watch in the living room, it was seven o'clock, still early.

So, Dai Qiqi quietly put the phone back, turned around and planned to leave.

And just as she was about to leave, a magnetic male voice suddenly sounded beside her: "What are you doing here?"

Xia Feiran came down from the other side of the stairs. He was in a shirt and trousers, and his slender fingers were arranging the cuffs. He was obviously going to work.

Hearing this, Dai Qiqi froze in place for an instant, feeling a little guilty, but quickly adjusted, and called softly, "Brother Feiran..."

Naturally, Xia Feiran was not used to her, so he frowned directly, without showing any kindness, and said indifferently: "Take care of yourself."

After saying that, Xia Feiran opened the drawer of the cabinet, and there were countless super-valued watches in it. Xia Feiran took one casually, and went out without looking back.

After he left, Dai Qiqi realized that Xia Feiran was warning her.

Thinking of this, Dai Qiqi's expression became even worse. Everyone was defending Luo Xia. She was obviously indiscreet and still seduced people. She hid her gender to gain fans' likes. She was a rotten person at all.

No matter what, she must sanction Rorschach today and ruin her reputation.

After returning upstairs, Dai Qiqi sent a message to a media contact.

A few minutes later, the media called her.

I don't know what the other party said, but Dai Qiqi quickly replied: "That's right, ten o'clock in the morning, the Central Hospital, I guarantee you will get the most frontline information in the country."


In the morning, Luo Xia was waiting for the sun to clear at the gate of the base. The weather was good today. Luo Xia was leaning against the sun on the bench at the entrance, very comfortable.

Qi Ye was gnawing on a popsicle next to him, wearing a big vest and shorts, wearing flip flops and big sunglasses, plus the posture of bending over to gnaw on the popsicle, he looked like an old man.

"Brother Ye, you are greedy for me, you know I can't eat popsicles and you still eat them next to me." Luo Xia glanced at Qi Ye, not very happy.

Hearing this, Qi Ye waved his hands: "No, it's really too hot today, besides, can't you eat ice cream when you're pregnant? Just eat less."

Hearing this, Luo Xia sighed helplessly, "With my original physique, eating is fine, but Wen Xun will start to explain the truth to me."

Qi Ye made a "tsk" sound, said "You are so miserable", and continued to babble on that popsicle.

After a while, Zhou Weiqing arrived and parked a brand new Maserati at the gate of the base.

"Luo Xiaxia, get in the car! My sister will take you for a ride!" Zhou Weiqing waved to Luo Xia while sitting in the driver's seat, and also wore sunglasses, which looked a bit like Qi Ye's at first glance.

Luo Xia got up when she heard the sound, and just as she was about to pass, Qi Ye looked at the car but said, "Wait a minute."

Hearing this, Luo Xia paused and turned to look back at Qi Ye without knowing why.

With one hand in the pocket of his shorts, Qi Ye raised his eyebrows at Zhou Weiqing: "Didn't you just pass your driver's license test last week? Now you're driving a Maserati? Are you insured?"

Regarding this, Zhou Weiqing gave him a big roll of eyes, "You don't care about me? My old lady has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, but still can't figure out a car?"

Immediately, Zhou Weiqing slapped the steering wheel with a slap to show her arrogance, who knew that she slapped the car and honked, and even surprised herself, so she quickly withdrew her hand.

"Brother Ye, don't worry, there should be no problem." Luo Xia had already opened the door of the back seat, trying to believe in Zhou Weiqing's strength.

But Qi Ye said casually: "Ask her yourself, how many times did you take the second test?"

Listening, Luo Xia turned to look at Zhou Weiqing, waiting for the answer.

When Subject [-] was mentioned, Zhou Weiqing swallowed immediately, but in the end she couldn't match Luo Xia's knowledge-seeking eyes, and said lightly: "Eight times."

"Eight times?" Luo Xia's eyes suddenly became a little incredulous, and the hand that opened the door also stopped on the door, as if it might be possible to close the door back at any time.

Zhou Weiqing pursed her lips, and tried to explain: "Actually, it's not impossible. I passed the subjects four or five times, and I got the driver's license after passing the pass. The strength is still very impressive."

Qi Ye quickly followed her words: "That's because there are only four subjects in total."

With that said, Qi Ye flipped the popsicle stick casually and walked towards the driver's seat.

Zhou Weiqing felt very displeased with Qi Ye's slap in the face, she gritted her teeth and looked at him angrily: "What are you doing?"

"If you let brother Xia die twice because of you, Old Dog Wen will definitely kill me." After speaking, Qi Ye opened the door of the driver's seat, dragged Zhou Weiqing out without saying a word.

Before Zhou Weiqing could react, Qi Ye sat in the driver's seat, closed the door, and started to fasten the seat belt.

"What the hell are you looking for, you just want to prostitute my Maserati for free!" Zhou Weiqing opened her eyes wide, and went to open the driver's door again, only to find that Qi Ye had already locked the door.

"What's yours and mine?" Qi Ye casually leaned on the window frame, glanced at Zhou Weiqing, and uttered a sentence in an extremely shameless manner: "Marital property, please understand?"

Upon hearing this, Zhou Weiqing immediately became angry, "Who is your husband and wife! Give me back the car!"

Qi Ye stroked his bangs, pointed to the co-pilot, "Neng, come up? If you don't come up, I'll just send Brother Xia away."

After saying that, Qi Ye set the car on fire, as if he was about to step on the gas pedal in the next second.

Zhou Weiqing had no choice but to grit her teeth and go to the co-pilot.

(End of this chapter)

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