I opened an elf breeding house.

Chapter 56 Entering the battlefield, Qi Qin's analysis

Chapter 56 Entering the battlefield, Qi Qin's analysis
I guess I can't wait.

Hua Jianming, who opened his eyes, looked at the information on the phone, feeling very irritable.

Although he is not a saint, it is not his style to be indifferent.

Standing up, Hua Jianming walked towards the ecological garden.

When Hua Jianming put the last poke ball into his backpack, Wenren Xuesong called again.

"Xiao Ming, the situation is much more serious than I imagined. The northern battlefield needs your help. You can bring as much power as you can to the Xianlin Breeding House. The elf tide is too large. I also notified."

"I'm ready to go now."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Hua Jianming quickly used the mobile app to call a taxi to the highway intersection.

After hearing that it was the trainer who went to support, the taxi driver also ushered in the peak of his career, and the exhaust covered countless traffic lights.

When Hua Jianming started to hear the explosion, he was already very close to the battlefield.As far as the line of sight is concerned, flames and blood are intertwined to form a hideous and terrifying picture.

The taxi driver who didn't ask for the fare set off again. Hua Jianming looked at the scene in front of him a little sick, and endured it with difficulty.

in the middle of the battlefield,

The automatic rifles in the hands of thousands of members of the combat team were shining brightly, and the bullets released frantically formed a torrent of metal one after another and bombarded the incoming wave of elves head-on.

The tide-like metal bullets with powerful kinetic energy penetrated the scales of the platypus and entered the flesh and blood.

Feeling the pain coming from its body, the huge duck-billed fire beast let out a roar, and the slow-paced coal turtles rushed up one after another and moved forward.

A series of bullets, like a rain of arrows, struck densely on the tough shells of the coal turtles. Instead of being sieved as imagined, dense white spots were left on the shells.

It couldn't break through the coal turtle's defense!
Fortunately, the combat team had enough firepower, and the coal turtles could not block all the elves behind them, and many elves fell on the way to charge.

The corpse collapsed in a pool of blood and was trampled into blood foam by the tide of elves behind him.

This was the first time Hua Jianming saw the elf die tragically in front of him.

Wisps of black mist floated from the bodies of those dead elves, dissipating until they disappeared.

The battle continues!

Facing the fire coverage network composed of thousands of automatic rifles and armored vehicle machine guns, the black Lujia charging at the forefront was beaten to a pulp by the powerful firepower before it could roar.

The corpses were poured into a pool of blood and then crushed into minced meat by the companions behind, forming a bloody dividing line at the edge of the toll booth.

Against the backdrop of the sun, it seems that the whole thing is divided into blood-red and normal halves.
"That's how you beat me hard! Relying on the advantage of firepower, no matter how crazy these little elves are."

In the middle of the combat team, the middle-aged man tightly squeezed the trigger with his thumb, looking at the bloody hell-like scene in front of him, instead of fear, there was extreme excitement in his eyes.

He hadn't experienced this feeling of being on the edge of life and death for a long time.

Since the appearance of the little elves, it has been a long time since the Rearmed Forces have received such attention.He is a staunch old school guy who has always felt that hot weapons are the answer to war.

"Such firepower cannot be suppressed for long."

Looking at the bloody dividing line approaching little by little, Hua Jianming thought in his mind, waiting for the elves who were the cannon fodder in the front to consume a lot of firepower.

The real test of the entire defense line is facing the elves above the elite level in the rear.

After observing the situation, Hua Jianming quickly went to the temporary assembly point.

This is the temporary convening point for trainers set up by the alliance, and many trainers have volunteered to come to the front line.

Hua Jianming took a look, most of them were students wearing uniforms of Rongcheng Spirit Academy.

"Are you Hua Jianming, the owner of the Xianlin Breeding House?"

Just as Hua Jianming was about to register, a man in camouflage uniform stepped forward.

"it's me."

Although he was puzzled as to why the man in camouflage recognized him, Hua Jianming didn't say much.

"Wenren Tianwang has already told me the matter, and I am waiting for you."

The man in camouflage is none other than Qi Qin.

"My humble Huaxia Sea Warrior instructor, let's stop talking nonsense, you should have brought a lot of elves this time, right?"

Hua Jianming nodded, and patted the backpack on his back.

"That's good. This time, the Bu-style breeding house also brought a lot of water-type elves to help out."

As he said that, Qi Qin took Hua Jianming and Bu Hongcheng, the owner of the Bu-style breeding house who followed him early in the morning, and walked towards the front line.

Bu Hongcheng glanced at Hua Jianming from time to time.

This is his colleague?

Too young.

"The leader is here, the team has already held back the wave of elves. All that's left is time to repel or even defeat them."

Seeing Qi Qin who suddenly appeared in front of him, the middle-aged man said with a smile on his face.

"I can't resist, General Liu, the ones at the front are just cannon fodder in the tide of elves."

Bu Hongcheng properly reminded the middle-aged man who hadn't figured out the situation yet.

"Although the ammunition consumed is nothing, but when the main combat forces in the wave of elves emerge, it will be difficult to suppress them with the current firepower network."

Qi Qin changed his usual amiable face and became serious.

When he just looked around the battlefield, he found that compared with the one many years ago, this wave of elves is not only huge in number, but also more terrifying in quality than expected.

Obviously, the elves that appeared around Rongcheng City seemed to exceed expectations.

"The battle has reached a fever pitch. After a while, the tide of elves is likely to break through our first line of defense. At that time, we will have to rely on you trainers."

Bu Hongcheng looked at Qi Qin suspiciously, and his brows began to wrinkle.

"Instructor Qi, what do you mean?"

"That's right, the leader of this wave of elves should be an elf at the peak of the heavenly king level—the duck-billed fire beast."

"However, fortunately, it is a fire-type elf. Our water-type heavenly king, Wenren Cedar, should be able to barely block it."

"That's good."

Hearing this, Bu Hongcheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"The most important thing is time! Because Wenren Tianwang's plane will not arrive until tomorrow! And our troops can only resist until tomorrow morning at most."

The key to this question is not when Wenren Xuesong will arrive in Rongcheng, but whether the Haiyong army and trainers can withstand the wave of elves.

"So, before that, those elves below the king level need you to resist."

"As for the Heavenly King-level duck-billed fire beast, leave it to me."

Although Qi Qin said so, he actually didn't have the confidence.

His strongest elf is also a water arrow tortoise, but it is only a first-time king-level elf, and it may be difficult to parry the duck-billed fire beast at the peak of the king-level.

You must know that after the Heavenly King level, there will be a huge gap in the level of strength.

The facts were exactly as Qi Qin had guessed, after a night of fierce fighting, the battle reached its climax with the passage of time.

The expressway in Rongcheng is basically built on the side of the mountain, and there is a scorching chill on the expressway in the early morning.

In the wave of elves in the distance, an elf that was bigger and fatter than the platypus uttered a terrifying roar, and the hair all over his body looked like it was burning.

Wisps of black mist gushed out from its body, the huge cannon barrels at both ends of its thick arms shot out fiery flames towards the sky, and the flame-like patterns on its body also began to wade out terrible flames.

He is simply a god of fire!
With the order of the platypus, the tide of elves stagnated for a short time.


A group of tall, flame-wrapped platypus-billed fire beasts galloped out of the tide of elves, and ran towards the toll booth that was a temporary trench.

The flames on the duck-billed fire beasts have been connected together, like a prairie fire.

Facing the dense bullets like locusts crossing the border, the flames lingered around these duck-billed fire beasts, blocking a lot of damage for them.

The head was lowered, and the huge body was like a chariot, crushing the corpse of the elf who had collapsed in front of him into powder, and leaped across the blood-red dividing line.

The swarms of bullets fell on their bodies, and under the barrier of flames and hair, they could only leave a shallow mark on the skin.

"All of them are elite-level duck-billed fire beasts!"

Bu Hongcheng could see the strength of this group of duck-billed fire beasts at a glance.

The middle-aged man called General Xiao Liu also looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"I can't stop it! Captain, I can't stop it!"

(End of this chapter)

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