I opened an elf breeding house.

Chapter 382 Battle on the First Floor of the Battle Tower

Chapter 382 Battle on the Eleventh Floor of the Battle Tower

Three days later,
The challenge match against the No.11 floor of the battle tower is going on as scheduled.

At this time, Li Luoke and Cao Moxuan were standing on the podiums on both sides of the battlefield.

"Brother Li, although the battle rules are 6v6, I can use a total of eight elves. I can completely adjust the team configuration according to the actual situation, or you just admit defeat."

Cao Moxuan started the habitual pre-war trash talk, although it was of no use to Rock Lee.

"Let's get started, brother Mo Xuan."

Locke Li gave Cao Moxuan a big encouragement with a thumbs up, and then threw out his elf ball.

A languid, slow-looking pixie appears on the field.

Elf: Babu Tudou

Level: 44

gender: female

Qualification: Green

Attributes: Electricity, Fighting
Features: Iron Fist (The power of using fist moves will increase.)
props: none
Skills: Catch, Scream, Crazy Volt, Electric Shock, Lightning Flash, Charging, Cheek Rubbing, Digging, Bite, Lightning, Pushing, Electromagnetic Wave, Wrestling, Finding a Partner, Melee Combat, Resurrection Prayer, Flame Fist, Thunder Fist, Freezing Fist, Sonic Fist
Genetic Skills: None

The Babu soil dial released by Rock Lee attracted the attention of all spectators.

Because no matter what the rules of the battle were, Rock Lee used one Lucario to kill his opponent.

Although Lucario joined the team very late, but with the help of Lucario's family and the trainer who has the power of waveguide, he practiced the power of waveguide together, making his strength a qualitative leap in a short period of time. It directly reached the quasi-king level.

However, although this kind of cultivation method can't be said to encourage seedling growth, it is also relevant to a certain extent, so now Lucario needs a lot of actual combat to consolidate his skyrocketing strength.

This is why Rock Lee has been using Lucario to pass the level

Facing his own people, Cao Moxuan would not release the giant gold monsters to carry out tactical planning such as inferior horses beating high-grade horses.In his opinion, only a one-on-one confrontation can gain enough respect.

Of course, Rock Lee will not use his waveguide power to assist the elves in wartime.

Facing Locke Li's Bob Tubo, Cao Moxuan dispatched his own Lucario.

"Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, let's have a real duel!"

Rock Lee yelled.

"[Fast Defense]!"

"【Sonic Fist】!"

For the first round of confrontation between the two sides, both the audience and the audience in front of the TV burst into laughter.

For them, this is the first time that the first attacker predicts the defense in the first round, and the responder preempts the priority attack in the first round.

Although the scene looks a bit funny, in the eyes of some discerning trainers, this is the embodiment of fighting literacy.

It is not only the combat literacy, but also the tacit understanding between the two of them.

Bubba retreated quickly after a single blow, not as slowly as he seemed on the surface.

In the process of Babu Tubo retreating, Cao Moxuan did not give up this opportunity, but started his own attack by bullying himself.

Under the command of the trainer, the two sides fought extremely fiercely.

"It's now, [Rub your cheeks]!"

Bob Tubo found the right opportunity to stick the charged cheek to Lucario who was close at hand. Although the damage of [Rubbing the Cheek] was not high, Lucario fell into a paralyzed state on the spot.


Because of being paralyzed, Lucario's movement speed and defense speed fell off a cliff.

Bob Tudou found the right opportunity and hit a full [close combat] to directly make Lucario lose his fighting ability.

After taking back Lucario, Cao Moxuan dispatched Big Mouth Baby.

Now the big-mouthed baby who is married to someone else has calmed down and put all his thoughts on training.

Although Big Mouth Boy is not as good as Boss Kedora and Al Ganglong in terms of strength, but due to his seniority and personality changes, he has always been at the head of the team.

Cao Moxuan completed the [Sword Dance] first, taking advantage of the time when Locke Li and Babu Tubo had won the first game and then relaxed a little.

The tactical combination of [Sword Dance] and [Enhanced Fist] is the regular tactic of Dazuiba Tactical Curry.

The more you fight, the stronger you are. This is the enemy's evaluation of Big Mouth Baby. However, this tactic is feasible against ordinary elves, but it is still not as good against Bob Tubo.

In addition to the meat balls on the palm of Babutu's palm that can release electricity, its distribution body hair, which can store the same amount of electricity as an electric car, can also release electricity.

Among the electric-type moves possessed by Babu Tubo, whether it is the previously used [Rubbing Cheek], [Electric Shock], [Electric Light], [Electromagnetic Wave] or the regular move [Lightning Fist], there is a certain probability that the opponent will fall into the trap. state of paralysis.

Rock Lee's training for Bob Tudou, in addition to the regular close combat training, also included how to use all means to paralyze the opponent in the battle.

As a result, Big Mouth Baby fell into the same ending as her husband Lucario.

After successfully falling into a paralyzed state in a certain round, he was taken away by a set of combo punches by Babutu.

However, Big Mouth Boy's [Tit for Tat] before he lost his fighting power also caused Babu Tubo to fall to the ground.Although it will not lose its combat effectiveness, it is also unable to fight anymore.

In the normal battle rules, the trainer can take back the elves who have not lost their combat effectiveness for a short rest, and wait for the next opportunity to send them on the field again.

However, with Rock Lee's temper, when he retracted the Bob Tudou into the poke ball, it meant that the Bob Tudou automatically gave up the fight and would not play again.

So now the score is 2 to 1, Rock Lee has three Pokemon left (only four), and Cao Moxuan has four Pokemon left.

"Next is the real battle, Brother Li!"

Li Luke understood Cao Moxuan's words in an instant, and released his strongest elf, Lucario, and Cao Moxuan also sent Boss Kedora on the field.

"Lucario, go all out!"

Lucario is the elf who is the least like a trainer among all the elves in Rock Lee. He is taciturn and has no words, but responds to Rock Li with a tough posture.

"Come on, [Bo Missile]!"

Lucario slanted down with one hand, and a light blue spiral ball condensed in his hand.

The spiral ball flew towards Boscodora at an extremely fast speed.

"Take this move, and then use [Rock Avalanche]!"

Cao Moxuan quickly issued an order, Boss Keduo pulled his hands forward, and a white energy shield instantly formed to block the [Bo missile].

With the disappearance of the spiral ball and the energy shield, several huge rocks appeared above Lucario's head.

The boulder rain made it impossible for Lucario to avoid it, but neither Li Locke nor Lucario thought about avoiding it.

After Lucario yelled, a three-meter-long bone rod was formed instantly.

【Bone Sticks Attack】!
The bone stick swung wantonly in Lucario's hand, easily smashing the hard boulder into pieces.

Lucario approached Boscodora while smashing the boulder, and Boscodora waved his thick and long black tail towards Lucario not to be outdone.

The bone stick and the black tail collided, and Lucario and Boscodora were at a stalemate for a while.

Just as Lucario and Boscodora wrestled, Rock Lee snapped his fingers.

Lucario opened his mouth wide, and a wave missile that had already been prepared hit Boscodora directly, causing Boscodora to scream in pain.

Lucario was so powerful that he skillfully swung the bone stick and hit Boscodora again and again.

Boss Kedora became ruthless even after retreating again and again. With red eyes, it no longer cared about the pain on its body, and began to transform its whole body into a weapon to confront Lucario.

Although Lucario restrains Boscodora in terms of attributes, he is not as strong and durable as Boscodora after all, so he can only avoid Boscodora's attack as much as possible.

The fierce battle between the two sides made the audience very addicted. This kind of real swords and guns, fists and fists to Boss Kedora's fleshy battle is the most exciting, exciting and attractive.

Until the end, Boscodora began to show signs of decline.

Its attack was originally based on a fierce aura. After this aura slowly dissipated over time, Lucario seized the opportunity to launch a [wave missile] directly into the soul.


Although Boss Kedora really wanted to win the game for the trainer, he was helplessly defeated in the end.
 Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation, I love you Lucario

(End of this chapter)

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